Gun Control, or Everything Control

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

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Fire arms and their legality are a hot topic these days in the States. If you only watch the news it probably seems like it’s a war zone in the large cities. And some cities, like Chicago, actually bit the bill to some extent in some neighborhoods. I released this article a while back but due to my lack of readership and skill with HTML it got almost zero attention. I think this information is still more relevant than ever and I think it will add some value to the community and be a useful reference when in a discussion with an pro-gun control friend about the topic. So, in this updated version of my article we will be going over some statistics and facts about fire arms use in our country (USA). I hope you all enjoy.

Accordingto an April, 1985 issue of The Lancet, a London woman ate 19 pounds of food, her stomach exploded and she died instantly. João Maria de Souza of Carating, Brazil was killed when a cow fell through the roof of her house. Jennifer Strange, 28 years old of Sacramento, California died of water intoxication after a water drinking contest in which she was trying to win a Nintendo Wii. David Grundman was killed by the limb of a cactus that he shot while standing underneath.

In a article it was revealed that in 2016 an estimated 40,000 people died in vehicle related incidences, making 2016 roads the most dangerous in nearly ten years. This made for a 14% increase since 2014, the largest jump in more than fifty years. And for those not killed, the seriously injured tolled up to 4.6 million people costing $432 billion in overall expenses.

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In the LA Times it was reported that a study, published by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), estimated 88,000 deaths per year are caused by excessive alcohol consumption. This study was published about the same time that a driver slammed into and killed two people while injuring another twenty three at the South by Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas. Did we see the media blame the producers of alcohol or vehicles manufacturers? Were there protestors in the streets all across the nation demanding the ban and confiscation of cars and alcohol all the while demonizing people who own a car, truck or choose to imbibe in spirits or ales? I think not.

Also, according to, an annual average of 30,700 emergency room visits and 514 deaths related to “product instability or tip-overs” associated with televisions, furniture and appliances occurred between 2014 and 2014. This makes for a total of 61,400 injuries and 1,028 deaths due to these inanimate objects in a two year span. Are they being pictured as evil devices of destruction? No they are not.

A study in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) found that 700 people die per day in the United States due to “avoidable treatment errors” or medical male practice in plain English. The BMJ article, “Medical Error- The Third Leading Cause of Death in The U.S.” estimated a total of 255,500 people per year dead due to error defined as an “unintended” act (either of omission or commission) or one that does not achieve it’s intended outcome, the failure of a planned action to be completed as intended (an error of execution), the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim (an error of planning), or a deviation from the process of care that may or may not cause harm to the patient. Do we see protests against medical male practice and for allopathic reformation? Again, we do not. This would not fit into the elite’s agenda at hand.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stated that 100,000 deaths per year in the U.S occur each year due to reactions to prescription drugs alone.

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That is compared to the death toll from illegal drugs standing at 10,000 per year. This is one million people dead per decade just in the U.S. due to legal drug reactions. About one and a half million people died in the Armenian genocide just to put that in perspective. If this continues at the same rate, in ten years we’ll be approaching Jewish holocaust numbers at 10 million dead. Protests? Not one. Not one on the news anyhow. And if there were I would be surprised to hear about it on any corporate media channels due to the fact that pharmaceutical companies are a major source of income for these news businesses. If you don’t believe me, just watch how every other commercial on these channels consist of a slew of side affects, some happy faces and a catchy name.

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So what am I doing? Did I just list all of these depressing statistics to ruin your day and turn you into a nihilist? No I did not, though that may be the agenda of many in power, it is not mine. Bare with me for a couple more and I will explain.

The CDC has shown that in 2015 there were 12,979 fire arm homicides in the U.S. with a total of 36,252 persons dying from injury by guns.

That is with Chicago with and all of its wonderful gun control contributing 2,900 people being shot and 470 murdered by gun shot in the same year. And New York City with it’s wonderful fire arm restrictions contributed 510 people struck by gun fire and 98 deaths by gun out of 135 murders.. Isn’t it strange how the cities with the highest levels of gun violence are generally liberal leaning with relatively to very strong restrictions on fire arms possession. Detroit, Oakland, Baltimore, and Stockton just to name a few. You can see the rest of them here.

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And what about mass shootings? When they happen they seem to take up the news cycle all for but a few minutes here and there for weeks straight. Granted, these shooting are very high profile but they are reported on in such a way that you’d think the chances of being a victim of one are very high. And it’s high, right? Anywhere, anytime and anyone?

When corrected for population it is shown that the U.S. has comparable occurrences of mass shooting deaths to other nations at 0.72 fatalities per 1,000,000 population with a total of 227 mass shooting deaths both between 2009 and 2013.

And strangely still, the only topic I have mentioned that we see protest for is gun control. “Common sense gun control”. Common sense? These numbers are still too high. I’m not trying to down play the significance of each one of these lives lost. It is an awful and tragic thing that we are in dire need of a solution for. But there is an agenda to disarm us and “common sense gun laws” are just a nice way of saying we are slowly going to strip your right to self defense from you so that you have no means of stopping an utter and total oligarchical government. The proof is in the numbers.

In 2017, 590 people were killed in mass shootings compared to 100,000 deaths due to pharmaceutical reactions, 40,000 in vehicle accidents, 88,000 due to excessive alcohol consumption, and 514 due to T.V.’s furniture and appliance instability and 255,500 deaths due to “medical errors”. You are almost as likely to die in a mass shooting as you are to get crushed by your television. If they did not have an agenda, the media would report on deaths of criminal pharmaceutical practices, but instead there is silence on topics like that. They would report on the plague of deaths due to “medical errors”. They would not sensationalize the pointless death of children just trying to go to school, gunned down by people who are almost always on their constituents products.

