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RE: The immigration into Europe!

in #immigration6 years ago

Since when are immagrants allowed to work - they don't have papers - it takes months to get them (if you even get them)? And yes i would send my children - grandma - wife - ... . Why? Because I as a male would be able to survive better alone in a warzone then with children or woman. Don't get me wrong he but your logic is incorrect.

Would you leave your wife and kids in a area known to abuse woman and children as sex slaves? As a commodity to trade?

Get of your leftist horse and read the real news!


Imagine a big family, 20 persons, children, elders, adults together. They are poor and have only money to send 1 person to abroad, who can go West and work later support them all. Will they send a grandma, a young girl, or a strong man capable of work (whenever he can?)

What kind of an excuse is that? Send the one person who could fight for their country away and let all the rest suffer? Why spend 5000 + EURO when they could all flee to a country next door for just gas money? Yet they flee to Europe. Makes me wonder if they escape the war or come here to live of our society expense.