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RE: That wasn't real socialism.

In our previous exchanges, I asked you how you envision your personal life, what concept of living suits you the best? It's about as personal as it can get.

I think that ordinary people are mostly smart. They do not speak smart but what I observed during my lifetime is more to watch their actions and not so much their expressions or political opinions. In fact, talking about politics or society concepts never did very much good in gatherings. It's mostly about wanting to be right which means that the other is wrong.

I find no real meaning in that. Dictatorship - no matter under which name - worked only through fear and creating enemies or threats. To remain intact under a strict regime requires some guts.

As I do not speak from first hand but second-hand experience through my family I want to tell you a little story about my mother. She was 16 when the Russians took her and the whole family to Siberia after Germany lost the war. They were imprisoned in a camp and had to do hard labour work.

One day my mom had enough cutting down trees and chopping wood. She stood in front of the commander and said that she and her sister were not made for this hard work and she wanted to be assigned another job. The commander could have killed her at any time and she probably risked her life recklessly if her mother had been asked. But the man decided in favour of my mother and let the two women work in the laundry from then on.

This and other narratives of hers impressed me deeply and they may serve as an example to speak the mind and to not obey to what the forces demand. I really don't know how I myself would act if my life was threatened but I like to think that I would risk it.

All of us need more good examples of how people succeeded in withstanding and creating situations where hope can be taken on. Even the smallest individual experience is of great value. Even though it may seem that no other ordinary person is in sight who still owns integrity I think one should remain as the last one who does.


I share some of your thoughts, I believe that everyone is intelligent and rational, although not in the same things, certainly all have a gold. Nevertheless, you may not be interested in politics and society, but these two are interested in you. It is true that many times you get to a banal matter in which only the other is pointed out and you only look for be right at all costs, although I try to avoid it, that is why I avoid political parties and I focus more on ideals, the goal behind everything that gives it a meaning.

It is unfortunate that part of your family has had to go through that, although they are only those moments in which strength is most needed in which one can prove yourself. I've talked about it before, and maybe, just maybe, you're interested in this post.

Now, its true that we all need examples of integrity and hope, of strength in the face of adversity, although I have noticed that "all" means "many people", so the best way to find an example that can be useful for people is be ourselves the example. It only takes a person to act in the right way so that everyone begins to do the same.

Thank you for passing, I hope you have been able to get even one thing to think about the publication. Greetings.

I like your expression of "all have a gold". And it means a lot to me that you say that. It's not a small thing to say. It means for me that you have trust in yourself and therefore in others, too.

I don't know if I understand. Do you mean one thing to think about of this article of yours? But I did :-)

It may not be very pleasant how I responded but kind of ignoring what you talked about. Which it is actually not the case. I am almost fifty years old and from what I see is that the same topics pop up all the times as if people haven't already understood what happened throughout history. We all(ready) have. History reflects itself within the family, the streets, the towns, the nations, the globe. Must we still talk about atrocities when we have other stories to tell as well? I feel a great imbalance.

Maybe you just express something personal and take the description of dictatorship as a substitute to reveal personal pain. Which is okay. Suffering is real.

But I am not the one who says "Bravo!" only. I try to look at you personally and to make a connection which goes deeper. If I am overstepping borders than that can be seen as bad or as good. But never I do have bad intentions.

Saying goodbye for now.

We all(ready) have.

Well, in that we differ. I think that if we had learned correctly from history, then it would not repeat itself. I agree that history is reflected in all aspects of our lives, and when I speak of it I don't try simply to know some dates or events to have something to talk about, but rather to be able to draw practical use of that knowledge.

Many ideas that worked in the past could do it again, ancient Greece, Rome, there is much to learn from us there. Who does not know where he comes from, does not know where is going. I myself have criticized history in the past as stories, because if we let history be history then they are just stories, but if we can learn something from it, then it has real value.

In the post there is a clear meaning, no matter what they say, or whatever they call it, it matters what they do, and applies as much to socialists as to any person, ideology, belief, and so on.

If you try to look at my personality you can do it in every action I do, in every comment or post, in every word I use, I think you can know a lot just because of that, even more than what could be known if I told personal anecdotes, that I have told them, although always with a goal. What I consider really important here would not be who I am or how I am, but what do I have to say? and in what can I help you?
