RE: Andrew Yang's Siren Song of Free Money Will Cost You Dearly
10000 years of literary hundreds of failed gold standards and economies, mostly because of inflation but also because of scarcity of money. Two periods in that entire history are marked by prosperity like never before, when money was in the form of tally sticks, and when the colonists were issuing their fiat money.
The intrinsic value of gold, what a bunch of idiotic nonsense that when scrutinized it becomes readily apparent what a myth it is without any basis in reason, logic or reality. The same with "if a nation does not have money". Gosh, those poor nations. "the siren song". Lol, the myth of "inflation is a matter of increased supply" as if money functions like a commodity like gold, or as if gold could Ever be, or has Ever been Sound Money or ANY economy has ever benefited from gold.