RE: What do high immigration levels mean to LGBTI people?
Increased immigration is negatively effecting 'all' native people in every Country not just lgbti or Australia. But it's ironic because now lgbt are facing the moral dilemma that they themselves chastised the Christisn Right for doing. The moral dilemma now is..does lgbt believe that the West should change their culture/structures to accomodate the new Islamic culture/belief in rights? Are you an Islamaphobe if you disagree with allowing 'the norm' of multiple wives? If not..then how is a Christian homophobic for not wanting marriage redefined to include lgbt?
I don't know anyone in this Country who doesn't believe lgbti have the same rights as anyone else as written in the American Constitution. Yet in not wanting marriage to include man/man or woman/woman Christians have been demonized by lgbt as homophobic. Are lgbt willing to own their own concept and call themselves Islamaphobes?