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RE: There are no illegals! Here's the history of why Real Patriots Demand Open Borders.
I've about given up on considering law school, even though I have attorneys and political dissents begging me to go to help others. The monster that is government is too big and corrupt for reason, and is just getting worse year after year through their courts. If the courts cannot respond to reason, then the people must answer them in the only language they they speak-force. It is the courts choise-not our. It is long overdue for those who can to leave this country to do so and watch as this great behemoth collapses when all the men of reason have left.
I'll probably leave and restart my tech stuff in panama and just wait for the USA to collapse on itself.
Yea I thought about law school in the USA but there is no law. I already knew more than the lawers about law. What they wanted was indocnctyination. I am consideirng lawe school in Mexico.
The solution is to stop going to these kangaroo courts. Stop participating. It is time to go Super Gandhi on these criminals (And I know he is a bad reference). In our inalienable right to do so according to the Declaration of Independence. The only time you ever go to court is when they lawlessly kidnap you dragging you in there. Rescind all forms of government issued forms of identification. Free men don't have no government issued form of identification. Free men don't need permission to put a gun in their pockets. Go stateless! Stop voting, Stop paying taxes. Gun free zones are unconstitutional. If you must, stay away from them. Most importantly, stop using their language!!! At least that is what I am doing anyways. I know there is no silver bullet. I'm just another political prisoner in training. My country is the world. Like Thomas Paine. And my motto is, "Do no harm but stand your ground." Which is one reason I signed up for the World Passport. I refuse to call myself a United States Shitizen. No one is! We have all been lied to and are victims of fraud and deception. And this is the only NON violent solution. Don't fight, but don't run.
If there is no victim there is no crime. That is the law. Back in the day we had only one law man, the Sheriff. Back in the day, when you got out of jail you were given a gun, a horse, and set up with a place to stay and sometimes possibly a job. Today we now have over 70 armed corporate fascist neo Nazi government agencies. This is why I call myself a refugee. I'm all alone trying to defend myself from these criminals. We all are. I'm ready to die for my country. And my country is the world. For we truly do have a global problem on our hands.
Which is why I've been promoting my idea known as the NEW West. NOT New World Order. A well armed society is a polite society. I'm the militia your constitution warned you about! LOL We bring back duels again too. If two idiots want to go out and shoot up each other with fully automatic machine guns in front of an elementary school they have the god given right to do so LOL. Welcome to the NEW West!
I commend the Bundy's for trying. We need more of that. A LOT more if we ever want to see any change that we want to see in this world.
Recently about 20 cops were used to handle a man who made a minor traffic infraction. No amount of standing your ground will give you the peace and freedom you are presently searching for. If you are already feeling like standing your ground then it is by far already too late.
You say that this country has 70 armed corporate fascist neo Nazi Government agencies. When you say that you would die for this country then what are you dying for? These Nazis? You already acknowledged the choice to become stateless. But being stateless doesn't mean you are outside of a state's jurisdiction, and you can't ignore their courts. They will either arrest you or grant default judgment against you.
Even if you practice tax resistance they have a way to force compliance so long as you stay within their jurisdiction. These parasites can only suck so much out of the people before it can no longer sustain itself. If you are a capable capitalist then leave the united states and divest the dollar and use your talents to build up a new nation, if you receive benefits then try to see about leaving while continuing to collect the benefits and proceed to starve the government to death and as you use them for yourself you are also economically benefiting your new country.
I'm dying for the truth. Lead by example. White trash hillbilly redneck America is too afraid to. Imagine enough patriots doing this. Ever hear of the 100 monkey? It is time for the next shot heard around the world. The Founders would of been shooting already. It is Judgement Day! We the people have to be the ones to deliver the sentence. Or else we have no one to blame but ourselves. Me, I refuse to tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death. It is all psychological warfare.
I am not on benefits but I am disabled. Had it not been for Corporate Fascist America stealing all our resources I would probably be able to get the help I need to get over my disability. I had my chance to leave the country. As much as America sucks, it is kinda hard getting a gun anywhere else. Unless you're an Islamic terrorist or drug cartel. Then the government will just give you one LOL. Neither of which I am. I'm a true free man. I refuse to call myself an anarchist. Most anarchists are still crapitalists. I'm a conscientious objector. Like I said, I am just another proud political prisoner in training.
It really doesn't matter if the ones opposing the police state are capitalist or not. Rather it is the acknowledgement that there is a problem, the acknowledgement of what is the problem, and debate about how to respond to the problem. The time for the shots to be heard around the world is premature, because in part you are right-the people are too afraid too. The other part is-Americans don't understand how bad it is getting as to actually start a war. Without some type of foreign intervention to make the first moves, it is a question of how much worse does America have to get before there is an organic response.
You are perhaps 5-20 years ahead of what most Americans realize. Rather than assert gun rights, You should use that knowledge to profit your own future and to those that will listen.
I've been trying. I left the west coast as a result of not finding anyone doing the Sovereign free man movement. The activists I did meet were too afraid to and then called themselves activists. They laughed at me. Even Gavin denounced the whole Sovereign free man movement. It is the only non-violent solution. Or else like you said, leave the country and invest in Mexico. Which isn't a bad idea at all actually and I commend you guys for doing so.