yea, if an energy beam can blast a warhead in mid flight then it should not be that difficult to set a forrest on fire
2015 US directed energy beam weapon
Don't think that a batterypowered jammer can do much against a megawatt beam of directed energy.
Just emailed hollywood if they have a few of those outfits that are obsolete.. :-)
Photo shopped? A obvious distraction maybe? Looks a little like mercury to me bro.
molten tin/lead also looks like that. Solder tin?
Possibly, not sure as I do not want to go down that road regards to guessing, and I sure as hell am not going over to have a look.
They for sure though, stoked the conspiracy themselves, the MSM.
yea, if an energy beam can blast a warhead in mid flight then it should not be that difficult to set a forrest on fire

2015 US directed energy beam weapon
Nice one bro, I know all about them, found loads of info on Wikileaks regards to them.
will chrome-plating be the solution? to bounce the beam away
There is a much smaller solution than that, and portable too.
I spend a lot of time most winters messing with electronics, making amplifiers and such things.
You would need to make it variable frequency or find the exact frequency being used.
Parts available even on eBay.
Don't think that a batterypowered jammer can do much against a megawatt beam of directed energy.

Just emailed hollywood if they have a few of those outfits that are obsolete.. :-)