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Hi @endless.drugs it is true what you say. Communism is horrific for many reasons.

Communism is possibly one of the worst political systems ever devised. Communism in the USSR, China, North Korea, Southeast Asia, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and other parts of the world has led to more deaths than both world wars and every war the United States has ever fought combined.

It is estimated that under Stalin, roughly 50-60 million people (so many people that mass graves are still being located in Eastern Ukraine and Siberia today) were killed by the Communist regime. Thousands more were locked up in gulags and concentration camps (for the practice of forced labor and starvation, the Communists are just as guilty as the Nazis). Thousands of Cubans and Vietnamese fled their nations in fear of the rise of Communism during the Cold War and many Cubans continue to flee Cuba still to this day. Mao Zedong, the Communist dictator of China from 1949- approx. 1975 is believed to have murdered upwards of 70-80 million people. Communism uses the guise of equality to hide its aspects of oppression and tyranny.

Communism has failed everywhere it was implemented, along with socialism.

In Venezuela, for example big government is the enemy of the people. More than 4 million people migrants are fleeing from famine, war, torture, persecution and genocide, as economic and social inequalities and consequential. Look at Venezuela before communism, and now.

Communism is terribad. It's so bad that bad doesn't cut it.

Blessed be the memory of the heroes, martyrs and victims!

Have a wonderful Saturday
A hug


Hi @endless.drugs And Winston Churchill said: "The vice inherent in capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth; the virtue inherent in socialism is the equitable distribution of misery"

Have a wonderful night
I'm wishing you success and growth, and happiness
A hug