The Multi- Faceted Jab War - Speaking Out For Freedom - Enjoy with Troy!steemCreated with Sketch.

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Music is a global language that so perfectly expresses the soul. Several years ago, my mom teamed up on several performances with Mila, a violinist, formerly from Russia. Their repertoire of classical music was well received, as the sweet music filled the air. Yet, not all of life's music is sweet, particularly if the audience is being played like a fiddle.

Since the plandemic of covid, the public has been played with propaganda and lies. The disinformation war has saturated the earth like a cancer, threatening freedom and destroying lives. The multilateral approach by the new world order elites is becoming obvious. The deep state control of the press-stitute media, fragmentation of information/communication and compromised puppet politicians have allowed them to advance this far. However, folks are waking up to the agenda and saying no. Here is a look at their multi-faceted approach, including the passport, electoral, financial and spiritual.

The Vaccine Passport

It was never about the virus. Covid was only a stepping stone to progress to the real agenda. The world never needed a lockdown with a survival rate of 99.7%. Yet, the campaign of disinformation was in full swing. ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine would have effectively treated covid, but the elites had to discredit them. Social media did their best to block such information. They were not the pathway to a passport. They needed the Fauci ouchie to move forward to mandatory passports. This was a classic case of problem, reaction, solution. Problem - we have a dangerous virus, reaction is fear and solution is the vaccine passport.

We were here before with 911. Again the problem, terrorist bombing, reaction was fear and solution was more war along with big brother security camera state. It is never about the problem but always about the solution.

This is not even about the vaccine. It serves two purposes. First, it is about merging the human body with 5G to be able to control human thought and activity. Through merging we arrive at the singularity of AI humans, a new species...definitely not of God's image. And second, it was a depopulation/sterilization effort. The virus helped take out the old and health compromised, while the vaccines sterilized adults and youth.

All vaccines contain graphene oxide which kills. In a test run with mice, all mice were killed in two weeks. That is equivalent to two to three years of human life. To date, we have over 11,000 reported vaccine deaths. I wonder how many go unreported.



The Stolen Elections

In order to fulfill their agenda of control, they needed to take control politically. President Trump stood in their way and they needed him gone. Through Dominion systems and a lot of evil people, they were able to steal the elections. They had never thought the Don would receive so many votes, so the counting was shut down and restarted 3 in the morning with fraudulent ballots.

Arizona and other states are conducting recounts and audits. Sadly, the supreme court will be of little help, as many of the members are compromised. It is believed Justice John Roberts had affiliations with Epstein Island, and is a controlled puppet.

Stolen elections are not new to America or the world. With the tech giants disinformation campaign of truth, the theft is in your face. Many think Biden is the mouthpiece of an Obama third term. Others believe the late prophet, Kim Clement, who predicted Trumps first term... and said there would be a time when we would have two presidents simultaneously, This may be that time.

I personally believe if we do not correct the 2020 election theft, America will never see another free and fair election.

The Financial Take Down/Reset

Everything leads back to control by the elites. The financial is no different. The plandemic lockdown was used to bring the world to its knees. Many business went out of business. America, the last real bastion of freedom, had to be weakened to initiate communist take over and the agenda 2030 reset. With many countries in debt, the virus scamemic was the perfect excuse to bring in the great financial reset.

It is my understanding that there are two resets taking place. One is by the filthy elites, and the other by the white hats. The terms Gesera/Nesera have been used as part of the white hat reset.

The elites want a global digital currency to be able to track purchases and control the peasant population. I believe these crypto currencies have been beta tested for this purpose. Yet, they have been suppressed, until the time when it can be exclusively controlled with one digital currency by global government. We have seen the precious metals prices suppressed for decades. The filthy elite understand suppression. Look at China. Food, travel and currency is suppressed if a person tries to exercise free speech, assembly or worship.

The eventual goal is one world currency, one world government and one world religion. I don't want any part of it. There would quickly establish an undercurrent of barter and trade to avoid this.



The Spiritual War

Although we are patriots in an information war, ultimately it is a battle between good and evil...between God and Satan...a battle over the soul of man. The lines have been drawn and it has never been any clearer.

During this plandemic, it was obvious our rights to freely assemble and worship were violated. Churches had to reinvent themselves through Zoom worship, parking lot services or go without. Members of the flock could not fellowship or express their love to their creator. Yet, alcohol and bars were easily accessible, feeding the downtrodden spirit with its drug.

My God is a God who does not suppress my freedom to choose. My creator is not a tyrannical entity, yet our world has become just that. My God wants me to breathe and express myself fully, yet the world forces me to cover my face in shame with a mask. The world wants us peasants, as expressionless compliant zombies, naively and willingly take their jabs.

My body is also God's temple and was made perfectly. It does not require the injection of the deadly graphene oxide. God made me perfectly...including my immunity. Man has never improved the creations of God.

With the push toward vaccine passports, it is becoming required to attend concert events or go to a restaurant in major cities. I am reminded of Revelation 13:17 where the scripture speaks of not being able to buy or sell unless you have the mark of the beast. This mark is supposed to be 666. It is interesting that the vaccine patent number includes a 606060. Coincidence? I think not.

The vaccine is an RNA, that with the spiked proteins, changes your DNA, merging you compatible with 5G and AI. With the altered DNA, I question if we are still in God's image. This was tried before with the fallen angels (Genesis 6) merging with earthly women and producing the Goliath's superhumans. Yet, God chose to cleanse the earth with the great flood, destroying the corrupt gene pool. And I recall Goliath was killed with a mere stone. I recall this jab is gene therapy. Hmm.

Evil wants to change the DNA in hopes to secure eternal life, avoiding the judgement of God. If you were told you could take a pill or jab and have the same, would you? It is all a lie. The elites have been trying this for years more recently with baby blood,

The experimental gene therapy vaccines are there to once again corrupt the gene pool with the merger of artificial intelligence. Remember Covid 19 stands for certificate of vaccination identification document, with the numbers 1 and 9 alphabetically being A nd I or AI.



Global Non-Compliance

There are multiple battlefronts to this war. Yet folks are sick of being played like a fiddle. In Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia... truth telling patriots have told the devil to take his fiddle of lies and get lost. In France and other nations, we see the uprising of freedom fighters who have formed a unified non-compliance of saying NO.

If we hope to hear that sweet music of freedom and truth again, it is up to each of us to take a stand and be a voice. Locally, a friend of mine, Wayne, took the stand to not wear a mask as an employee of Walmart. He was told to either get vaccinated or wear the mask. Today he is without work, but he knows he did the right thing. I am proud of him.

Your employer should not force you to be jabbed. When you leave work and take off your uniform, how do you take off the graphene oxide injection? If an employer asks if you have been vaccinated, does that not go against the HIPPA laws of privacy?

There are other freedom fighters out there. I think of the families who have fearlessly stood up to the CPS. It was not easy to face the tyranny of a system that stalks, steals and sells your child to human trafficking rings. It was not easy to get past the intimidation, manipulation and outright lies that are supported by our corrupt judicial system. They know first hand of the filth nd corruption of our government. But these moms and dads have been the true unsung patriots in this war on human life.

The CPS war on families and the abortion depopulation war were only test runs for where we are today in this global tyranny against human existence. Why have we allowed it to get this far?

What about you? What can you do to help preserve our freedoms and save lives? No one wants to played like a fiddle. Yet, each of us are instrumental in contributing to the sweet melodious sound of that freedom.

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