6 crucial lessons you need to learn to be a man-Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 19 entry

in #informationfinding7 years ago (edited)

The best piece of information I've béen ever given was given to me by my dad. One day, we were walking through a park, the park was on the opposite side of an office tower.

Lesson 1-

We saw a group of people arguing something about the company's future fighting almost themselves... My dad told me... "Kiddo, you've always asked me when you'll be a man, let me tell you as we take a walk through the park" . I excitedly reciprocated with the idea... He said to me.. "Look at these people if you can be like their leader, keeping your head high even when all-around him are losing theirs, he is confident in himself and yet has the sanity to think about why were they having a doubt."..

Lesson 2

And he paused, as we saw a man waiting for his beloved.. "if you can wait patiently when for the time comes, and not be tired when waiting , like the man here, trust others, forgive people for lying and yet never lie yourself.. forgive others, for hating you and yet not hate anyone.. but not be proud of it.."
Then there came a madman... Fumbling and mumbling gibberish...

Lesson 3

My dad said to me.." That guy, he looks mad, because he dreams, his dreams are out of our comprehension and that's why we call him mad... Remember, to dream , dream big and yet not just dream.. work on them.. think and yet not be engulfed in thoughts only.." and he paused, as we passed a couple mourning the death of their kin,

Lesson 4

He kept silent... I asked him" what happened dad!" He said with a dim voice. ... " Remember there'll be times when sadness and grief engulfes you.. laugh, remembering the good time you've spent, the good times that are yet to come.." as we passed by a court... passing by lawyers as they talked about a court case they are working on..

Lesson 5

"Remember if you've spoken something, bear to hear the consequences of it...and yet not be offended by the twisted truth spoken by knaves... Bear to witness all you've built fall to pieces and then reconstruct it all again."
And as we passed by a casino(not literally but a place were betting was done) on our way home..
Dad's eyes sparkled and said...

Lesson 5.5

"Remember in life if push comes to shove... Be ready to bet all your earnings on the smallest of things.. lose them all and then start over at beginning a new life..." And as we were in the colony.. we passed a group of mobsters harrassing a girl... We called the police.. stopped the guys and then began our journey... Back home... He said..

Lesson 6

"This is the last but most important of all things.. remember never to mock the weak, harass a weak girl/woman... Or misbehave in any way with a lady.. and yet not let a lady hurt your pride... If you can be none of the five, but the 6th, you'll be a man... And even if you have all five and are missing on the 6th.. even then you'll not be a man"
And that was the beginning of my journey as a real man...


What a great lesson for the young men out there! I love this and will share it with my boys! Thank you for your entry! This is so true!

Thanks @charisma777 glad you liked it. If everyone out there understands these things, life would've been soo much easier😅

Great entry. Those are some deep, good and important lessons! Your dad sounds like a really wise man! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks @apolymask . He is the coolest and yet most strict dad😅

Number 6, the glue that holds it all together.

Yup, it's all about caring for the weak and yet never letting the weak hurt your self respect.

Respect Private property is the only thing.

I guess my dad wouldn't agree to that😅😅

Sad its the only way for freedom and individual liberty

It is indeed one of the things but it's not all🙏

Im sorry to say it is the only thing if you want individual freedom with out it you have serfdom, misery, suffering and Government. We are not in heaven that the only other place. plus im a athiest

Good to know that you're an atheist, but if according to what you're saying, if someone respects private property, does that make lying or harrassment or anything wrong, a right thing to do? Like if someone is interfering with your property does that give you the right to take their life?

You body is your Private propety thats the one thing that you have that is yours do to as you wish not the Goverments as it is now.

Awesome job @schrodingers-cat! What great lessons from your dad. Being a dad myself, I often contemplate life lesson for my son. He's only 1.5 yr so we got some time! But great words of wisdom!

Thanks, @iexplore. Nice alias :P and your son, he still has a lot of time... but he'll grow up to be just a fine man. :)