Protecting The Home And Preserving Innocence - Enjoy with Troy!steemCreated with Sketch.

I remember when we bought this house. It was August of 2012 we had not owned a home like this since the old days in Chicago. Everything seemed so fresh and hew. The steel roof was only a year old, the bathrooms were recently remodeled and there was the look of new paint on the walls. It had a carport and one and a half garages.

Despite the near perfect condition, I chose to make some additional improvements, including gutter guards, soffit and access for rain barrels. With the freak incident of a basement fire in 2018 , and later the Iowa derecho storm of 2020, I found myself spending more money to maintain the upkeep.

I've learned that to keep up that house, requires the time, talent (skill) and treasures (money) of at least one new project each year.


But that's how we do things that are new. They are important to us. Men are that way with their cars, Musicians are the same with their new guitar or keyboard. And people are that way when you are starting to date each other.

We preserve and protect what we value from the threat of decay, deterioration or destruction.

And yet, far too often, we allow new life to be abducted, aborted, abandoned or abused by strangers of the world. The innocent fast have become prey to child trafficking, murder and even chopped up for their body parts and blood. It is odd how that shinny new car gets more preventative attention and protection to preserve it's pure state, than the innocence of many little boys and girls.

Isn't human life worth more? Do not the faces of tomorrow deserve better?

Since the 1970's, we have seen life killed in the womb, Never will these babies experience joy of laugher or birthday parties. Never will they know the joy of falling in love, or even a first kiss. It seems, over the decades, we have become a throw away society. Sadly, like those fast food wrappers and containers, fetuses have found their way to the garbage bins of planned parenthood. That is, after their stem cells and organs have been harvested, added to the food we eat or used in pandemic vaccines.

Where is the protection for the newbies? Must they find it only in death in the arms of God?

There are other children, who are spared the kill knife before birth, only to face physical or sexual abuse as a youth. It may occur from a relative, friend, clergy, scout master, medical professional or even a teacher. In silence, they suffer. After all, who will believe them?

I recall a friend of mine, Joy, who was sexually abused as a child by both her dad and uncle. Her mother went to her grave not believing her daughter. Over the years, it affected her health, physically, emotionally and mentally. Joy tried ending her life twice as an adult, and sought counseling for her PTSD. She found addiction in food and drugs. Sadly, she passed away in 2018 at the age of 48. We do not know the cause of her passing. She used to talk to me about the 'beast' and her struggle with voices. I wrote a song of five verses addressing the struggle. Here is one of those verses.

Joy I pray for you each night.
May the beast be gone, dear.
May the little girl be free
Safe to laugh and joyously feel
God's sunshine dancing on her face.
Smile at shadows and never fear,
But trust God's saving grace.

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Joy and her niece. Sadly, she never had children.
But I ask, where was the protection?

Then there are others who are raised in a non-abusive, loving family, only to be stalked and abducted by the CPS. These families have not done any wrong. Mom and Dad instill moral values and the nurturing sentiments that preserve and protect their little ones. Despite the arms of protection, the filthy greed of money hungry governmental case workers comes knocking at the door.

The CPS have quotas to meet and prey on vulnerable children and their families. They stalk, steal, sell, scatter and shatter the lives of the innocent. Through intimidation, manipulation and down right lies, they enter your home. They scheme and twist the truth to benefit their agenda. They find a way...any way, to separate you from your children. Surprise inspections are one of their favorite tricks. They drain your emotions and your bank accounts, as the judges and lawyers are already in their pockets.

They don't expect you to document their conversations or videotape them. But it is wise to do so. Also have a witness or two. Only then, will they think about backing off.

These case workers are incentivized with hefty bonuses. Indeed the filthy love of money is the root of their evil. And so these children are placed in the custody of strangers in foster homes. Too often, these babies face angry words and violent hands. Some become numb and close up. Others may run, only to become a victim of the streets. Still others may be sold off to child sex trafficking rings to service strangers or used in human sacrifice.



If only they reported about the trafficked and abducted children like they do the covid numbers, think of how this world would be.

We find, when protection is thrown to the wind, as with the abduction of innocence, tears, trauma and tragedy set in. Gone is the preservation and protection of lives. The hopelessness of fear, the fragility of their little lives and the nagging of failure are ever present. Childhood dreams are replaced with reoccurring nightmares. Hugs and kisses are only a memory of long ago. They ask, 'What did I do wrong? Where are my mom and dad? Why can't I be with them? I miss them. Why do these people hurt me? Will I ever be safe again?

In an Orwellian world, respect and truth mean little. Prevention, preservation and protection offer no revenue resource to the child trafficking CPS.

It all trickles back to money. I mean even the elderly are offered protective housing and health care... as long as their money is footing the bill. But, children don't have money, and new families are easy targets... unless.

There are pro-family groups who have formed to address the safety of children. They realize the need to preserve innocence and protect lives. They use their time, talents and treasures to be a voice for the abducted, abused and abandoned. @familyprotection is a perfect example of folks who care about the welfare of families and value truth and real freedom. I would encourage you to support folks like these.

Countries are weakened and vulnerable to takeover and loss of freedom, with the depopulation of its youth. Within a generation we see a smaller workforce and military to defend itself. Those societies are taken over without a single bullet being fired. Is not that, what has been happening today? What good are new houses and cars, if freedom and family are taken?

Honestly, our children and families deserve better care than our cars and houses. The real home is the family. Material wealth is replaceable, but human life is priceless and irreplaceable. Through our protection or our apathy, we are creating the faces and lives of tomorrow. How do we want to leave this world for generations to come? I chose the preservation and protection of innocence.

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