Vaccine InfoWar Heats Up - 'Anti-Vaxxers Are Dangerous & Should Be Arrested', Says WaPo. But What Is The Truth?

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

"Anti-vaxxers are dangerous." The title of a piece written by Washington Post columnist Juliette Kayyem, published by WaPo on April 30 reads. "Make them face isolation, fines, arrests."

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Sounds a little harsh to me, but maybe that's only because I personally fall into the camp of a "dangerous" 'anti-vaxxer' and no doubt also a crazy lunatic 'conspiracy theorist' who deserves to be isolated from society for voicing my well researched opinions. I suppose I'm such a danger to society that I should probably just go ahead and check myself into the nearest mental health facility straight away for the debilitating mental illness of thinking outside the corporate media box and questioning authority, but for some strange reason I feel like it's gonna be less dangerous to my own health to simply voice my opinions on this propaganda masterpiece; so I have decided to write this blog post instead.

I sincerely apologize in advance to all my followers and readers for potentially exposing you all to "dangerous" thoughts and ideas, but I trust that this rash choice of mine is still less of a risk to society than all the toxic corporate propaganda, poisonous so-called 'fast food', and various toxic chemicals being pushed on everyone all around us, all the time - but not vaccines of course; those could never be "dangerous" :).

With that disclaimer out of the way, I shall begin exposing all of you to the serious dangers of a human thinking for him or herself. If you think this will contribute to future mental health issues or a mental breakdown, please stop reading immediately and, I don't know, go pickup one of the new BK 'unhappy meals' and plug yourself back into the corporate/government mainstream media matrix and enjoy the mind-numbing propaganda and brainwashing - it'll probably make you feel much better. Otherwise, feel free to read on!

This article is a part of the ongoing pro-vaccine corporate propaganda war which seems to have really ramped up last week, as many similar MSM articles were published targeting well-informed free-thinking Americans who insist on refusing to vaccinate themselves and their children with either some or all vaccines after researching the issue, and deciding it is in the best interest of their children to decline vaccination - most of these so-called 'anti-vaxxers' considering the vaccines a high risk to their children's health they are simply not willing to take.

Setting a Dangerous Precedent: The current pro-vaccine push is about far more than just vaccines

Before we delve into this article and the facts surrounding the issue, please take a minute and put aside all personal views, opinions and theories regarding vaccination and just let the title and what is being said here sink in - because this is surely about far more than just vaccinations:

Anti-vaxxers are dangerous. Make them face isolation, fines, arrests.

What is really being said here when you take the specific issue of vaccines out of the picture is that dissenting views, opinions, and practices are "dangerous" to society, that such non-mainstream opinions should be punished and silenced, while those refusing to do exactly as the mainstream media/corporate/government machine demands should be isolated, fined, arrested and thrown in jail. Sounds like a really fun time all around :)

If I'm not mistaken, however, these same corporate media government mouthpieces repeatedly remind us that we live in a free society, one under constant threat of attack by foreign terrorists who "hate us for our freedom" (as G. W. Bush said), and that we are constantly spreading this 'freedom' and 'democracy' abroad (at a price tag of over $2 billion/day no less, but that's the part of the equation they don't constantly remind you of, because you know, that's your tax dollars, working for them rather than you). And again if I'm not mistaken, one cornerstone of a free society is that of self ownership: that nobody - not the government, the media, or Big Pharma corporations - have the right to force any free man, woman or child to put a substance which the individual(s) personally reject to, into their bodies; nor to use threat of extortion (fines) and threat of violent force (arrests) in attempts to coerce the public to do so.

But that is exactly what the WaPo in this opinion piece written by Juliette Kayemm is demanding: that those who, for a variety of personal reasons wish not to have a particular vaccine or vaccines in general injected into themselves or their children, should face fines and arrest, not to mention isolation by society at large. And if parents were to be arrested for refusing to vaccinate their children, we can only presume that CPS would also take custody of (kidnap) the children and forcibly vaccinate them against their parents (and possibly their own) wishes. But then again, I guess it is no secret to those informed Americans who have unplugged themselves from the corporate media brainwashing machine that we increasingly no longer living in a free society, and nowadays it seems they are not even trying to hide this truth. Scary stuff for those who do cherish their freedoms, as this type of thinking sets a very dangerous precedent (surely not as dangerous as measles though!), but let's get back to the topic at hand - the vaccine information war being waged on the frontlines of the American psyche.

