Jefri Gaming– Skill and Hero Aurora Build Item the Games Mobile legends(ENG-IND) #21

Hallo friends steemian how are you today, Come again with me @jefrim503 I will discuss about online games and Android. In this post I will explain a little hero in mobile legends, I explain a little bit about hero Aurora.
Aurora Mobile Legend's Story:

Aurora, born in a windstorm and has great power controlling ice and snow shirt. He is the queen of northernmost land-Nost Gal, ruler of Frozen sea and the keeper of Land of Dawn. Although they were all in the northernmost land, Aurora was never interested in the conflict between Franco and Bane. He was born very strong and extraordinary. As one of the four guards of the Land of Dawn, he takes care of all responsibilities to protect the world, protect the borders and ensure the safety of the cracking of space and monsters. In the terrible war, Aurora lost one of his hands, along with his guard knights. After this incident, the young queen becomes haughty and cold, silent and filled with sadness. As he was riding the wind, only snow and ice accompanied him.
Attributes owned by Aurora:

- Movement Speed: 245
- Physical Attack: 110
- Magic Power: 0
- Armor: 17
- Magic Resistance: 10
- HP: 2501
- Where: 500
- Attack speed: 0.8
- HP Regen: 34
- Where Regen: 23
- Basic Attack Crit Rate: 0
- Ability crit rate: 0
In the legend mobile game Aurora has its own trick capabilities and tips as follows:
Aurora Mobile Legend Skill:

1. Pride Of Ice: Passive
Each time a skill is released, a unit of Frost energy will be added to the hero, when 4 units of Frost energy are collected, the next damage skill will be Freeze target. All skills can cause additional Magic damage against frozen targets.

2. Frost Shock: Cooldown: 4.0 ManaCost: 60
Shoot ahead Frost energy missile, when the opponent will explode and deliver 300 (+ 130% total magic power) points of radial magic damage and then slow down the opponent.

3. Bitter Frost: Cooldown: 11.0 Mana Cost: 110
Gives 430 (+ 180% total magic power) magic damage to specific targets and causes the movement speed of the target to drop by 80% for 1.5 seconds.

4. Coldness Destroy: Cooldown: 40.0 Mana Cost: 160
Bringing out a giant ice cubes to bombard the target location, all the affected opponents will be slow and receive 900 (+ 180% total magic power) points of magic damage. Surrounding the opponent at the target location where the rock landed will also give a slow effect and receive 450 (+ 90 total magic power) points of magic damage
Items used in Aurora:

1. Enchanted Talisman: +50 magic power + 250HP + 20% cooldown reduction.
passive unique-where spring: regener 10% total of max where every 10 seconds.

2. Arcane boots: +15 magical PEN.
Uniqueness: + 40 movement SPD.

3. Lightning Truncheon: +75 magic Power + 30 Mana regen
Unique Passive-resonate: every 6 seconds, the chance of your magical ability will increase, maximum 3 enemies will be injured as much as 150% magic power damage.

4. Holy crystal: +90 magic power.
uniqueness: + 25% unique passive magic power -exterminate: after the target hits skill, magic attack will soon increase 15% next damage will end this effect. This effect can last up to 3 s with buil-in buil-in time of 10 s.

5. Devil tears: +65 Magic Power
Uniqueness: + 40% magical PEN unique passive-spellbreaker: when HP is higher than 70%, unique effects bonus increases 30%.

6. Blood Wings: +150 Magic Power +150 HP
Unique Passive-nirvana: add 2 HP for every 1 magic power in add.
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Best wishes for a steemian friend ...?

