Incan Proverb

Buenos Dias Mi Familia!!!

An Incan proverb says, "It is only when the fishing gear is broken that one hears its wonderful performance. The tongue is only 3 inches, but it can kill a man that is 6ft tall."

The tongue is a powerful tool. We can build relationships with it or we can destroy relationships with it. We can attract good company or bad company with it. What we say and how we say things can harm others. It can make us feel better about ourselves. It is easy to get caught up in gossip, but let's remember that our words matter. What we say matters, not so much to us, but more importantly to others.

Question for the day: What is my goal when I am speaking?

Action for the day: I will practice mindfulness today by watching what I say. I will focus on building others up today by choosing my words carefully. I will focus on attracting good company.

Peace and love to all

~ KO