The Vaccine Information War Being Waged on the Frontlines of the American Psyche

Let us now put our thinking caps on, and delve into this piece with the aid of a little logic, reason, and the available facts surrounding the issue as our tools (the one thing the corporate overlords are counting on the public at-large NOT to do), and see if we can discover or get a little closer to the truth of the matter. Because if 'anti-vaxxers' truly are dangerous, maybe the real epidemic and threat to public safety isn't the recent measles outbreak the media's been fear-mongering the public over recently, but rather those pesky and "dangerous" 'anti-vaxxers' who are apparently a threat to the very fabric of society itself. Or maybe, just maybe, the biggest danger to society is actually the corporate media, greedy Big Pharma executives, and an out of control tyrannical government which believes it owns humanity.

Diving right in from the beginning, here is the opening line of the article to set the tone:

I love my children. And, if I’m in a gracious mood, I believe that parents who do not vaccinate their children love theirs as much as I love mine.

How nice of this lady to believe other parents love their children as much as she loves hers, when she's in a gracious mood, so presumably when she's in a normal mood (not in a gracious mood), Kayemm does not believe that parents who do not vaccinate their children love theirs as much as she loves hers. Sounds like a really nice, caring, and compassionate creature, this Juliette Kayemm...

But, I am quite confident in this fact: I love their children much more than they love mine.

Oh really, Juliette, you love their children more than they love yours? And this is a fact? And you know this how? Please show me the evidence documenting this fact so that I too may become enlightened to this truth! You must be a mind-and-emotion reader to be able to call this ridiculous belief of yours a fact that you are so confident in. Maybe ol' Juliette will enlighten us as to how this 'fact' was magically revealed to her, which she is oh so confident in even without one single citation to back it up . Let's find out.

These anti-vaxxer parents — call them free-riders or even pro-plague — are putting my children and our communities at risk to cater to their erroneous belief that vaccinations would harm their children rather than contribute to the elimination of childhood diseases.

Woah, hold on their miss, so you're saying that parents who refuse to vaccinate because, I don't know, maybe the last time they vaccinated their children, a child got seriously sick afterwards or maybe even died, and that makes them "pro-plague"!?! I don't know about this crazy lady, but in reality, people who are truly pro-plague would be pushing deadly diseases, not simply refusing to vaccinate their children because they believe the vaccines are potentially more dangerous than the diseases they are supposedly designed to immunize against.

Are these parents forcing you to inject your children with the measles or other deadly viruses to get them sick with measles or other deadly diseases? No? THEN THEY AREN'T PRO-PLAGUE! (if you can even rightly call measles a "plague" in the first place...) But you on the other hand are pushing to force these parents to inject their children with a vaccine which has been proven can and does in some cases give them the deadly virus, which then also can and does in some cases KILL THEM (evidence below).

I will refrain from jumping to judgemental conclusions at this point and simply let readers decide for themselves as they continue to read this post as to who are actually "pro-plague" here - the "dangerous" 'anti-vaxxers' or the greedy mega-corporations you are serving, which sell toxic fast foods on a massive scale leading to an obesity and early death epidemic, the death and destruction of endless imperial war on a massive scale, the toxic chemicals being sprayed in our environment and on our food which has been proven to cause cancer (Monsanto's Roundup for example), and not least the Big Pharma corporations which push their highly addictive opioids and demonstrably dangerous vaccines on the population at large - exactly as you yourself are doing in this very article.

The next question I have for you Juliette Kayemm is this:

If the vaccines you push work, and are effective at protecting the immunized from the disease(s) they claim to immunize against, THEN WHY AND HOW THE HELL DOES ME NOT VACCINATING MY KIDS PUT YOUR VACCINATED CHILDREN AT RISK?

