RE: I will be back in 7 days to Dv your entire comments section again.
so you equate how much steem power a person has with some sort of measure of Self-Worth? Steem power can be PURCHASED, which means you're equating how much money a person has with how much power thay have with self-worth. That is 1 definition of being SATANIC.
Also I note the name you've chosen "markymark" the name of a porno character from the movie Boogie Nights. Boogie Nights was put out right before the INTERNET started hosting FREE Porno for all. Boogie Nights the porno glamorizing movie was Hollywood Programing to get the Mass of America to lighten up their views on the Censorship of Porno into the Public Domain. Before this Movie all the Internet porn was hidden behind SUBSCRIBER SITES, that one had to join & PAY FOR.
After Boogie Night- the Internet became flooded with FREE PORN SITES. so much so, that it is no considered the NORM for every hip person to go post a Homemade Sex video up on the net. This has led to SEVERE Degradation of our Society, the Treatment of women & the RAPID SEXUALIZATION of CHILDREN.
It can be argues that the Free internet pron is actually a WEAPON against healthy society. Since when Do they give anything away for free? They give us NOTHING for Free- that is good for us. They took a huge $ making industry of paid for porn sites & made them all free? Yah, right.
AND you like to use the name Marky Mark. Also I checked out your page, you write about NOTHING that has any REAL VALUE to the MANY Onslaughts we face as a Nation in America. Yet you want to go FLAG a bunch posts of an individual who DOES take concern & time to post on Issues that ARE of Real Concern to TJOSE who Care about our Life & Society in This Country.
take your popcorn bit & stick it where the sun don't shine. By the way Mr. MarkyMark- Boogie Nights, Dirk Diggler- Mark Whalberg is quite HOMO. He really is an odd character Mark Whalberg. he has a historu of violence toward black people- being arrested for RACIST PHYSICALLY VIOLENT ATTACKS on his younger days. To being a Male Model in his underwear for the Bi-sexual Calvin Klein- to tyat Sex Movie he made Boggie Nights- in which he played a Retard Faggish Skid Row Porno Guy- who by the END of the Movie- had Limp Prick & could not get it up.
I find it really telling that THIS is the Name you chose for yourself.
No, but I do put it in perspective that he flagged 30+ random people and it was mitigated with very little effort.
No, that's Dirk Diggler, or his show name Brock Landers (the show he acts on, in the movie). The actor was Mark Wahlberg and his rap name was Marky Mark. Close though, I'll give you that. My name was just chosen randomly, just came up with the first thing I could think of that wasn't taken.
But certainly an interesting comment. Have some !popcorn
your reply is noted. My best regards for you're taking it in good spirits.
by the way, are u related to @bloom?
I may just use the Steem I have to Lease more SP, so my downvotes will be double spicy. Going to DV Accounts that use the Build A Whale bid bot so that their profit (if any) turns to shit. There is a very small profit margin to be had using scam bid bots, so it won't take much to throw a wrench into the entire thing. I have enough after powering down to have about a $1 down vote abillity.
Fucking epic. Commenting so I can find this again in the future when I need to feel good about myself.
oh, does that mean I'm off your sh!t list, huh Bernie?