15 Signs You’re An INFJ - The World’s Rarest Personality TypesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #infj2 years ago


The acronym INFJ stands for introversion,
intuition, feeling, and judgment.

This personality type is considered to be
one of the rarest of the 16 Myers-Briggs Personality

types - and makes up only about two percent
of the world’s population.

People who have this personality type have
very unique characteristics that help them

stand out from other individuals.

They can be incredibly mysterious and emotionally
intelligent, and are sometimes referred to

as “the counselor” or “advocate.”

Although we may think we know a lot about
this personality type, it is in fact very


So, let’s explore some of the main traits
of the INFJ personality type - and find out

if you’re one of them!

Number One - Different Wavelength

INFJs tend to feel like outsiders due to the
fact that most other individuals are on a

different wavelength than they are.

Their dominant function is intuition - they
subconsciously notice patterns in basically


Mostly, these patterns have to do with human
nature, because of their secondary function,

feeling - which draws them toward others.

Intuition is an individual’s ability to
subconsciously understand something without

knowing how or why they know it.

Since intuition works subconsciously, it can
be described as a sort of ‘psychic ability.’

However, INFJs often have a difficult time
trying to explain this “sixth sense” to

other people, which often leads them feeling
isolated or purely misunderstood.

Number Two - Want Things Perfect & Often Procrastinate

People with this personality type often deal
with a constant fear of failure.

They strive for perfection and strive to surpass
the normal capabilities of a regular individual.

This means that INFJs procrastinate a lot

  • due to their subconscious need to find absolute

perfection in mostly everything.

Even though, realistically, they can do all
of these things they’re afraid of without

having to try so hard.

With that said, INFJs have a hard time
dealing with criticism, because it really

stands out in their minds - sometimes washing
out the positive feedback they get.

However, as they become more mature, they
find it easier to release themselves from

this need of perfection.

They may allow themselves to make more mistakes,
or focus on their self-confidence to achieve

remarkable results pertaining to their life

Number Three - Value Beauty and Quality

Beauty and quality are things that an INFJ
strives to find in just about everything.

They simply prefer to be surrounded by sophistication
and beauty.

They are especially drawn to high quality
things such as fine food, nice clothes, and

anything of good craftsmanship.

And although their focus on sophisticated
items goes against their spiritual nature,

beauty is a very inspiring and calming force
to them.

Having said that, INFJs are typically minimalists.

They would rather have a few nice things than
a bunch of mediocre ones.

Number Four - Exude Warmth and Charm

Most of us don’t often sit next to a stranger
and find ourselves telling them our biggest

fears, dreams, and personal secrets…

But INFJs are such charming people that it’s
not uncommon for a stranger to readily share

such information with them!

People with this personality type typically
have an aura that makes others feel incredibly

comfortable and at peace when they’re around

Just about everybody enjoys being in their
company, and they are very good at putting

people at ease.

Not only are they comfortably trustworthy
and charming individuals, but they are also

wonderful listeners who speak in understandable
terms and meet others where they are.

Number Five - Highly Perceptive Of Others

INFJs are able to read other individuals very
well, and they are able to understand their

emotional states and motivations in seconds.

On the other hand, they themselves aren’t
as easy to understand - and that can be difficult

when you’re trying to understand someone
as well as they understand you.

INFJs are not only very good at reading other
people’s emotions and feelings, they also

use their intuition to dig deep below the
surface of another individuals’ mind.

They find themselves intrigued with how other
people’s minds work, and figuring out what

makes them unique in their own way.

They can often easily tell when somebody is
lying to them - or even when someone is lying

to themselves!

Number Six - Absorb Other People’s Emotions

It’s common for INFJs to absorb other people’s
emotions and interpret them as their own feelings.

For example, if somebody else around them
is excited, they will often get excited as


If someone is stressed or anxious, they may
feel stressed or anxious too.

Feeling other people’s emotions in addition
to their own can be overwhelming.

But, it also provides a better understanding
for those feelings and the ability to heal

and comfort others.

INFJs can confidently tell other people that
they’re going to be okay.

Number Seven - Create Deep Emotional Intimacy

Most INFJs can seem reserved or shy in the
presence of people they don’t know well.

They are often perceived as mysterious or
merely private.

But actually, they are quite relational - it
can just take a little bit of time for them

to open up to others and show their true selves.

INFJs crave authentic connections and seek
to trust people on a deeper level.

And because of their ability to empathize
and have meaningful conversations, they establish

strong emotional bonds with the people they

Number Eight - True Introverted Nature

Although INFJs are easy to socialize with,
they are introverted individuals.