Oh I see, because of "their erroneous belief that vaccinations would harm their children rather than contribute to the elimination of childhood diseases." But that doesn't answer the obvious question right in front of your nose, that the entire pro-vaccine movement can't seem to answer with more than some ridiculous platitudes about "herd immunity". And this is the crux of their argument that demonstrates the entire current pro-vaccine push to be based on absolute and utter nonsense!

Because either 1) The vaccines are effective, and your vaccinated kids can't be put at risk by their unvaccinated kids who may possibly contract the measles virus, or 2) The vaccines aren't effective, in which case this so-called "erroneous belief" leading to unvaccinated children is actually not contributing to spreading childhood diseases, and in which case it is rather the ineffective vaccines you are pushing so violently which are actually not contributing to the total elimination of childhood diseases like their manufacturers (and their peddlers like you) claim they should.

So based on this argument, I take it the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine is actually NOT 100% effective at protecting against measles after all, in which case these parents are actually not erroneous in their belief that the potential harms of the vaccine (dying from a strain of the measles virus contracted from the vaccine for starters) outweighs the potential benefits (possibly being protected against the common strains of the measles virus which typically do not kill healthy kids).

Erroneous Belief That Vaccinations Harm Children, or Simply the Truth?

Let us now take a deeper look at the statement regarding the so-called "erroneous belief that vaccinations would harm their children rather than contribute to the elimination of childhood diseases."

First off, maybe these parents have this so-called erroneous belief that vaccines might harm their children because they have a child or multiple children who were healthy before being vaccinated, but shortly after being vaccinated began to suffer from the symptoms of autism which will haunt them for life (and no doubt their guilt-ridden parents as well).

Maybe they have this supposedly erroneous belief that vaccines might harm their children because there is documented medical evidence proving that people have DIED from a strain of the measles virus given to them from the MMR vaccine. How many people? We don't know because many people who have died from the infection are never biopsied and their biopsies compared to the vaccine strain of the virus. But what we do know is that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) themselves documented this fact (yes, an actual fact not contrived in the imagination of a deluded mind) all the way back in the 1990s when a young man was tragically killed by the MMR vaccine (a college requirement no less) - dead just 15 months after the needle injected him with what many would describe as nothing less than toxic industrial poison being pushed on our children in the name of disease control.

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Below is an excerpt from an excellent article documenting this tragic case written by Celeste McGovern and originally published on April 19 of this year, which tells the sad story (that the MSM coincidently refuses to cover along with all similar tragic stories, while at the same time vehemently attacking 'anti-vaxxers' as "dangerous"):

On September 3, 1992, a 20-year-old man with haemophilia A and asymptomatic HIV infection received an MMR shot to fulfill a college vaccination requirement for a second dose of measles-containing vaccine.

By July the following year, ten months after the vaccination, he had developed a dry cough and chills and was waking with night sweats. On July 30, 1993, he visited his physician and a month later he was hospitalized as he had lost weight, was feverish and struggling to breathe.

On October 6, 1993, 13 months after being vaccinated, doctors performed an open-lung biopsy on the young man. Biopsy specimens revealed measles infection in his lungs and he was diagnosed with measles pneumonia. The virus samples were stored. He was treated and stabilized and was discharged from hospital on October 29.

The following month he returned to the hospital, however, because of increased shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea and vomiting. He was treated again, his chest was drained and he was discharged on November 23.

On November 27, the young man returned to the hospital because of nausea, vomiting and dehydration.

On December 13 he became encephalitic — his brain was swelling.

On December 17, 1993, 15 months after his vaccination, he died.

Next, "In 1995, for undisclosed reasons, medical researchers decided to examine the measles virus isolated from lung biopsy tissue samples taken from the young man in October 1993."

They sequenced the genome of this virus and compared it to the sequence of the Moraten vaccine virus strain and reported they differed by only two nucleotides, essentially confirming the identity of the virus isolated from the lung biopsy specimen from the young man as a Moraten vaccine virus.

