Another Major Influencer of the Political Right on the Internet, The Iconoclast has been Silenced by the Fascistic Tyrants of Silcon Valley!

in #informationwar6 years ago

Unbelievable, one of my favourite and most prolific thinkers and political commentaries on Youtube, the ICONOCLAST, has had his account and all of his videos, three years work , scrubbed and removed from their server ! The silencing of the political right continues and we need desperately action to be taken against this monster of censorship which is now the companies all run by the SJW leftist knee jerkers of Silcon valley ! We must have a Bill of Rights for the Internet ! This is not correct and needs to stop, the internet is for us all, not just the friends and followers of the Loony hateful Left !

ICONOCLAST CHANNEL DELETED! | Interviewing Dan the Iconoclast

On The Offensive
Published on 24 Aug 2019

Chatting to Dan the Iconoclast about his channel getting nuked by YouTube. Scroll down for his links!

So Facebook, Google, Twitter and Youtube can go drop off a Cliff into a Sea infested with Sharks !