Draw on Blockchain : Eternal Life, Exploring Ancient Egypt Exhibition Report 《永生傳說 透視古埃及文明》展覧

in #illustration7 years ago (edited)






Last Wednesday (18th) I went to see the Eternal Life: Exploring Ancient Egypt exhibition at the Hong Kong Science Museum. It was the last day of the exhibition, many people like me were the "deadline fighter" that rushed to see. Why did I go on the last day? BECAUSE THE MUMMIES WERE OLDEST ON THAT DAY, ISN'T IT? 🤔 In this exhibition, six mummies from the British Museum were shown. Also, 200 objects were demonstrated. From the exhibition, I gained a new insights into the ancient Egypt.


Outline 起稿



Some of the cartonnage cases have very beautiful painting and pattern. Stelae also attracted my attention. Therefore, I would like to draw one describing the life on Steemit :P

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因為之前颱風閉館了,科學館為此延長了最後幾天的展覧時間到晚上九時。當天下午四時多趕到,售票處就是人龍,等了大概二十分鐘左右。因為是星期三特價日,所以原本要HKD30 的票10元就OK了,不過就算30也是很佛心的價格啊。

一進去已經有一種神秘的氣氛,這個展覧的燈光是由頭暗到尾的,有些位置黑得不安,應該是為了保護木乃伊的措施吧?展覧是可以拍照的,不過不可以用閃光燈。所以,也就變成了木乃伊當模特的拍照大會了xDDD (木乃伊的心情可能是崩潰的)

Because of the typhoon and closed before, the museum extended the open hour to 2100 of the last 3 days. I arrived around 1600, there were a long queue in front of the ticket counter. Waited for around 20 min, I got the ticket by HKD10. This is the every Wednesday special offer, normal is HKD30 (Well, HKD30 is also touching price in the city, just around USD3.8). The entrance and the exhibition were dim, I guest it is for the protection of the mummies. Photo is allowed in the whole exhibition. So... it was a big shooting events and the models are mummies xDD

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Coloring 上色

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Start from background. I was not sure whether I should paint a layer of brown on the whole paper because the stela are stone in yellow brown. Finally, I left it and paint later.

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According to the description of one of the objects, they would paint the body of males with red/red brown, so I also used a darker reddish brown for the males.

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左上是以她由死後到經過一連串神明的考核,最後到達永生之地的動畫。其中一節是她要把心臟放天秤上,對面是一根羽毛。如果心比羽毛重,就代表不合格,不能得到永生,還要死第二次@@ 古埃及人認為靈魂是在放心臟,所以製造木乃伊時把所有內臟都抽掉,唯保留心。

The first real mummy I met was Nestawedjat, a married woman from Thebes (about 700-680BC). The style and quality of the cases indicated that she was from a wealthy family. It has four layers and the first three layers are cartonnage cases. In the 1960's, there was only not very clear X-Ray photo to identify the mummy. The cases painting and names written provided limited information. As a result, until the British Museum used the latest Computerized Tomography (CT) scanning to study the mummies. Nestawedjat was misclassified as a male. The upper-left was an animation of Nestawedjat after death and the journal to the eternal world. A scene that she needs to put her heart on the scale and the opposite is a feather. If her heart is heavier than the feather, she will fail the test and die again. The ancient Egyptian believed that heart contains the soul of human. During the process of making mummy, all organs were taken out but the heart.



The second one is Tamut, a Chantress of Amun (about 600BC). Her father was a priest of god Amun, the god of the gods. As a daughter from a high-states family, her coffin was made good quality, and amulets and ritual trappings placed with her body. This could protect her on the way to the world after death and long life.
The third one is Irthorru, a priest from Akhmim. He was a priest, therefore, his coffin was also well made. The most special thing is his gilded mask. It means that he could have a perfect face forever. Gold represents god's skin, so you could imagine how important it is.

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The forth one is A Temple Singer from Thebes (about 800BC). She was also a priest, a priest singer. Her name is unknown. The only thing we know is that she was married. Female priest and temple singers tended to choose young funerary equipment and delicated jewellery. This exhibition area also shows pretty accessory and beautiful tools, stelae and crafts.