Now comes the clincher, that the CDC confirmed these findings: "“CDC was notified of these findings in March 1996, and supplemental sequence studies performed at CDC support the conclusion that Moraten vaccine was the source for the measles virus isolate,” the agency reported in its Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report (MMWR) in 1996."

But it gets worse. The CDC knows of this danger on top of even other dangers, but refuses to warn the public of any of it, while at the same time pushing these, dare I say, dangerous vaccines as 'safe' and 'effective':

The case study reviewed here is from the 1990s but that is all-the-more troubling since it raises a number of serious public health questions that the CDC has known about for decades and has not yet attempted to address. Worse yet, it has not yet disclosed these known dangers to the public. While it whips up terror about wild measles outbreaks, it’s hiding the dangers it knows about its engineered vaccine virus.

The CDC has known for decades that its measles vaccine virus can cause infections, that those infections can lurk silently in people for a long time and they can kill, that the virus sheds in the urine of vaccinated individuals and that it can spread. In 2011, for example, doctors released a 22-year-old theatre worker in New York City from hospital with full-blown measles to roam the streets. They thought she was only sick with vaccine-associated measles. It looks just like measles but doctors are told not to count it when it occurs in the recently vaccinated and that it can’t spread.

They were wrong. The vaccinated “Measles Mary” spread the vaccine disease to four of her contacts (two of whom were fully vaccinated) who spread the disease until it became a full-on measles outbreak. Like today that was almost certainly blamed on irresponsible “anti-vaxxers” at the time, though it all began in a vaccine needle. - Celeste McGovern, Ghost Ship Media

If you think that's crazy, there's even more dangers the CDC and vaccine manufactures know about their concoctions via pre-release testing of the vaccines, and these dangers too are both ignored and suppressed while the vaccine itself is pushed on the masses in the name of public safety, backed by threats of mandatory forced vaccination, in turn backed by threats of isolation, fines and arrest for non-compliance.

Straight from a quite recent mainstream news article published on May 2:

In another significant legal win for vaccine risk awareness non-profit Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), a new Freedom of Information Act disclosure from the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revealed that the MMR vaccine was licensed based on clinical trials which in total had less than 1,000 participants and far more adverse reactions than previously acknowledged. - PRNewswire via Yahoo News

This article very oddly and I might add quite conveniently ended up tagged and published in Yahoo Finance rather than, I don't know, the standard news or health sections; I can only assume because this is where it was expected to get the least views. Below is the key section of the article illuminating the "far more adverse reactions than previously acknowledged" acquired via the above-mentioned FOIA request:

The MMR vaccine is at the heart of the vaccine debate. The following are some of the key facts learned from the clinical trial reports produced by the FDA, which the agency relied upon to license the MMR:

  • There were eight clinical trials that in total had less than 1,000 individuals, out of which only 342 children received the MMR vaccine
  • The safety review period only tracked 'adverse events' for 42 days after injection
  • More than half or a significant percent of all participants in each of the eight trials developed gastrointestinal symptoms and upper respiratory infections
  • All adverse events were generically described as 'other viruses' and not considered in safety profile of licensure
  • The control group received other vaccines for either rubella or measles and rubella, and none of the controls received a placebo (an inert substance such as a saline injection)

What!?! You're telling me that over half of all participants in the MMR trials developed gastrointestinal symptoms and upper respiratory infections in just the first 42 days after injection, that all adverse events were NOT considered in the safety profile of licensure; and to top it off: despite such minimal, inadequate testing (only tracking adverse events for 42 days while we now know they can silently lurk for months before suddenly appearing, only 342 of 1000 test subjects receiving the specific vaccine being tested - MMR - and NO placebo controls!), this vaccine was STILL APPROVED as "safe" and "effective". What a joke!

Bigtree, an Emmy-Award winning producer, and director of the documentary "Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe," says the reason for increased vaccine hesitancy is not unreasonable fear, but a growth in awareness of the corruption, secrecy and obvious overt propaganda surrounding vaccines and the pharmaceutical industry.

