indo-STEM Report #5

in #indo-stem7 years ago (edited)

Hello Dear Steemian, Hopefully everybody still health to read STEM post on steemit, Today i Will Announce The Posts Curated by @steemSTEM  in this week base on #indo-stem tag. 

This is the 5th week of indo-steem project ince 14 November 2017, indo-STEM is a sub of #steemSTEM base on indonesian langguage or both indonesia and english to help the indonesian steemian to create STEM content. Bellow is the posts and author posts who have curated by steemSTEM in this week.  

Wednesday / Rabu 

Home Secondary Skin Protection From Ultraviolet Light On Sunlight By: @fulsketch 

The main function of secondary skin concept aims to neutralize the light (heat) due to the sunlight on the wall of the building, where the building is facing toward the sun. Because the sun's rays from the west are greater than other direction. 

Perlindungan Kulit Sekunder dari Cahaya Ultraviolet Di Sinar Matahari Oleh @fulsketch

Fungsi utama dalam konsep secondary skin bertujuan untuk menetralkan cahaya (panas) akibat sinar matahari yang mengenai dinding bangunan, dimana bangunan tersebut yang menghadap ke arah matahari. Karena sinar maahari dari arah barat lebih besar dari arah lain.

Thursday / Kamis 

FARM LAND RECOVERY PART (1) The Crying of Nature By: @jenara

The utilization of chemical fertilizers can cause land damage especially for food crops (rice fields) and other harsh crops, the damaging of soil can adversely affect of farmers' income, especially for production and quality. Basically, the soil contains the full nutrients produced by the natural process (the activity of aerobic bacterial metabolism) has made the soil surface fertile and known as the humus layer. 


Penggunaan pupuk kimia dapat menyebabkan kerusakan tanah terutama untuk tanaman pangan (sawah) dan Tanaman keras lainnya, kerusakan dapat berdampak buruk terhadap pendapatan petani, terutama produksi dan kualitas. Pada dasarnya, tanah mengandung nutrisi penuh yang dihasilkan oleh proses alami (kegiatan metabolism bakteri aerob) telah membuat tanah permukaan menjadi subur dan dikenal dengan lapisan humus. 

Friday / Jum'at

The Utilization of Iron Electric for Human Necessity  By @yoes

The process of heat transfer in the heating element is a process of change from electric energy to heat energy in the iron base caused by induction, this process does not involve the transfer of mass from element to base, only electron movement occurs in both metals. 

Pemanfaatan Listrik Pada Setrika Untuk Kebutuhan Manusia By @yoes

Proses perpindahan panas pada elemen pemanas merupakan proses perubahan dari energy listrik menjadi energy panas pada alas setrika yang disebabkan oleh induksi, proses ini tidak melibatkan perpindahan masa dari elemen ke alas sertika, hanya pergerakan electron terjadi pada kedua logam.

Saturday / Sabtu

What's Globalization and How it's Influence on Agricultural? By @azirgraff 

The Declining in of local food farmers and strengthen and the increasing of food imports from foreign countries due to liberalization, The local farmers have been victimized by international trade (liberalization). But on the other side, the globalization could become a positive effect such as agricultural activity becomes easier and more effective with the technology. 

Apa itu Globalisasi dan Bagaimana Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pertanian? By @azirgraff

Penurunan pangan petani lokal dan memperkokoh dan meningkatkan pangan impor dari negara luar akibat liberalisasi, Petani lokal telah menjadi korban karena perdagangan internasional (liberalisasi). Namun disi lai lobalisasi dapat memberikan efek positif seperti aktivitas pertanian menjadi lebih mudah dan efektif dengan teknologi.

Sunday / Minggu  

The Use Of Steel Materials In Building Construction And Its Influence On Earthquake By: @raviyanda 

 The construction of steel buildings can prevent buildings damaged or cracked in the event of the an earthquake, due to the strong of steel pulling and the maximum pull ability of the steel. For example, an earthquake-resistant building can flow the inertial force of each element of the main structure of the horizontal force. 

 Penggunaan Bahan Baja Dalam Konstruksi Bangunan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Gempa Bumi Oleh @raviyanda

Kontruksi bangunan baja dapat mencegah bangunan rusak atau retak pada saat terjadi gempa, karena daya tarikan baja yang sangat kuat, karena kemampuan tarikan baja yang maksimal. Contohnya, bangunan anti gempa dapat menyalurkan gaya inersi dari tiap-tiap elemen pada struktur utama gaya horisontal.

Monday / Senin

Roof Garden, Solutions Of Urban Green Space By @azizsuloh

The Skyscraper buildings and terraced houses have been using as the park on the roof and this event is not a rare thing, the application of roof garden or green roof is a form of compensation due to the lack of open green land. The roof garden also a concept of architectural landscape.

Taman Atap, Solusi Ruang Hijau Perkotaan Oleh @azizsuloh

Gedung-gedung pencakar langit dan rumah bertingkat telah menggunakan taman diatas atap dan peristiwa ini bukan hal yang langka, aplikasi roof garden atau green roof merupakan bentuk kompensasi karena minimnya lahan terbuka hijau. Roof garden juga suatu konsep dari landscape arsitektur.

Thanks to @steemSTEM curators, @lemouth and @justtryme90 who have supported indonesian STEM content. and thanks for all Content Creator who have particpated their selves in indo-STEM project.

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