Alien Life - What Is Your Truth? - IFC Finals - Third Round

in #ifc6 years ago

Always look up. You never know, you might see a ufo. - Unknown

Aliens can be a really controversial topic. I mean, why wouldn't it be though. It can be hard for us, as humans, to wrap our mind around the idea of other life forms besides us being in space. I just find it a lot harder to wrap my head around the idea of us being the only other life form. The universe is massive. Apparently, 96% of the universe is undiscovered. In case you didn't know, that is actually an insane amount of the unknown left out there.

I'm slightly obsessed with the idea of aliens. The thought of them is extremely intriguing. Although I am a firm believer in them, I do like to hear the opinions of others as well. I'm not at all here to try and persuade anyones thoughts, I just want to try and open your mind.

I really can't imagine us, here on planet earth, being the only intelligent life form in our big universe. UFO sightings date back to many generations before us. Some say that UFO sightings are nothing more than secret advanced technology the government doesn't want us to know about and I believe that several of them are. What about the sightenings from many generations ago when it was highly unlikely that the government had advanced technology like they very well could today.

Are all of the hundreds and hundreds of eye witnesses making these abductions up? Are all of the eye witnesses making the UFO sightings up? Some of them don't sound even close to something our secret advanced technology could be compared to. What about the Men In Black? Are all of those eye witnesses making those stories up too? Generations apart sharing similar experiences. Normal everyday citizens, having odd encounters. Let's take abductions as an example for a moment; If this was a random psychotic episode, supposedly hundreds of normal people have these bad chemicals switch something in their brain that causes them to have a "crazy person" episode. They get abducted, share their experience of an abduction and go back to being completely normal only to never have another "episode". Given, some people do share several encounters with abductions but for this instance we are thinking of those with just one. Okay, so all of these people had the very same similar psychotic episode? Doesn't sound very likely. PicsArt_04-26-08.10.01.jpg

Every abduction seems to share the same scenario too. The most common similarity being the fact that time had what seemed like to them, slip away. What felt like minutes of them being gone, in reality turned out to be hours. Some people had hours pass with no memory of what happened during those moments. These are some pretty intense "psychotic episodes" for many different people to share. Don't ya think?

Barney and Betty Hill, 1961

Barney and Betty Hill were driving back from a holiday in Niagara Falls in September 1961. They noticed a light in the sky which got closer, eventually appearing as a huge shape hovering above their car. Barney got out and through his binoculars says he saw 11 humanoid figures in shiny black uniforms and capes, watching them.

Next, we will read about the hours that slipped away.

Terrified, the couple drove off. However, they both claim to have experienced a buzzing sensation, and when they finally arrived home at dawn the four-hour journey had taken seven hours.

The Hills' clothes were torn in strange places, and Betty found a mysterious pink powder on her dress. She began having intense dreams about the experience, in which skin samples were taken from her and a needle thrust into her navel. Later she drew a star map which she said she had been shown by the aliens.

Barney and Betty Hill were respected in their community – Barney was involved in the civil rights movement, and Betty was a social worker. No one had any reason to suspect they were lying.

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Amy Rylance, 2001

One October night, Amy Rylance
had been watching TV alone after her husband Keith and their friend Petra retreated to their respective bedrooms at around 9.30pm.

Two hours later, Petra returned to the living room just in time to witness Amy being carried out of the window and towards a “huge spaceship” by a beam of light.

Petra briefly fainted in shock, before screaming for Keith, who promptly awoke and rushed outside in search of his wife.

Although there was no sign of Amy or a spaceship, he noted the bushes underneath the window were burnt.

The pair called the police, who were sceptical about the abduction claims.

This next part is where this story gets really strange.

Just 90 minutes after she went missing, Keith received a call from a woman in Mackay, Queensland – an eight-hour drive away – who had found a very confused and dehydrated Amy in a petrol station.

Although unharmed aside from a few red marks on her legs and feet, Amy initially struggled to identify herself, and was taken to hospital.

Bizarrely, her body hair had also grown in a manner that suggested a considerable period of time had passed.

She later said she remembered lying on a bench in a brightly lit room, while tall figures took samples from her.

There are so many stories from normal everyday citizens that make these same claims. It is very strange and mind blowing.

Garry and Colin, 1992

In 2012, the British government revealed that the Ministry of Defence had taken this next abduction story seriously, they filed this alien encounter along with six others in Scotland.