I would agree, and maybe this is why the likes of Juliette Kayemm are so ruthlessly demonizing and attacking as "dangerous" the 'anti-vaxxers' without producing mounds of evidence to debunk us 'crazy conspiracy theorists' (or any evidence at all) - because they have no real argument, backed by true scientific research, medical testing, facts and logic/reason to support their absurd claims and ideology.

It also turns out that some parents might even possibly have the so-called erroneous belief that vaccinations would harm their children rather than contribute to the elimination of childhood diseases because of all the potentially deadly toxins and poisons found in most vaccines; such as mercury which is toxic in even the smallest amounts, thimerosal, aluminum, and the cow serum in which the antigens in vaccines that are supposed to immunize against the targeted disease(s) are grown in - which has been found to be detrimental to the function of human kidneys.

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And maybe, just maybe they have the so-called erroneous belief that vaccinations would harm their children rather than contribute to the elimination of childhood diseases because recent testing of one widely used vaccine (Infanrix Hexa) by an independent organization in Italy actually found that the vaccine had none of the antigens for the six diseases it was supposedly designed to immunize against, while at the same time containing over 60 cross-contaminates and toxins, as I wrote about in detail in my last post on vaccines several months ago. Meaning the Infanrix Hexa vaccine is literally incapable of immunizing against any of the diseases it claims to protect against, while it does have the capability to pass on up to 60 or more cross-contaminates and toxins to its users - in other words, it is all risk, and no benefit. And if this is the case with one vaccine, it may well be the case with others.

So I don't think after reviewing all this evidence that it can accurately be said that 'anti-vaxxers' do indeed have the "erroneous belief that vaccinations would harm their children rather than contribute to the elimination of childhood diseases" as Juliette Kayyem claims, but rather that this claim is an outright lie. But please, don't take my word for it - research all the links above and come to your own educated opinions.

When Evidence is Lacking, Make Baseless & Uncited Claims, Appeal to Authority, Demonize, Fear-Monger and Push Forward the Tyrannical Agenda!

The WaPo piece continues thus:

We are not in a “both sides” moment. On Friday, President Trump finally conceded that his previous statements questioning the safety of vaccinations (promoting the debunked claim that vaccinations contribute to autism) were erroneous. He didn’t put it that way, of course; instead, when pressed, he said, “They have to get the shots.” Just as he does with “both sides” statements regarding white supremacists, Trump promotes risky, unscientific ideologies until the reality of their harms becomes too dangerous to ignore.

Yes, yes, we all know that if both the Democrats and Republicans agree on something, it absolutely must be true, and it is wise to trust Donald Trump when he falls in line with the tyrannical, imperial corporate/MSM/government party line. And as to the claim that "Trump promotes risky, unscientific ideologies until the reality of their harms becomes too dangerous to ignore," I would argue that it is just as, if not more likely that in reality, Trump often promotes the truth until his handlers/overlords among the corporate, bankster and government elite push him back in line with their agenda. In fact this very same scenario recently played out with Wikileaks and Julian Assange - Trump praised Wikileaks on countless occasions until it was time for the Empire to make a move on and arrest Assange - at which point he feigned ignorance and denied even knowing what the whistleblower website Wikileaks even was...

As to the claim that autism being linked to vaccines has been "debunked," we are again offered no evidence or citations to support this empty statement; but I'm sure it has indeed been 'debunked', just like the US supporting terrorists in Syria has been 'debunked', and just as the demonstrable fact that the White Helmets (so-called rescue workers) in Syria work with and for the terrorists has also been 'debunked'! (Both examples of which I have exposed extensively in numerous posts in the past - and yes, US & Israel supports terrorists in Syria, and the White Helmets for the most part are terrorists, while the 'rescue organization' itself is a western-backed terrorist propaganda construct.)

