
You writing "don't wait" reminds me of the supposed five second rule too. People need to decide what to do and then do it quickly to avoid hesitation and your mind being changed.

Time for your daily exercise? Do it right away without giving yourself a chance to procrastinate. It's amazing how easily we can talk ourselves out of doing work. haha

I almost replied to this right after reading it..... then I thought for a moment.....

Completely true. If you think of something, like doing ana exercise, then act on it immediately.

But it is so much easier to let the moment pass.

This do it thing is an exercise in personal freedom. Freedom as in you do things when you want them to be done and not when the circumstances and external events force them into doing them. Or not doing them :)


Thanks! I've followed you back too. :)

Totally agree. I do that all the time with exercise. LOL