All about cardamoms!

in #indian4 years ago

Have you ever wondered a tiny looking spice can do a lot of benefits? no?

They have a lot of benefits.

  • It helps to prevent colorectal cancer.
  • It is good in stomach disorders.
  • It improves blood circulation.
  • It is effective in asthma and other respiratory diseases.
  • It helps with sore throat and hiccups.
  • Prevents nausea and vomitting.
  • Exellent remedy for urinary tract diseases.
  • They can be eaten as a mouth freshner.
  • It has a lot of vitamins such as vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Thiamin etc.
  • Minerals such as magnesium, iron, zinc etc.
  • It even have nutrients.

You actually need more reasons to add this in your daily meals?

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