If you've reviewed the evidence laid out above, it would be difficult if not impossible to honestly claim that 'anti-vaxxers' are truly promoting "risky, unscientific ideologies" as Kayemm has done here, when in reality all the available evidence suggests the polar opposite: That it is the government, MSM, and especially Big Pharma who are promoting the truly "risky, unscientific ideologies" - and worse yet, it appears they know this full well, and promote it anyway, and in my book, that is a true crime against humanity, and quite possibly attempted mass murder. These corporate elitist scumbags are demonstrably pushing a genocidal agenda, and that is quite obvious even if we take vaccines completely out of the picture.

And, when it comes to the measles, it is too late to ignore. “Get the shots” is not a plan. We are in a crisis; an avoidable one, but a crisis nonetheless. Measles cases in the United States have exceeded the highest number on record since the disease was declared eliminated nationwide in 2000. Trump’s statement came too late; the measles are back.

And here comes the fear-mongering and underhanded Trump bashing despite that he appears to be on your side, Juliette. Oh no, it's a crisis we are in, even though zero people have died in the current measles outbreak (correct me if I'm wrong), and there are on the other hand documented deaths and numerous other adverse affects caused by the MMR vaccine.

It is important to remember that the measles outbreak is not only the result of low-information communities or religious exceptions. Indeed, religious leaders are urging their adherents to get the shots, even in the Hasidic communities hit hardest by outbreaks. Imagine, instead, that this outbreak is what happens when negligent people do negligent things, such as sending a kid to school with a loaded gun and hoping for the best.

But who the hell sends their kid to school with a loaded gun at all, ever, let alone hoping for the best? This is absolutely insane, likening well-researched opinions and actions based on that education, which Kayyem seems to avoid at all costs (or knows better and is a LIAR), to parents sending kids to school with a loaded gun. Just more underhanded demonization of well-informed parents.

In some places, sadly, more education is necessary, especially in isolated communities. But some of the crisis was bred in well-off and informed communities, where voodoo science is given equal weight with yoga and kale; vaccination rates in areas of California have, at times, been less than rates in South Sudan. And this utter negligence has had, until last week, a safe harbor in the White House (and is being amplified by Russia, a hostile foreign power that exacerbates this false narrative through its disinformation bot-farms to promote an unsafe America).

Oh ya, here we go with the entirely unrelated Trump bashing, Russian bot-farms narrative, and labeling actual scientific medical research and facts as "voodoo science." And what's with likening this so-called voodoe science with yoga and kale, both of which are demonstrably healthy for the human body? Showing your true colors much, Juliette? Kale is bad, spinach must be bad too, now go eat your fast food and you'll feel soooooo much better! OMG, this is absolutely farcical! And to think the average American buys this crap hook, line and sinker... But believe it or not, it does get even worse.

The initial steps we have taken are essential: prohibit non-vaccinated children from public spaces, including schools; promote educational efforts; and, in extreme cases, force isolation on pockets of populations that might have been exposed to the outbreak, as is happening now in the University of California system. But these efforts impact the children who might have been put at risk by the decision of individuals not to vaccinate. Viewed through the lens of public safety, it is the parents who should be punished. Why not make them pay for the harms they are causing?

"Essential" steps according to Kayyem already taken include taking away freedoms from law abiding citizens, to promote indoctrination campaigns, and to "force isolation on pockets of populations that might have been exposed to the outbreak. And yes, yes, why not make those parents pay for taking the time to inform themselves of the very real risks and dangers of vaccination - ah, I mean for "the harms [against the evil machine] they are causing"? It's a good question - maybe not make them pay because they are only harming an evil system and not your damn children, Juliette Kayyem, just your livelihood as a Washington Post columnist.

Fines for the increased public safety burdens put on these communities by a few ought not to be the responsibility of all. In many states, when hikers ignore warnings that certain trails are too dangerous and then have to be rescued, the fees for the rescue must be paid by the hikers. It’s a fine for making a self-centered decision that placed an unreasonable burden on a larger community. Measles should be no different.

I don't understand this gibberish, because the nature of fines is that a fine is levied against the 'perpetrator' as punishment and not society at large. I think this lady is confusing government (and by extension taxpayer) funded healthcare with fines, but then again I'm no expert at interpreting gibberish, so please come to your own interpretation of what on earth this lady is trying to say here.

