in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

That is achieved with a citizenship aware of their duties and civil rights, trained and educated to fulfill their duties and claim what belongs to them. That is so, because nobody gets upset when they take away what they do not know is theirs. That is why the first task of dictators is to keep people in ignorance. Civilization is the act of civilizing, that is, making people know their civil rights and duties.

Civic education or civic education is imparted to empower the inhabitants of the cities (civitas) and balance the power that arises from the monopoly of weapons that is given to the military. For them, as a minority they are, there is a military code and for the majority of society there is a civil code. The need to establish two different legal codes is based on the fact that the military must blindly obey their superiors without questioning the orders they receive, while civilians can question their superiors.

The military, like religions and monarchies, are governed by a closed order of hierarchies (castro), based on submission and blind obedience. Therefore, those of lower hierarchy are called subordinates. In the monarchy the inferiors are called subjects and in the religion that is also a closed order (cloister) the lower ones are called faithful. In the civilized order that is open, to all the members, they are called citizens.

Unfortunately, the socialist leadership of Venezuela (social democrats, social Christians, socialists all), neglected their responsibility to civilize; establishing a mediocre educational system. Which led to uniformed crime to impose the power of arms and the military code over civilian. It is opportune to remember that it was Rafael Caldera who eliminated the "Moral and Civic Social Formation" of secondary education. The same one that thanks to his ideals, Christian social liberated Chavez.

In that scenario, the only way to restore the values ​​of civility is civilizing. What in some cases, like the one in present-day Venezuela, can only be done through armed means, that is, through the intervention of another, stronger and more civilizing country.

If that does not happen (for geopolitical reasons, power of the drug market, religion, energy, weapons, and / or anthropological, people ignorant of their civil rights, cultured with preferences that reject violence as a form of politics), the available alternative, is to assume political defeat, lose dignity and negotiate with the kidnappers of civility; to guarantee impunity, share power and, wait decades, with the hope that the people understand what happens to them and someday go out and kill their oppressors.