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RE: Will Steemit become the ultimate platform to announce and discuss future ICO's without the fear of manipulation?

in #immunity8 years ago

I think you make a good point ☝️ When I make searches on google for certain important topics I also add steemit as a keywords because I feel this information will be more trustworthy and unbiased !Good posts and I agree steemit is a good platform to discuss ICO


One of Steemit's greatest qualities as a matter of fact!

The openness on here is a total breath of fresh air, and even the totally public wallet transactions will help prevent future fraud as well.

All one would have to do is hangout on Reddit for just a day, to see all the corruption and manipulation that goes on there. One of the most recent examples of which I was involved in personally, was a silence attempt from the fan boys of Neo (ain't so fan boyish now though) and IOTA.

That's a great idea. I've found that google is pretty good at finding older Steemit posts!

Sensational @acidyo!! This is a very important point you've made,

I just wanna show the Steemit Community how obsolete Reddit has become as a platform for open discussions, especially when there is money involved.

I don't take ANY Crypto Company seriously if they're NOT on SteemIt. Seems pretty lame to be a Blockchain company and NOT use a functioning Crypto like Steem to produce your companies important announcements.

I'll tell you of ONE Blockchain company that I don't take seriously, because they refuse to use the Steem blockchain for proper documentation of their company's workings. Any idea?
Yea... SteemIt Inc. has ONE Stupid post from over a year ago and since then, nothing... You would think these guys could use their own platform for PR alone but no; they're a bunch of Hack Pre-miners that expect others to use their service while they sit back and do very little... kind of shady if you ask me. But I will use Steem for it's obvious Utility even if it's inventors don't.

Thank you and SteemON!

@steemitdev has 4 posts... so are you being serious?

@steemitblog says it has just over 100 posts in over a year. This too is a paltry amount.

Steemit is a sensation, but the Devs and the people in charge of marketing have done a sensationally POOR job overall. Then there is that whole thing about Pre-Mining a bunch of the Steem for these same people who ought to be providing much more, thanks to the millions of $$ they made by Gaming the entire platform... but I digress.

Read the posts on the accounts that @teamsteem linked to. I'm personally glad they have stopped using centralized platforms to discuss their roadmaps and future plans about the platform. It will be only a matter of time until more companies and projects will start using the steem blockchain for it, such as @sportspodium.

I would like to see it happening here in Steemit. I should launch my coins here :) Where to start?

Follow me @Yehey
Thank you

Yeah, it definitely is, man. I've looked up a lot of formatting posts and some other stuff from almost a year ago with ease so long as I put steemit as a keyword with the rest of it.

Thank you ! Yea it really is, and depending on who has commented on the post I can get a feeling of the legitimacy of the post- steemit is good and transparent this way like you mention in the post .

I think Steemit will definitely become THE platform. Just like bitcoin will become THE currency.

yeah ! steemit is better than reddit for sure

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hey ! iam also new to this

how is your experience with steemit?

Yes your new so I will inform you that copy pasting irrelevant links for follows and votes will not get you success here. Also I would bet that profile photo is not you and will just make you look even more shady.
Try contributing something to the subject or writing your own posts about what you have to offer.
Best Regards~*~