In the same way we have created sex-offenders lists to protect our children, communities can inventory families that choose not to be vaccinated, notifying employers of these parents as well as neighbors who may choose not to expose their children. Exceptions might be made for religious or medical reasons, but not for those who are simply choosing to ignore the science.

Oh yes, threats aren't enough, we need to make fancy government 'anti-vaxxer lists' just as has been done with 'sex offenders', so the dumbed-down sheep can point out and further isolate the radical educated people and free-thinkers by notifying employers and putting their very livelihoods in jeopardy. Their 'crime' to 'deserve' such treatment by society? Informing themselves of the facts and truth on the issue, and caring deeply about their children enough to not unnecessarily subject them to the very real risks and dangers of vaccination detailed above.

The anti-vaxxers are also putting at risk populations that cannot be vaccinated due to health conditions or allergic reactions. Mostly children and the elderly, these people are dependent on the rest of us being vaccinated so that they can benefit from herd protections; they should be the only acceptable free-riders.

And here we go with the nonsensical "herd protections" these types love to talk about (interestingly, no links or citactions explaining how this "herd immunity" works or proving that "herd immunity" is anything more than figments of the imagination used to push a very specific corporate/government agenda). As to those who don't vaccinate, I'm at a loss as to Kayyem's obsession with labeling them "free-riders," as I am almost certain most 'anti-vaxxers' are not getting any kind of a free ride. I'm also fairly certain that if their kids do get sick due to lack of vaccination, they have to pay for the health care or the insurance which pays for the healthcare themselves, just like everyone else in society when their kids get sick.

Yes, this language is harsh, the language of a homeland security expert, not a pediatrician. Maybe the threat of greater penalties will get these parents to be less self-centered. But, sometimes a crisis requires a change in orientation if only to scare the free-riders into loving my children as much as I love theirs.

"If only to scare the free-riders into loving my children as much as I love theirs." - Oh Juliette, oh Juliette, do you not know and understand that one can not be scared into loving another?!? It is impossible! Just as it is impossible to force someone to love another. Love is experienced, learned, and chosen; not something that one can be forced or scared into doing. Talk about deluded... Does she honestly believe that people can be scared into loving other people, when fear is the antithesis of love, and the power of fear is the greatest threat to true love, greater even than hate I would argue? I would guess, no, she doesn't believe it for a second, but she does surely understand that fear is one of the most powerful tools of tyrants used to enslave their subjects and to scare their slaves into compliance. Of course compliance and love are not even close to the same thing, as I'm sure can be understood by all...

And oh so nice of her; this columnist even hints at the fact she used to work for Homeland Security, and there couldn't possibly be any sort of a conflict of interest there at all - because it's not like the media's job is supposed to be exposing government conspiracies, corruption and crimes. No, that's the job of independent journalism, not the media.

Maybe the threat of greater penalties will get these parents to be less "self-centered" though, because we all know it is so selfish to care about the health of your children so much that you refuse to subject them to a host of toxins and possibly in the near future 'mandatory' poisoning. Or maybe it will only further enrage entire swaths of society who are being increasingly further marginalized, ignored, isolated, demonized and threatened on a daily basis for the simple 'crime' of being well-informed and educated on subjects that threaten the profits of the corporate oligarchy and the expansion of the empire.

As to the absurd claim that 'anti-vaxxers' don't love Juliette Kayyem's children as much as she loves theirs, I call bullshit, and by now it shouldn't be hard to see what in my opinion is the obvious truth: Juliette neither loves her children nor anyone else's as much as she loves her chains of servitude, her highly esteemed credentials, and her corporate paycheck from on high. And if there was any doubt whatsoever that the Washington ComPost is nothing more than a government mouthpiece and a fear-mongering tool of propaganda on behalf of Big Pharma and the corporate empire they are a part of, there should no longer be any such doubts.

Thanks for reading, and hope you found this post informative. Peace.

For more on this story, I recommend Jeff C's video (@fakenewsreport) embedded below & on Steemit here.


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