Hallo teman-teman steemian apa kabar hari ini, Datang lagi dengan saya @jefrim503 saya akan membahas tentang game online dan Android.Di postingan kali ini saya akan menjelaskan sedikit hero di dalam mobile legends,langsung saya jelaskan sedikit tentang hero Aurora.
Kisah Aurora Mobile legend's:

Aurora, lahir dalam badai angin dan memiliki kekuatan besar mengendalikan es dan baju salju. Dia adalah ratu dari northernmost land-Nost Gal, penguasa Frozen sea dan penjaga Land of Dawn. Walaupun mereka semua berada di northernmost land, Aurora tidak pernah tertarik pada konflik diantara Franco dan Bane. Dia terlahir sangat kuat dan luar biasa. Sebagai salah satu dari empat penjaga Land of Dawn, ia mengurus semua tanggung jawab untuk melindungi dunia, melindungi perbatasan dan memastikan keamanan dari keretakan ruang waktu dan monster-monster. Saat terjadi perang yang sangat mengerikan, Aurora kehilangan salah satu tangannya, bersama dengan ksatria penjaganya. Setelah kejadian ini, sang ratu muda menjadi angkuh dan dingin, pendiam dan penuh dengan kesedihan. Saat ia sedang mengendarai angin, hanya salju dan es yang menemaninya.
Atribut yang dimiliki oleh Aurora:

- Movement Speed: 245
- Physical Attack: 110
- Magic Power: 0
- Armor: 17
- Magic Resistance: 10
- HP: 2501
- Where: 500
- Attack speed: 0.8
- HP Regen: 34
- Where Regen: 23
- Basic Attack Crit Rate: 0
- Ability crit rate: 0
Dalam game mobile legend Aurora memiliki kemampuan trik sendiri dan tips sebagai berikut:
Skill Aurora Mobile Legend:

1. Pride Of Ice: Pasif
Setiap kali skill dikeluarkan, satu unit dari Frost energy akan ditambahkan kepada hero, ketika 4 unit dari Frost energy dikumpulkan, damage skill berikutnya akan Freeze target. Semua skill dapat menyebabkan Magic damage tambahan terhadap target yang beku.

2. Frost Shock: Cooldown: 4.0 ManaCost: 60
Menembakkan ke depan Frost energy missile, ketikamengenai lawan akan meledak dan memberikan 300(+130%total magic power) poin dari radial magic damage lalu memperlambat lawan.

3. Bitter Frost: Cooldown: 11.0 Mana Cost: 110
Memberikan 430(+180%total magic power) magic damage pada target yang spesifik dan menyebabkan movement speed target turun sebanyak 80% selama 1.5 detik.

4. Coldness Destroy: Cooldown: 40.0 Mana Cost:160
Memunculkan batu es raksasa untuk membombardir lokasi target yang ditetukan, semua hero lawan yang terkena akan di slow dan menerima 900(+180%total magic power) poin dari magic damage. Mengelilingi lawan di lokasi target dimana batu mendarat juga akan memberi efek slow dan menerima 450(+90total magic power) poin dari magic damage
Item yang di gunakan Aurora:

1. Enchanted Talisman:+50 magic power +250HP +20% cooldown reduction.
pasif unik-mana spring:regen 10% total dari max mana setiap 10 detik.

2. Arcane boots:+15 magical PEN.
Keunikan:+40 movement SPD.

3. Lightning Truncheon: +75 magic Power +30 Mana regen
Pasif unik-resonate:setiap 6 detik, kesempatan kemampuan magical anda akan meningkat,maksimum 3 musuh akan terluka sebanyak 150% magic power damage.

4. Holy crystal:+90 magic power.
keunikan:+25% magic power pasif unik-exterminate:setelah keterampilan hits target,serangan sihir akan segera meningkatkan 15% kerusakan keteranpilan berikutnya akan mengakhiri efek ini.efek ini dapat bertahan hingga 3 s dengan waktu cooldown buil-in dari 10 s.

5. Devil tears:+65 Magic Power
keunikan:+40%magical PEN pasif unik-spellbreaker:ketika HP lebih tinggi dari 70%,bonus efek unik meningkat 30%.

6. Blood Wings:+150 Magic Power +150 HP
Pasif unik-nirvana:tambahkan 2 HP untuk setiap 1 magic power yang di tambahkan.