Another case of alleged extraterrestrial activity in Scotland is that reported by ambulance technician Garry, then 33, and his friend Colin, 25.

The pair were driving along the A70 just south of Glasgow at 10pm, when they noticed a distant black object in the sky gradually moving towards them.

Suddenly, the object dropped a curtain of white light immediately in front of the van, and the pair blacked out.

They awoke to find that not only had an hour passed, but their van was now facing the opposite direction, despite neither of them remembering turning around.

The shaken-up men would later both reluctantly agree to being hypnotised in an effort to find out what had happened in their lost hour.

During these sessions, both men spoke in detail of experiencing intense pain as they drove into the light, and of being taken on board a spaceship and stripped of their clothing by three beings.

Garry also recalled hearing human screaming from a nearby room on the ship.

I'm really an odd person because I always tell my husband that it would be really interesting to get abducted by aliens. As long as they brought me back, of course. Aliens and UFOs don't really scare me. Even though these stories and the torture does sound terrifying, in all seriousness if I found a UFO I would go check it out.

Alright so abductions are nothing more than people having the same psychotic episode but what about cattle mutilation?

Cattle mutilation is the killing and mutilation of cattle under unusual, usually bloodless and anomalous circumstances. Worldwide, sheep, horses, goats, pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, bison, deer and elk have been reported mutilated with similar bloodless excisions; often an ear, eyeball, jaw flesh, tongue, lymph nodes, genitals and rectum are removed

I mean, sure, there are explanations but are they legit? Some theories says that it is nothing more than the circle of life. A certain way they die and get eaten apparently explains these mutilations. Some say it is the government, some say it's aliens. Who knows? Let's move on now because it does get a bit more strange than it already is.

The Day After Roswell

This book is a really cool read if you're into alien conspiracies! It was written by United States Army Colonel Philip J. Corso, discussing the the mysterious crash site near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Several stories claim that the government played a huge role in a cover up on any evidence of aliens during this instance. In the book, Corso explains a secret program he was involved in dealing with the Roswell crash. This book also makes claims that some of the technology we have today, was inspired by the technology taken from the spacecraft that crashed in Roswell. This is a glimpse of what you can find in the book:

I was on top of some of the most secret weapons projects at the Pentagon, and we had nothing like this, even under the wishlist category.

They played with this device a lot before they realized that it was an alien cutting device like a blowtorch...Why did the inhabitants of this craft have a cutting device like this aboard their ship? It wasn’t until later, when I read military reports of cattle mutilations in which entire organs were removed without any visible trauma to the surrounding cell tissue, that I realized that the light beam cutting torch I thought was in the Roswell file was actually a surgical implement, just like a scalpel, that was being used by the aliens in medical experiments on our livestock.

Pretty crazy stuff coming from what is said to be the source itself. In the book, you can read in depth of what the device was specifically like and how it operated. It does make the cattle mutilation a more interesting topic after reading it. I did say that I wouldn't be afraid of an alien or UFO and I still say that I would be curious to check one out but the first time that I read this book, I did get goosebumps. I believe in aliens and the roswell crash so maybe that is why the truth in the book, felt more believable and freaked me out. For a non believer, the words in the book will probably sound ludacris to you. Either way, the book is really worth reading.

When the author talked about the autopsy on the aliens recovered from crash, that was what I found neat and terrifying at the same time. I will admit, the claims in this book do seem a little out there but I only say this because of the insane amount of detail. Many people believe Corso lied, which like I previously said, the words in the book can sound ludacris. I do wonder why mysterious deaths have happened on others for less than what this man leaked. The author of this book did die a year later but he is was an elderly man at the time anyway. It's strange, if it is the truth why was the book able to be published? I won't say that we should dismiss any truth in these claims though. This was a well respected, highly ranked military man with no reason to lie. Not only that, several claims have been made about the roswell crash. Plenty of which came from well respected military men and women. We can't possibly think that there is no truth in any of them.

Anyway, here is a glimpse of the apparent autopsy on the aliens taken from the roswell crash;

Had I not read the medical examiner’s report of the alien from Walter Reed with my own eyes and reviewed the 1947 army photographs and sketches, I would have called any description of this creature pure science fiction

The physiology of this thing indicated that this was not a creature whose body had to work hard to sustain it. A larger heart, my ME’s report read, meant that it took fewer beats than an average human heart to drive the thin, milky, almost lymphatic like fluid through a limited, more primitive looking, and apparently reduced capacity circulatory system. As a result, the biological clock beat more slowly than a human’s and probably allowed the creature to travel great distances in a shorter biological time than humans.