The only common denominator in these shootings is the fact that almost everyone of these shooters was or had just recently been on Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitor (SSRI) anti-depressants at the times of their massacres, and that the shooter lacked a solid father figure.

Dan Roberts of Ammoland states in his article that “nearly every mass shooting incident in the last twenty years, and multiple other instances of suicide and isolated shooting all share one thing in common, and it’s not the weapons used.” He then goes on stating the shooters were “actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before their crimes.” He states that there have been credible scientific studies conducted and “internal documents from certain pharmaceutical companies” saying that information has been suppressed that shows SSRI’s have “well known, but unreported side effects, such as violent behavior, suicide and more.”

(Photo source: has documented more than 4,500 mainstream media reported cases of violent behavior around the globe by persons taking these drugs.

Should “Mr. and Mrs. America” give up their SSRI’s? If they had been properly educated by their “Fourth Pillar of Government” they would more than likely do so with total zeal and willingness. Do we go door to door to confiscate guns from people who are deemed mentally ill? Considering government abuses any power they are given and being that the “powers that shouldn’t be” (Corbett Report) have deemed defiance as mental disorder, I do not see that as a viable solution.

That’s right, dissidence is now a mental disorder listed in the DSM as Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD). ODD can lead to Conduct Disorder where people challenge authority figures ranging from mild to severe. This means that if you have ever posted anything that does not agree with what they want to spread onto the public (like this article) you could be deemed mentally ill, have your right to protection stripped from you and worse depending on how far they hypothetically take it. ODD is framed as if it relates to children, but do not be fooled, this could easily be applied to adults.

These terms and services for gun ownership that have been suggested nation wide by our “arbiters of truth” and their pundits are far too vague and leave much room for defining and re-defining as to fit the wants and needs or whomever is in power. That being said, a good rule of thumb is that any power the government is given, will absolutely be abused.

This has been proven time and time again. Perhaps, we should be taking a look at Big Pharma and the FDA’s corruption. Perhaps, we should go straight to the source, the common denominator, of the problem and discuss banning SSRI anti-depressants. Arguably, they should have never made it to the shelf in the first place.

The “off-label” and mass prescription of these drugs is inarguably criminal. Perhaps, if people like Eric Holder hadn’t campaigned to “brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way” by asking school boards to do “some sort of anti-violence, anti-gun teachings to children everyday”, than people would have been brought up by their parents to treat fire arms with respect and safety, as the tools that they are. Then, perhaps, even non-mass shooting fire arm deaths would see a decrease.

But the guns, the inanimate tools that they are, are not the problem and therefore should not be looked to for a lasting solution. If guns are banned, knife and explosive deaths will increase as they have in the U.K. London, with some of the strictest gun laws in 1st world countries, has now surpassed NYC in murders. People that have a desire to kill will always find a way. Criminals do not follow laws, this is why they are called criminals.

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If guns are banned, only law abiding citizens will be disarmed, leaving criminals and police as the only fire arm holders. In both cases this has been proven to be ineffective in stunting crime. And when innocent people are not able to protect themselves whether it be an entire nation or just a “no gun zone”, criminals will capitalize on the opportunity to rob steal and kill as proven time and time again.

Whether it’s a school, university, a restaurant or a mall, people that cannot protect themselves are fish in a barrel for a (induced or naturally) psychotic person looking to spill blood. And how do unarmed people protect themselves against the next Moa, Hitler or Stalin? They don’t. Historically, people were disarmed by these psychotic leaders, brought to heal and murdered in the streets or sent to death camps. The key is that they were first disarmed.

Jewish resistance fighters (photo source:

Blaming the object that is used in an atrocity is as logically insane as blaming the water that Jennifer Strange drank resulting in her death, or the chemical compounds that people die from reactions to instead of the government agencies and people within them that approve them for human consumption. The fact is that fire arms are tools. Tools, like a nail gun or circular saw, can be dangerous but only cause harm if the person behind them is incompetent or has ill intent. They themselves do not harm people. In the case of fire arms, the solutions are simple: look at the only link between mass shootings (SSRI’s), fire arm safety training in schools and in homes, the elimination of No Gun Zones (slaughter zones) and arming ourselves so we can save lives, including our own if the need arises. This reality is no Utopia and it never will be. Bad and disturbed people will always exist. Evil will always exist. We cannot change that.

There is an agenda to disarm us, which is using every emotionally charged argument in the book. Whether it works or not, we can change. How we handle this reality that evil coexists in, we can change. There is no other logical solution. More freedom and liberty is the only solution.

Hope you enjoyed the material and that it has added value to the cummunity. If so don't forget to upvote and follow and feel free to stop by my blog website. Thanks for reading Steemians!


Thank you very much @informationwar. Your support is very very encouraging. Glad you felt that it added value to the community.

Every time I talk to someone about these issues, I tell them the same thing, although I am not American, I understand that in the hands of the citizens of the United States is the power to defend themselves, and if they allow their weapons to be taken away, they can't not do it . Here, in my country, the government banned weapons, and today people can practically not defend themselves against tyranny.

I'm really sorry that's the case. People tend to argue that fire arms will have no effect against tanks and drones, and that may be so, but it's not the point. Even if it were, why would you make an allegedly hopeless situation even more hopeless, not very logical. Even so, the point is in principal and I do believe a well armed populace would definitely have a chance. How would one explain Afghanistan's defense of itself against Russia and now the American Cabal's forces if that were not the case? When there is breath in our lunges, there is always hope. So we keep fighting. I hope people in your country shake out of the trance and listen to what you have to say.