The fifth is A Young Child from Hawara (about AD40-60). His gilded and well decorated cartonnage mask tell us that he might come from a wealthy family. It was not common to mummify children in ancient Egypt. However, this practice increased during the Roman period.

The last one is A Young Man from Roman Egypt (about AD140-180), the youngest one among six. In the Roman Egypt period, the making of mummy was still existing. The new design of coffin was attaching a "mummy portrait" on the mummy. This young man with beautiful eyes died at around 17 to 20 years old. According to the study, he had the problem of overweight. Wait! It doesn't shown on the portrait!

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Props 道具

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Didn't know it before. The ancient Egyptian fashion was wearing wig. The wigs were made by real hair, wool and fiber, and the human hair was the most expensive.

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There are some elements represent activities on Steemit. I left it for readers :P

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I added a frame. This is from one of my favourite stela. The wing is referenced from the Temple Singer from Thebes mummy. This section focus on beauty and accessory, I enjoyed this very much^^

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在圖畫上的古埃及文是在展覧的學習區看到的,不過回來搜查時,看到發音相近的字母E、I 和Y跟網絡上找的不同,不知道是不是年代不同還是翻譯的規格不同呢。 最後用化妝棉印上紋理來一點「石碑」的效果。

There was an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph learning corner. I tried to draw this, so the hieroglyph on the illustration is readable :) However, the translation of E, I and Y are different from the resources I found on Internet, don't know why. :-| Lastly, I used the cosmetic puff to add some texture and make it looks like a stela.

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Besides the mummies, there were many brilliant ancient objects shown. I choose some of my favorites and those I referenced here. Above one is from the area of Temple Singer. The 3D view of a Egyptian wearing wig. The front are shavers, tweezer and comb. The stela is called Funerary stela of Deniuenkhonsu. The famale singer, Deniuenkhonsu lived in the same period as the Temple Singer. The semi-transparend dress is so pretty. She is offering foods and flower to the god Ra-Horakhty-Atum. Pay attension to the frame which I used in the illustration <3

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The left one is "Stela of Qeh" from the area of priest, Irthorru. The upper part shows the priest is offering Osiris. The middle part is Qeh and his wife receiving offers from his son. I turned this into my idea of the "Steemit Activities". The right one is from the young child mummy area, called Group statue of Itu and Henutweret with their son. I saw it from the side view first and only saw only the adults. When I went to the front I was shocked by the little child in the middle. This stela shows the red skin of using red color for male skin.

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Epilogue 後記

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Leaving the main exhibition area, there was the interactive learning area. The scanner which reveal the truth of Nestawedjat. The chess game of ancient Egyptian; experiment of pulling blocks of the pyramid; making your ancient Egyptian name and interactive table. Placed the food models on the table and information of the food in ancient Egyptian period would pop up. I like this kind of learning area because both adults and children can enhance the knowledge and memory of exhibition. Moreover, the children looks excited. I think it can develop their habit and interest of visiting different kinds of exhibitions.

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才知道這東西@@ 祂是最省力畫的神啊,喜歡它!

祂的眼睛好像是可以發射東西的阿,雖然不知道是發射什麼,可是實在太酷了!<- 超幼稚



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不客氣 :)





我最喜歡埃及展了!!!!! :D



謝謝~ 也有鯨魚,像兒童書找找看小遊戲>u<



I love this work so much! It gives me the sense of childhood when I was drawing some things from history. It's very beautiful! And such a big post. It deserves much more.
Follow from @dunsky

Thank you!! And I found it is a nice way to solid my memory of the exhibition, by revising and recreating :D

Yeah, really nice hint. This is like a developement or studying. Seems a bit same like plainairs or sketching some world stuff outside.

香港展覽最後一天原來會有減價?😂😂這幅畫很像那些明星古蹟上的壁畫!傳聞說木乃伊和金字塔有外星人附助,不如加個 UFO 在畫中😅😅😅

好像星期三博物館都有特價~ 已經畫了不能改了喇😂!我還記得小學有一篇中文課文講金字塔,傳說登頂的人會七孔流血.... 然後我就學會了生詞七孔流血😂😂😂