RE: 20 Ways Human Beings Are Being ATTACKED on a Daily Basis
It wasn't that you asked for evidence, it was the way you asked and the way you responded and the way everyone upvoted the other people who agreed with them while holding back votes from any of @daltono's responses, regardless of merit.
Yeah, I can't bring myself to upvote anything I do not agree with and my up vote is currently at 0.002 since I have most of my sp delegated as I have not been active how I want to be for the past month or so it would not matter anyway. I will not try to speak for the others though.
I've seen far worse on the trending page though.
We all have and it seems like we always will.
One last thing on this point, if you think the corporations are paying the scientists a ton of money I think you're off, they just fund the studies which pays the rent for scientists.
Most of these corporations actually have scientists on their payroll now as the scientists work for them. They're expected to send their product or whatever out to independent researchers who are not supposed to validate the authenticity of their client's claims based on the funding. I agree that money talks, it's sad to see data be manipulated for financial gain as doing so puts people at risk. I've seen this firsthand as one of my professors is a lead shark researcher and a company tried to pay him quite a bit of money to test their products and "prove" they work. He politely declined the money and is testing them anyway as studies do show that magnets can be an effective shark deterrent.
I honestly love seeing opposing view points as debates or any intellectually engaging conversation is good in my opinion.
Thanks for the good response, honestly, and this is my personal opinion, I think everyone should look into what we're being sold, into any new technology that claims to be better at everything, or more cost effective and "entirely safe."
The greed in this world is astounding, and people will do nearly anything for money and power it seems. There is a reason everything seems to be in decline, from education, to health, to free time. It seems orchestrated to me and the 20 things that @daltono listed might just be the tip of the iceberg. If even half of them are true, there is major danger to our health and lives and ability to see things clearly.
I appreciate the clear headed response, always good to have a nice discussions where no one is belittling the other or being rude in some way. Cheers