The heart was very decomposed by the time the Walter Reed pathologists got their hands on it. It seemed to them that our atmosphere was quite toxic to the creature’s organs. Given the time that passed between the crash of the vehicle and the creature’s arrival at Walter Reed, it decomposed all of the organs far more rapidly than it would have decomposed human organs.

The military recovery team at the Roswell site had reported that the two creatures still alive after the crash had difficulty breathing our atmosphere.

The book goes into so much depth about the creatures. It discusses the inside of the ship lacking any food, the lack of a control panel to drive the craft, advanced technology and it even goes into the exact detail of the anatomy on these aliens. You can read The Day After Roswell by clicking here. Enjoy!

With no real evidence, nothing is set in stone. I can't tell you for sure that there are aliens and of course we cannot believe everything we read. Just like we discussed last week with conspiracy theories, we can't dismiss everything either. I personally find too many consistencies with aliens and ufo stories for me to dismiss them.

I do often wonder how aliens work with religion. I believe in God too but I don't follow any one religion so for me to be so open, it isn't far fetched to believe in both. I am curious though, if you believe in aliens, do you believe in God? Can the two coexist? Some say God is an alien. Who knows...

Watching The Night Sky

Looking up at the sky at night can be very relaxing. Gazing at the twinkle of each star... If you watch the sky long enough, you will notice when things are out of place. Some nights, a certain star will twinke more than others, in very odd ways.

I have even seen stars move across the sky. Most of us have though right, a shooting star? These are no ordinary shooting stars. I have seen a few directly straight up move extremely slow across the sky, taking minutes to move across only to very quickly shoot off and vanish. I have even seen stars do what we call, dance. These things will move around in different sporadic directions, sometimes there will be more than one in a cluster moving like this. Figure eights, up, down, left, right.... They can also be seen disappearing and reappearing in a further away spot, all on perfectly clear nights.

Each time I have seen these different things there have been other witnesses as well. I can't tell you for sure these are alien spacecrafts but damn if they aren't strange. I had one close encounter that I wrote about in a previous post;

One day around around 6:30 AM, my husband was driving me to work so I could go care for the elderly in the nursing home. We were on a back road with no one else around when suddenly we both seen this very large all black object, flying very slowly, it was up just barely above the treetops. This object was shaped like a diamond, it made no sound and had 3 lights on it. The lights were in a straight line with one bigger and brighter than the others, directly in the middle, none of the lights were blinking. I begged my husband to stop the car but he insisted that I must get to work. I managed to get him to at least slow down, when he did the object picked up pace, started to fly higher up in the sky and then quickly disappeared. This was around 4 years ago and I have since searched for another object in the sky that resembles this, with no luck.

I did say that the object was "flying slowly" but a much accurate word would have been hover. It was at one point almost directly above us. Silently, sitting almost still.

Mufon is such a fun sight to check out if you want to see the latest Alien/UFO news. They have Mufon TV, testimonies, annual reports, live UFO map and my favorite is the last 20 reports section. People from all around the world are constantly uploading information to this site about strange encounters. Almost every single one of them includes a picture and/or video for you to see for yourself!

In the end, alien talk and research can be really fun and interesting. There are always explanations as with everything else but, to be, or not to be...that is the question.


I think from reading the comments, that a new contest shoub be crowned. What is the first question you would ask an Alien. I wonder what language they speak?

I thought you did a wonderful job on this post. So many questions, and so few answers.

Thank you. I think that would actually be a very fun thing to add into maybe the future contest. Like, a mini quest!

I heard they speak through their mind with no words lol That is what people who claim to have been abducted say.

Maybe Apolymask can put it on a back burner for a quest in season two. It would be interesting to see what the questions would be. Make it a three part thing, What question would you ask, Why, and then what you think the answer would be. Should be long enough for a post or a series of pictures or meme's.
Oh as as to why the three parts, well everyone knows that aliens are part of the tri-lateral unionist.

Brilliant! @apolymask, you should add that to your notes for next season to spice things up since this was a hot topic. The 3 part quest would be fun.

