A Few Thoughts On Cryptocurrencies On India's 69th Republic Day!

in #india7 years ago

A Republic-by definition is a state where true power lies in the hands of the people. Cryptocurrencies are here to give that power back to people or atleast that's the greater presumption amongst cryptocurrency enthusiasts. We want to be able to do as we please; whenever, wherever!


Cryptographic encryptions and anonymity in digital financial transactions were created to ensure people remain in control of their money so that no individual or organisation can take it away by force. Governments have a history in taking away power of the people by force!

Governments across the world exercise control over their citizens by controlling their ability to save their incomes, and restrict their spending capabilities. They decide what can be considered as a 'money' without ever explaining what money really means to their citizens. To a large extent I don't think we really care! But, governments also get to decide how we use it and where we store it!

As children we aren't really taught the concept of money. We are told use this thing to get that and if you have x times y-pieces of paper with you then you get to buy x number of whatever you want with those papers your wallet. But what are these pieces of paper and why do they have any value? Nothing has intrinsic value. We believe money in our wallets have value because we are told.

Cryptocurrencies have value because we (as users and owners) say it does-not the government!

Indian government in recent times has been harping on a digital India initiative. Most of it has been a great PR initiative as internet connectivity is far from incredible in India.

Currency and technology are supposed to empower the masses, and we're getting there quite steadily, albeit a bit slowly with some political instability and red tape. Some private companies have made it easier for people to log-on to the internet with somewhat affordable internet schemes and packages. This has certainly improved the environment.

On one end the government wants us to reduce our use of fiat currency in its physical form and go cashless. Use internet banking and card payments more frequently over cash transactions. This is their attempt to curb black money but none of this has helped in reducing the cash economy of our country.

If digital India is where we're headed then cryptocurrencies make a lot of sense. Of course, the masses need education on handling private keys and securing their wallets but cryptocurrencies by nature threaten the existence of trust based custodians of our money-Banks! Governments cannot restrain use or control its citizens when it cannot control our supply and use of our money.

For India to become a true republic where we-the citizens of our country can truly exercise our rights and freedom without having to queue up for it or fight for it is the day when we can rejoice! Money runs this world in various forms and we need the freedom to earn our legitimate incomes and use it the way we choose.

Prior to our Independence my country was subjugated under colonial imperialism and post-independence it has drowned in significant, noticeable corruption. We are a long way to go from achieving true freedom and unrestrained lives, where we can choose without fear, societal taboos, and unethical judgement. However, we continue to do the best we can with our situation. Life isn't grim here, if anything we continue to thrive as a race and country.

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies in my opinion are here to stay. They will continue to disrupt traditional methods of doing business and they will force a change. We are part of this global movement towards regaining our rights. Cryptocurrencies may not replace any fiat currency soon, but I hope that it will thrive alongside as it empowers the under-privileged resulting in mass adoption.

I use and spread the word on the Steem blockchain in the hopes that it will be a small but significant part of this cryptocurrency-revolution that is happening all over the world. Hence, I am hopeful that someday in the future we'd be better off than we are today.


A very happy Republic Day to my fellow countrymen and women! :)

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Hey firepower,

Happy republic day firepower and to all the Indians from across the border.
Yes, you are right. There will be a day when governments will realize the importance of crypto. It is just in human nature to not accept the change.

Thank you, brother.
It has always been the pleasure of people in power to keep their subordinates in check. The compulsion for UID Aadhar card is solid proof. Hence, we have a long way to go in making cryptocurrency fully accepted in India.

Yeah, that's true and it is the case everywhere. But the thing is latter or sooner they will have to do that. so the early they do, the better it is.

Happy Republic Day to @firepower and to all the Indians on Steemit! It does not matter whether crypto-currencies replace fiat or not....True democracy must not dictate what the people should use...Freedom of choice should always be within the hands of the people...I am very sure that all democratic nations will come up with some kind of regulations on Crypto's very soon...And all the crypto exchanges who are currently following the law of the land and collecting KYC from their customers should be allowed to run without any issues.

india is beautiful country i m from india but from past 6 months i m in africa i like africa too but india is best for me u ca find sea land snow desert mountain delta anything in a one country .

now i feel proud indian

happy republic day miss india

Sure you do find everything but most of the people can't even afford to travel to any new places. Poverty is real.

Happy Republic Day India 🎆

Thank you for sharing sir @firepower.

Happy Republic Day to you!

Good insight. Happy Republic Day. Cheers!!

That's true. We believe the money in our pocket has value because that's what we're told ^^

I think there is a tremendous amount of potential for Crypto in India, but also other emerging markets like China. The thing is, both of those countries have large populations (2.5 billion people) who are either unbanked (they don’t have a bank account) or are (under banked) they don’t have access to financial service alternatives to do what they need (whatever that may be)
Because of this, I think Cashaa is poised to shine in those region as well as many others - I would sugest taking a look at their website as you can find out more about them and see if it’s something that interests you.

Good to see fellow Indians on Steemit. Happy Republic Day to you as well.