RE: New Boss, Same as the Old Boss.
It's not designed to keep anyone out. It's designed to be a robust ecosystem that anyone can enter with the intent of evening the playing field for all parties concerned. No more monopolies. No more buying the law and bending it to your favor. Math is the new law, and it can't be bargained with or bought out.
Today crypto has no infrastructure, but that's fine. We are building on top of the old infrastructure until we have our own. It doesn't matter that people have to temporarily transfer some crypto into $200 worth of fiat to go to the grocery store. At the end of the day the money has been spent and you won't be holding the bag.
Once crypto has it's own infrastructure it will squeeze out fiat just like the Internet squeezed out the printing press and the phone companies, but all that fiat money is going to buy a lot of crypto before it sinks. Every coin in existence today will be corrupted to an extent. That's fine! We'll just make new coins to decentralize the old coins even further.
The cycle will continue for decades. Crytpo can't survive like a corporation can. A corporation can bend the law and become immortal. Cryptocurrency evolves because they all have a life span. In 30 years young kids aren't going to be impressed that we own Bitcoin. They'll be like, "Okay grandpa, good for you. Watch me headhunt this guy in VR for 1000 HeadHunter coins. Oh, look at that I just paid my rent."