They know how to efficiently blend into social
settings, but they may also feel totally at

peace with a rather small circle of friends

  • who are trustworthy and deserving of their


Like most introverts, INFJs usually get overwhelmed
and exhausted in large social settings or


Even though they have an innate ability to
strive in these social settings, they also

need their own individual alone time to relax
and recharge.

Number Nine - Sensitive To Conflict

Conflict tends to send INFJ personality types
into a state of stress.

They strive to create harmonious relationships
with the people close to them, and they desire

for those people to help maintain the harmony
in the relationship.

When a conflict arises, it can physically
disrupt their seemingly constant optimistic


They will often have trouble sleeping or concentrating
when they are thinking about a conflict that

has to do with them or somebody they care

It can even stress out their bodies - to the
point where they get muscle aches, headaches,

stomach pains, or other unwanted bodily disturbances.

Of course, this does not mean that people
with this personality type seek to avoid all


But over time, INFJs learn to set healthy
boundaries for conflicts while standing up

for their own needs at the same time - and
they do so with absolute understanding of


Number Ten - Future Focused

Willpower is a very important aspect of this
personality type.

INFJs will often do whatever they can to move
themselves closer to their personal goals.

For example, if they’re in a relationship
that seems to be going nowhere, or they are

employed somewhere they don’t like or don’t
see a future in, they will break off the relationship

or quit their job.

Furthermore, INFJs are also very critical
of past circumstances, and they tend to remember

the bad experiences.

To avoid the negative feelings that often
accompany these flashbacks, they typically

prefer to live a life focused on the future.

Number Eleven - Gravitate Toward People Who
Need Help

An INFJ is able to see the good in other people.

However, they often fall victim to the Broken
Wing Theory - as they believe they can rescue


They often find themselves gravitating toward
people who need help - due to their ability

to compassionately help and heal others.

This can be rewarding for INFJ personality
types, but if boundaries get overstepped,

it can also feel very stressful or frustrating.

Number Twelve - Intellectual Thinker

INFJs often find themselves thinking very
deeply about their purpose, meaning, and what

makes everything in their lives the way they

They enjoy music, reading, and philosophical
or spiritual matters because of their love

for learning new things and further expanding
their understanding of the world.

Naturally, because of their need to understand
such deep revelations, INFJs do not fall victim

to trivial conversation or gossip.

This is an extremely positive characteristic,
but it also provides challenges in enjoying

simple things - such as watching a movie or
having coffee with colleagues.

INFJs often have a difficult time relaxing
or doing regular day to day activities without

overthinking them.

Number Thirteen - Gifted In Language

Due to their introverted nature, INFJs typically
spend their alone time engaging in their personal


Being so insightful provides for a vast expanse
of creativity, and is often accompanied by

a great understanding of language.

However, INFJs tend to prefer writing over
speaking, because writing is an outlet that

allows them to express their creative thoughts
or ideas without as many barriers.

Conversations with others can easily fall
short or become negative when talking about

such opinionated matters, so they avoid talking
a lot - unless it’s necessary.

Writing provides a sense of relaxation and
peacefulness because it is a wider plane for

releasing one’s deepest thoughts.

INFJs are often very talented and successful
writers because of their ability to employ

divine symbolism and intrigue in their writing.

Number Fourteen - Work Best Alone, Or In Small

Although INFJs get along very well with others,
they often do their best work when they work

alone, without any interference from others.

Or, they may work with a few individuals whom
they trust and have similar thought processes

to their own.

And while INFJs are emotional and highly sensitive
individuals, they can be quite analytical

and scientific as well.

They often enjoy a career associated with
science, research, or technology.

Number Fifteen - Focused On What’s Right

Due to their loving and healing nature, INFJs
often feel compelled to protect others.

They may stand up to bullies on another person’s
behalf, or focus on helping somebody who is

undergoing a difficult situation in life.

If they choose a career where helping others
isn’t necessarily involved, they will likely

donate money or find time to volunteer for
a charity.

INFJ personality types also find themselves
with a fear of being a bad person, which motivates

them to do what they believe is right.

The INFJ personality type is complicated and
quirky - and sometimes downright contradictory.

And like every personality type out there,
INFJs have both strengths and weaknesses.

But understanding their characteristics can
help others get along with them better.

Of course, some of these traits are things
many people can identify with, so the best

way to determine your personality type is
to take a test developed by specialists.
However, if you can relate to most of these
signs, chances are good that YOU ARE an INFJ

  • the world’s rarest personality type!

Let us know what you think!

How many of these traits do you resonate with?

Are you an INFJ?