Attacked For Saying HellosteemCreated with Sketch.

Today, my REP went from 57 to 55 because I was being too friendly according to some people. I've been in this situation before a few times. The last time was earlier in 2019. See, sometimes I just say hi to new users. So, there can be repetition as King Solomon said 3,000 years ago that there is nothing new under the sun. How many times have you said hello to people? Is that spam? Good question. Is Oatmeal going to jail? See, keep in mind that you find repetition in life. Also, spam, like beauty, can be measured by and be in the eyes of the beholder. What is one person's trash might be another person's treasured oatmeal.

Information War

I'm writing this to @informationwar and @freezepeach because I want them to know that repetitive greetings to non-bots is apparently forbidden according to the fact that I was downvoted (3 comments today) for socializing in a systematical fashion.

spam hello steemit
Flagged For Welcoming New Users

Attacked For Saying Hello

Published - 2019-09-29 - Sunday - 07:21 PM LMS - PDT

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in September of 2019

facebook ban censor
Is Facebook worse than Communist China?

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What happened?

2019-09-29 - Saturday - 01:07 PM PDT LMS JSA - Steemit - I commented:



Some people might have said or alluded to an understanding, an allegation, that my "HI" comment is spam. I say hi to person one. Then, I say "hi" to person two. Well, folks, it is not like you never ever ever said like hi to a person and then hi to another person in real life. I'm being sarcastic. See, that is the irony in all of this. In Real Life (IRL), this happens all the time. It also happens on Facebook, Twitter, and especially YouTube. Also, not to mention, Discord, Instagram, Infowars Army Forum, Minds, Gab, Tumblr, and many other websites, forums, emails, etc, etc. So, let me briefly show you the three comments that they flagged of mine as follows. I received the flags, the downvotes, on this Sunday, the 29th or 29 of September of 2019 at 02:14 PM PDT and also the last one at 02:15 PM. I may get more flags in the future.

Currently, these are the three flags that I noticed as follow:

Flag 01/03

2019-09-29 - Sunday - 02:14 PM - I got this message saying that spam is frown upon. That came with some flags, AKA downvotes.

Flag 02/03

02:14 PM - Again, I was flagged for saying hello too much.

Flag 03/03

02:15 PM - I got another flag, again, because I try to greet people and that must be forbidden.

alex funny
How dangerous can the slippery slope of copyright be?


03:00 PM - Here is my conversation in Discord:

Can I say hi once a year? But not consecutively, daily, to different people? I don't have the freedom to say whatever I want to say to people? I have to say at least ten words? What about the bots that greet new users with the same messages over and over again? So, they are allowed to spam their messages, their books of words, and I am not allowed to write small messages to people? So, does that mean there is a priority placed on the bots and smaller channels aren't so lucky?

Guilty Parties

03:15 PM - Steemit | To @guiltyparties, I replied:

I am back on that list right now for welcoming users by saying just hello and hi. They don't like that. I want to start conversations with people but some people don't respond. So, why should I waste my time with longer comments than just hi, as they may not say anything back. But if they do, then the conversation can grow and extend from that. My REP went from 57 to 55 today.

Real Grace

2018-04-29 - 08:08 AM - Steemit

I repled

I am glad you are real with a great smile and steem cleaners attacked me as well and my rep went down 57 to 55 because of it. I wish you the best Grace....... he he eh eheheheh ehe ehe hehehhehheheheheheeeeeeee and I wrote the hehe in order to scare the bots away from me because, see, if you write the same message twice, even accidentally, then you are the big bad wolf or big bad woman haha.

commie poly commiepoly
CBS Violated Fair Use

Another Hero

2018-04-13 - 12:33 AM - @anotherhero commented

@steemflagrewards I am not sure where to post this, but the user @ joeyarnoldvn (I have removed the tag so they do not see this post) has been gaining a lot of attention from the community for spamming, but I wanted to talk about some serious issues here that probably have not been brought up yet due to their complexity.

This particular user has just informed me that they are autistic, and after finding their YouTube channel I have confirmed this to be the case.

