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RE: Series : Geoengineering | NEXRAD/HAARP : Changing weather one RADAR at a time | Post 3

I am happy to see your constant great efforts to put these all in extremely simpyfied ways. I am aware about Doppler radar systems, too, that they are using in disguise of weather monitoring system.

We need urgent solutions to deal with this opposite party who is constantly destroying our planet, killing millions of lives, and putting a humanity to shame.


Thanks @invinciblelight. My research pointed me to Orgone generators as a solution, although I havent tried them myself yet. Are you aware of it/ whats your take on it?

You're welcome, @amit86! Yes, Orgone generators like orgonite can be the solution but we need very preciecly built orgonite or orgone generators that can amplify positive orgone energy to wide area, covering many miles.

I generally establish bio orgone psychic shield that is way more powerful than a orgonite. But it makes use of your own lightbodies, intent, focus and pranic energy. Which always work to keep harmful chamtrails miles away. But I have to energise it now and then. Another solution is Tesla shield that make use of aether and plasma forcefield as a shield.

Can you direct me to some definitive resources/links on this? I want to go to the bottom of this and try out myself. Thanks in advance.

I am not aware of any definitive resources/links on this. Building Tesla shield needs an extensive amount of resources and to operate it also requres lot of amount of energy/electricity. And about bio-psychic shielding... I've learned and created this technique myself. When you explore the spiritual realms and go on inside journey, many amazing things will be revealed to you. If you are interested in spirituality, then, this Awakening Project is for you. We will gradually reveal everything, coz, people on this platform are still not ready to accept the truth.

Also wanted to mention here that I was travelling in India for last 5 months and saw increased instances of manufactured weather symptoms - chemtrails, Visible HAARP rings on sky/cloud pattern, artificial WV generation. There was also a news piece couple years back that Indian government is installing 45 more Doppler radars (on top of the existing 33 weather radars) for coastline security. We both know its not for national security but rather for national weather manipulation that those radars will be used. What a shame. Makes me wonder who in the Indian government might be aware of what is going on in this regard.

I am noticing those changes too. Most portion of the Indian Government are actually blind about it, it's only those few high ranking memebers of the Inner council are aware of it and don't give damn about the devastation effects from these systems. They are too much egocentric and only money matters to them.