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RE: Did Tom Hanks Signal the Murder of Isaac Kappy in a Tweet ?

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Oh what a shame, you make me realise a big error in this post as i did mean to include this very thing ! You see when you consider that the 4th of April is exactly 42 days before the 15th of May, date of Kappy,s death! Strange indeed as that is the age of Kappy on his death, 42 years old ! Damn I really messed up on that one eh ?? Was the big enchalada that and says much ! No ??
Also if you blow up the bottom of that photo you will see a grey round bottle KAPP , there is also what seems to be a P marked on it ! So CAP-P or Kappy??
I am sure that this was a murder, im calling it as such and that bstrd and his friends need to go down !
Pray my friend @perpetualflaws, Pray!

the tweet read . " Tom Hanks

Verified account

Apr 4th
" More Historic Route 66. Roadkill? I hope not! Hanx."

Actually i may even redo a post on this now that i think about it, as how damning is that ????? Then when you go to that level in this rabbit hole and then you consider all of these photos made by this " man " Hanks, could be as is this one is clearly, a warning of a hit to be made ?? Was that rubber glove in the dust ever worn by Kappy ?????? my line of reasoning would be this !! what say you to that my friend ??