Some of our moderators have been saying some nasty things to this poor guy, not realizing he has autism, and it is creating a problem we never really expected to run across.

This user gives out rapid-fire compliments to every profile he comes across (occasionally without reading the full post) and often saying the same compliments over and over again which he has been informed is unacceptable by steemit spam decection, however in this particular case we obviously need to be careful not to flag his posts that AREN'T spam, because in this specific case, this user is not intentionally abusing the system but is unknowingly, unintentionally abusing the system (and even then it becomes a grey area of what is defined as "abuse" because can this guy truly be abusing the system when he is unaware of the technical reasons why his comments are flagged? Does his content even count as spam? It's a really good question because he may post identical comments on numerous profiles, but he also follows up on every single person who responds, he never says anything mean, and he never says "hey go look at my profile" or anything spammy like that, he just provides from a coding perspective, I have no clue how you would design a bot that could differentiate between this user's posts which are non-malicious, and actual spam)

So I don't want to see him harassed any further or banned or cause him too much grief. I attempted to explain why copy-pasting comments or saying the same comment over and over is not allowed on steemit but of course he is having difficulty understanding, and to be honest, at this point even I am having difficulty understanding how we should proceed. He should probably just be allowed to do what he wants on the platform unhindered, and my vote is that we should just consider him the steemit greeter and first friend of all new users, because that's exactly what he is, a friend to everyone.

Let this be our case study for the unknown variables that crop up when developing automated spam-punishing systems and make sure we don't accidentally harm well-meaning users, but still remove their spam posts while leaving the non-spam posts.

This will require community involvement, which will require people actually being rewarded for spending the time to investigate this stuff. I mean I just spent like 4 hours analyzing this guy's behaviour and trying to communicate with him before he revealed to me he was autistic and I was able to finally find his youtube account by searching "Original Oatmeal Joe"

Yet my account is now diminished due to how many flagged posts I made. This is not ideal.

Thanks for reading, please upvote for the effort I put into this, and keep an eye out for @ joeyarnoldvn (again, tag removed to protect him) as well as others like him.

Let other moderators know it is unacceptable to use harsh or derogatory language while flagging users for spam, because we might just hurt an innocent person like this :-(

Disney Spams Star Wars

04:03 PM - Steemit

Is saying hello to people really spam? Keep in mind that it is not like you say a unique collection of random words to each and every person you talk to in real life, let alone the Internet. Solomon said that aint nothing new under the sun or the sea except oatmeal. You know, King Solomon? So, how often have you you said hello or how are you to different people? Is that spam or is it simply unintentional repetition? How often do you eat the meal in your life? Is that spam? How often does Disney spam the Star Wars story or other stories?


2017-07-28 - 10:39 AM - Steemit - I made this list for saying "" accompanied with other words as well. It was not just "wow." It was other things as well.

So, I can't say wow on top of other random words? Wow is what I say to that.

alex Jones banned from own trial 2018 infowars
Can they ban people from their own trials?

Concerning DMCA

04:14 PM - If Julian Assange was on here, would he be allowed? See, he could be exposing corruption in governments. But, see, many of those governments, and others, can say, allegedly, that he is not allowed. So, they could also claim copyright. So, what would you do?

Tim Cliff

04:29 PM - Steemit

@timcliff, my REP fell 57 to 55 today because of three flags by @steemcleaners because, allegedly, they say that I say "hi" too often to new users as opposed to automated bot messaged which are sent to new users which they seem to be ignoring or claiming are in fact an exception that I don't get to be part of. So, I say hello to people too much. So, I must be a pretty terrible criminal.

copyright brain phone
Can they copyright our brains via brain phones?


04:28 PM - King Solomon said that there aint nothing new under the sun. Something that I say might be similar to something you wrote. Now, that may not necessarily mean that I stole it from you. It could, but not always. It is also a matter of determining how similar is too similar, that is in a court of law.

2017-06-23 - I wrote about Solomon and Disney.

Sometimes, things end up being similar or perhaps too similar to the works of other people. Not everything is copied or stolen on purpose. Sometimes, they are happy little mistakes.