I already added it to the list. :D I think it's an awesome idea for a quest! Kinda like the time travel one which was a lot of fun.

By the way, I tagged you @magicalmoonlight earlier on discord, in case you didn't see it.. Your opponent was too busy and wasn't able to get her entry in in time and we are voting to give her a chance to get a late entry in and would like your thoughts and what you think since she is your competitor.

Right now it's 5-0 who want to give her a chance to submit a late entry.
If we get your blessings, then I think all is good, if you don't want to give her a chance for a late entry then we will ask more people and see if the vote numbers change.

Usually 5-0 is enough, though if you don't want her to.. That might sway peoples opinion and you could prevent her from be able to submit a late entry.

Lemme know what you think as soon as you can! Thanks!

PS I haven't read your entry yet and but I'm about to read both yours and wholeself-ins.

Oh I love this.

Maybe we were made by aliens too that's why aliens keep abducting other humans. Heck maybe we will be aliens after we die. Who knows? They say we can be reincarnated in another planet? What, so our souls get "recycled" into another being in another planet? Why don't we just stay as energy huh?

Summady give me access to the akashic records! 😂 No drugs pls thanks. 😅

Posted using Partiko Android

I have heard theories that suggest we were made by aliens! It is rather interesting. Being recyled doesn't sound fun lol

I think that the thing that I would find most interesting about aliens if they landed here would be the questions that they could answer about the fundamentals of physics! To get here, they are likely to have travelled faster than light... I would kill to know that and about all the things that we don't know yet as a human race that they must know!

That would be an amazing question for them to answer! It would open up a whole new world for us.

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There is plenty we don't know, and even more that we will never know if we rely on the governments to tell us. I have to believe that there is other species about that are much more intelligent then where we are today in that department.
All a person would have to do to come to that conclusion would be to actually look at some of the things that have been built here on earth thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years ago like the pyramids.
There is no way in hell that the pyramids were built using the primitive tools we have been told that were used. The fact is that we couldn't reproduce those structures right now with the same accuracy as they were built with back long ago. That should be enough right there to at least say that the potential for some other beings to have been here previously exists, and who is to say that they haven't come back from time to time to check on what they had built and left?

very nice framework. many people kindnof overlapped what happens when that occurs. glad you got soe
response from folks. good luck!

I always enjoy reading your writing and thoughts, @magicalmoonlight...and your writing style always has a twist of humor and easy going-ness to it.

Very well written, clean format and fun!

Good luck in the contest!

To answer @bengy’s question there has been suggested aliens from another universe travel through worm holes. · A wormhole is a theoretical passage through space that could create shortcuts for long journeys across the universe. Wormholes , although not totally proven, are predicted by the theory of general relativity.- Einstein’s theory.

Oh yes, this I know from my previous studies! But the energy density required to fold points together would be phenomenal. Also there would be the new idea of more dimensions to discover (these would not necessarily be those that are suggested by the current versions of string theory), and the size and stability problems would also have to be solved! These would be great questions for them to answer!

I can't believe that we all think we are the only intelligent species in the whole universe, I mean the chances of that are pretty slim! I just think we don't have the capacity to see beyond our own realities. Hopefully one day when we are a more peaceful species, the other intelligent lifeforms will feel safe enough to make themselves seen to us! :D

Your thoughts are very well organized here. It is like you 'storyboarded' your post. This was extremely easy to read. The markdown was used appropriately and moderately, which really helps with the flow of the post.

A few things that would really help make this even better is an intro video. The way you introduced the post was really good. As I read it, I could hear suspenseful music and was imagining far out space alien stuff as you read that part to the audience. Yeah I saw your comment saying you were busy and wanted to spend more time on the post, so I am just imagining how much more awesome you could have made this!

I really cant get over how great of a flow this post has. Thought organization is my weak point, I find myself rambling and jumping around, so I really admire that about this post. Your skills as a writer is amazing and I wish I had your ability to organize thoughts into a great read for the reader that can easily be understood.

Thank you for this awesome post!


  • A picture of Lucky dressed as an Alien trying to abduct you as your sleeping you would have been funny!😄

Sorry for the late response but thanks a lot for the advice and kind words. I am glad you mentioned a video for this one to help make it better. I had a video explaining the cattle mutilation but took it out. Suspenseful music would have a really nice touch!

An abduction by him would have been hilarious for an ending of this post 😂