Parallel Universe Day #3 - [Intensive Milk Farming] - When Animal And Human Roles Are Reversed
What If Animals Treated Humans The Way We Treat Them?
How would you feel ?
This is Third Day of daily Parallel universe ARTWORK
For 50 days i will release a daily illustration showing that human cruelty has no limitation. We are a selfish race and i want people to feel the pain of the animals, to reverse our roles maybe in this way something will change inside of us.
Maybe we will see how this affect us directly and that We're Not The Center Of The Universe
Intensive Milk Farming
In intensive farming, the cows are thousands, enclosed year round in narrow stalls, without ever find out the taste of pastured grass. These farms pose significant risks to the environment, human health and animal welfare.
No words needed, the picture speak for itself... a thousand words!
Day #2 from a Parallel Universe - Hunting Trophies
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