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RE: Andrew Yang's Siren Song of Free Money Will Cost You Dearly

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Inflation arises because of fiat (or fake) money. In ancient Rome, you could buy a fancy tunic and a nice meal with an ounce of gold. Today, you can still buy a fancy suit and a nice meal with an ounce of gold. It's because gold has intrinsic value, and the Federal Reserve cannot duplicate gold.

There's no such thing as intrinsic value of gold. Complete Hogwash.

Also, gold has suffered from inflation just the same, I could hit you over the head with the 10000 year history of money, most of which, 99. 9% of which was under gold/silver, and which is literally hundreds upon hundreds of failed economies but I suspect you'll not address those facts.

Gold money and it's scarcity is exactly why the colonists declared war. You don't understand where value comes from, you have a simplistic and erroneous notion of how inflation works, and you don't know jack shit about ubi. You can postulate all day long that taxes are theft and that inflation is simply a matter of increasing the supply of money, you couldn't be more mistaken and as I pointed out, this has been studied for half a century now, and the results are as opposed to what you believe as they can be. It does not translate what so ever into increased cost of living, but the opposite, it doesn't need to be funded through taxes, and when it has been funded by taxes it was found that people are more than happy to pay for it as the effects those benefits have on the communities are felt by the taxpayers themselves, shit you could have bothered to research but instead you are trying to argue that "inflation is a matter of printing more money".

You were speaking to how Brazil dealt with their hyperinflation, the video I linked showed how they got there to begin with.

When? What? Your video had absolutely nothing to do with what I linked. You don't have any clue about inflation, what ubi is, again, you don't understand money period, saying nonsense like "if a nation does not have money" as nations are what create money, not the fed. You continue with more nonsense, that taxes are theft, that social programs are a peril, so much nonsense that it's not worth debating shit with you. Those that care to learn will do so before opening their mouth about things they have literally no clue about.


I'll respond to this
and the addendum
in the below comment.