Censorship is reaching critical levels on infowars and others.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

This morning I opened up the news app to see lifehacker supporting censorship of infowars They are saying it is time to "quit twitter" and to start boycotting fortune 500 companies by creating a mass block list. Their mode of attack is that if their demands are not met they are going to go out of their way to create massive blocklists that boycott Fortune 500 companies on twitter and block them.

Censorship attitude in the USA

We are seeing campaigns of targeted censorship becoming the norm as anti-freespeech, hate, and outrage "mobs" gain traction. Overall these groups are an extreme minority, but their voice and will are amplified by subverting large platforms, which give them the ability to make them seem like they are larger than they are.

Make no mistake, infowars is going to be taken out on as many platforms as they can get to capitulate. Infowars being taken down will cement their power and feed into their sense of accomplishment. People like to be on the winning team and bandwagon on stuff like this, if they truly succeed in de-platforming infowars from twitter and the remaining places they have left, then infowars only will have their website and BitChute/Gab/Minds.

And boy oh boy are they going to try hard to de-platform on there too.

De-platforming GAB from internet hosting(Microsoft Azure).

Recently GAB was mass reported to the webhosting provider that they use(Microsoft Azure). The post in question was about Jews being raised as livestock. I am sure not many people understand why this is a big deal. But I will explain.

You see, Reddit does something similar to this.If you violat Reddit's rules your account or subreddit can be banned. They ban subreddits who do not respond fast enough to deleting content that goes against their rules, no matter how dumb of a rule it is. An easy way to silence a subreddit is to create dummy accounts or sockpuppets, and make lots of comments that break reddit's rules. You would do this in such a way that people don't notice your comment, you would comment on something at the bottom of a post so many people won't see it and report it. Then you screenshot it and upload to somewhere else, and you start spreading the message of "see look how racist/homophobic/blah this subreddit is when they let comments like this stay here".

This is GOING to be used against Gab to shut them down overall. Of course there are people that truly post stuff that incites violence and they aren't sockpuppet accounts, and you have to play within the rules of that system to stay in the system(or you get banned).

Radicals love using this tactic and it will be a tactic that will be implemented against infowars/gab/minds/steemit.com and anything you can think of. They will continue to ramp up their sockpuppet calls for violence in order to get everything banned they disagree with.

How I see things going on censorship/steemit and the future.

If you do not think that you will be banned or targeted, and for some reason that "Steemit is the good guys all about free speech" I got some more bad news for you. Some of you may also recall that Steemit says in their Privacy Policy that they will turn you into your local/state/federal government if requested, and that they will comply with identifying you To which they never responded to my comment because it makes them look bad

Once steemit starts purging the undesirables like us at some point(because sjws/marxists will target us to accomplish this), our posts will stop showing up on steemit.com and only show up on busy.org or steempeak or mspsteem. Not many people use those platforms so it cuts down your views by a super majority, effectively censoring you.

The future is bright though! More alternatives are being developed and brought out of alpha/beta into main release. We are seeing the transition of https://minds.com from the Ethereum testnet going live on mainnet soon, https://memo.cash is a twitter like social media on Bitcoin Cash blockchain, other Webtorrent/torrent sites are gaining traction like BitChute/Real.video/Dtube/Dlive/etc.

But the future is only bright if you help build up the decentralized infrastructure and convert people away from centralized tech, be the change you seek in this world and help us!


Boycotting works both ways. I have boycotted Fakebook, Twit and the rest for some time now. I unplugged from cable as well. If those who are really levelheaded with money wish there is a whole lot of "deplorables" money waiting for them to have if they create the platforms.

luckily steemit cannot be censored (hidden yes but still seen). Bad news about Steemit I guess if they will turn people in. But for what? Having an opinion?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I also don't believe freedom of speech should equate to HATRED or calls for violence. There's limits to everything. I know radicals may use that approach to take down a platform, but lets be honest; steemit/STEEM blockchain is not for MSN anyways.. it's views and interactions depend on anything other than the mainstreem. Why else would they be here?

Also how will posts NOT be seem on steemit? It still shows everything from the blockchain no?

If you are banned from www.steemit.com your posts wont show up on www.steemit.com. you also won't be able to log in or use www.steemit.com.

You will have to use busy.org or steempeak or mspsteem.

wow that's news.. and interesting.

Hate speech is subjective and indefinable, and serves as a cultural marxist manipulation tool.
Free speech will always offend someone, somewhere..

Inciting violence - absolutely not..

I feel you saying things like 'dont' like it? Too bad' is hateful to my personal outlook on life..
Ergo it's hate speech,...mmmm...

Hate speech has always been my some of my favorite speech.

😂 😂 😂

Hate speech is not subjective or indefinable.. that's a cop-out from people who want to say whatever the hell they want without consequence. We all know what is hate speech (inciting violence), and even coupling bad actors and blaming the whole. That happens ALL the time.

Speech like actions can be dangerous and should be used responsibly. You can be stereotypical or what-not; I'm a pretty secure human being; but hate speech is associated STRONGLY with inciting violence. Now if the socialists and libtards use that as a defense to shut down the whole argument, I'm not in favor of that because it's hypocritcal and blatantly without reason or logic.

What I am not is a snowflake who's feelings will get hurt at the mention of facts and reasonable discourse. I'm narrowing down my view to the tin-foil hat-tards who base everything on the "boogyman", the "zionists", the "reptilians", the "vatican" blah blah blah.

I'm not interested in how people "feel" after an opinion. Facts don't have feelings.

I agree with everything you say except the hate speech being legislated against (as it lacks definition).

We all know what is hate speech

But that's exactly the kind of common sense statement the left can -and do- use against free speech..if there is legislationthat can be brough to bear.
Therefor it's better not legislated against...(as opposed to inciting violence).

Could I be taken to court for someone else overhearing me say to my mate :

"hey! gay nigger boy!( he's mixed race, but doesn't mind! very gay though!)
He calls me 'snowflake white boy' all the time..

Do I hate him because of my expression?
No, he's one of my closest mates...
Neither of us will curb the way we talk to each other, from fear of offending anyone..
That isn't hate speech, but could be twisted by a manipulator will nefarious objectives...

Offense in speech, is a dish best served ignored, not punishable by authority..

Yah I hear yah.. I'm talking about hate speech exclusively inciting violence. "Burn them all" etc.. kill them throw them in ovens etc..

If you friend lets you talk to him like that.. fine - LOL if someone over hears and is "offended", well too bad.

But on the flip side, if you are cat-calling or doing it in the context outside of "friendship" well that's easy to define.

... if someone over hears and is "offended", well too bad.

Oh I could tell you a few stories on that score... lol

I think it's good, they are driving away some of their most popular content creators, those sites that don't censor will gain market share and those who do will lose it. If steemit.com starts banning everyone then I assume some enterprising anarchists/developers will have a Freemit.com STEEM plug in available which might not have many users at first but will gain them as people seek out the missing content creators.
A website that bans all its users will find it does not have any users.

Steemit should be fairly resistant because so many non-SJW types are here with lots of steempower to counter angry downvotes and most SJWs are way too stupid to figure out how to sign up and log in.

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