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RE: First world bureaucracy is pissing me off

in #infection5 years ago (edited)

That really sucks man.. Different kind of first world problems, what a world..

Sounds like staph infection? Did you take a round of antibiotics in India? Staph can be tricky as its built a resistance to antibiotics. Definitely not at all something to leave untreated for any amount of time..

The first world mentality of healthcare is mind blowing to me as well. I've not been insured in over 15 years. My wife has been having nerve pain and tried all manner of things, being quite self schooled in pharmacology I told her she needs s prescription for a specific medicine I know of. She told me we can just go to the pharmacist and if you tell them that they'll probably write the rx?

I thought that was crazy because where I'm from you would have to see a general practitioner, then a specialist would write the prescription and the pharmacist counts the pills as the most over educated ineffectual cog in the wheel of western medicine..

Sure enough we went to the pharmacy I said I feel she needs lyrica based on other failed attempts of this and that and that I believe it's neuropathy blah blah.. The pharmacist asked if I was an MD? I said no, a nurse? No, I'm just knowledgeable about general medicine as an uninsured American with the internet.. She said that's impressive and I'll write the prescription and fill it on the spot!!

In the states they'd get offended that I'm a know it all, then tell me I'm showing drug seeking behavior and send me away empty handed.. Here they're like cool, you know your stuff, lucky wife to have such a husband!


It is a staph infection for sure! I did not take any antibiotics in India. They gave me a daily wound dressing though. I think the creme medicine they used had antibiotics in them but I'm not sure. I tried to ask them but they didn't want to tell me and got angry.

I'm not taking anything right now. I think I may need some Antibiotics. I put Merbromin on the wounds. I read that this is helping somehow. I'm very new to the whole medical thing.

I think it is Mind-blowing as well! People who need help on the spot can't get because they have to see all their specialists. I just need a simple dressing and maybe some antibiotics... Here in Germany, it's the same as in the States. They won't give me anything without an RX.

Glad you could help out your wife! Definitely cool to be a Jack of all trades!

Merbromin eh? I believe that actually has mercury in it and definitely is a no no for western medicine..

Don't have a doctor friend I suppose that could simply call in a super strong antibiotic? That would-be the buck the system move..

Until you get something figured out it can't hurt to use the Indian cure all turmeric.. Not on the wounds at this point but as a warm beverage, mixed with black pepper as this increases absorption. Modern medicine will claim turmeric isn't a good choice due to low bioavailability taken orally, it's got plenty of good properties though and if you have it in the cupboard or can get it easily you can try it... Tablespoon per 8oz glass and half teaspoon of black pepper..

Really hope you get this sorted asap my friend... Keep us posted..

It has mercury in it. I read about that as well. However, they say it is the nonharmful version of it? Nevertheless, it is considered mostly safe but is banned in Germany and the States.

I already asked a doctor friend but he said he can't help me and he doesn't have any antibiotics at home. So this alternative is not working out, unfortunately.

I'll give the Tumeric a try. It can't hurt.