Theft vs free publicity

College Reference

Research Reference

But that sounds like hate speech and not facts?

Does free speech have limitations? If so, who decides?

But what about loopholes and exception clauses?

What does an oatmeal believe?

But what about alleged plagiarism?

I try not to downvote people.

But sex sells, right?

A comment about trust.
Will Comcast hunt you down, illegally?
I know Copy RIGHT. But what is Copy LEFT?
Facebook & The Lawn Mower Man
What is a fake claim, legally?
Is Hitler working for Facebook?
Why is Trump not stopping censorship?
Can Smart WALL-E Brain Phones save us?
Will this make you laugh?
Is this the death of the Internet?
Should we become one with the Borg?
Should we become ninjas like Alita?
Should we all have Brain TiVo?
Did I not delete this fast enough?
What is 5G and how much cancer can it give us?

YouTube forced me to delete videos and yet still terminated my channels

Lady Liberty

04:47 PM - Steemit

I replied to @allasyummyfood:

Depends on your definition of original. Imagine going to to New York and taking a photo of the Statue of Liberty. And then imagine yourself telling the world that you were the first person ever to have ever taken a picture of Lady Liberty. Of course, you are original and unique. I don't disagree with that. I am trying to emphasize on the dangers of subjectivity over objective perspective in life in general.

Money Talk

2017-06-23 - 08:48 AM - Steemit

The following comment of mine was flagged:

@allasyummyfood is telling people to make money by stealing money from other people who created either new content or a new presentation which is like new contents which features pre-existing content and that is what we do all the time.... a guy shared a video from Fox... people share videos from Info Wars..... we are sharing things from other people.... even the words and language we use come from other people who invented those words..... language is not even our own

YouTube War

2017-08-28 - 08:13 PM - YouTube Violated Fair Use Law
2017-09-26 - 12:07 AM - Fair Use Loop Hole

Comcast War

2018-09-18 - 11:07 PM - Comcast Violated the 4th Amendment

Banning Oatmeal

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My Autobiography

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01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12

big c copyright oatmeal joey arnold joseph scott rasp morehead mitchell cunningham oregon vietnam wa usa vn joeyarnoldvn ojawall
Is Oatmeal going to jail?


2019-09-27 - Friday
2019-09-28 - Saturday
2019-09-29 - Sunday
2019-09-29 - Sunday - 02:14 PM PST LMS JA - Attacked For Saying Hello
2019-09-30 - Monday


There's lots of liberty to a platform without a central organization, and at times, it feels like a mob mentality forms concerning 'bad behavior'. Do I condone it? Well, I largely don't feel a need to be involved, especially with my own stake at risk, but, I have my own belief system. Once I have enough stake to claim my own, and hold my ground when my system is challenged, I will speak up. "Might is right" seems too much of a blanket statement, as 'I will stand up for my rights, once my legs are strong'. Maybe I'm wrapped up in too much idealism.

Yeah, I get that and that is smart and it is the law of the jungle. I don't really disagree with you.

@timcliff, @steemitcleaners banned me from their Discord Channel. They said that the bots can spam because they're helping the community and that I cannot do the same things that the bots do on Steem, on Steemit. As soon as I said that they were making an exception clause, they put me in timeout. So, I guess they didn't ban me yet.

Screenshot at 2019-09-29 19:50:58.png

I tried appealing on their Discord and they put me on Timeout and began to mock and insult me.

welcome to newsteem..

At least I only got three flagged comments, so far. Well, we do have Steem Community Tribes which are superior to Facebook Groups and Reddit Subreddits in some ways.

My commiserations.

On text plagiarism:
A plagiarism checker could help you to know whether you have unintentionally copied content from elsewhere.
All the very best. @joeyarnoldvn
Steem on!

But if it is your own thoughts, then it is yours. If a girl wears the same dress as another girl, then does she need to put on a different dress?

Of course, it is your original thought! 💭 @joeyarnoldvn

The way that patent, trademark & copyright law works is that the one who claimed it first is the owner of the work.
Unfortunately, it does not matter if you also originally thought the same thing.

Using a plagiarism checker before you post could help.

Posted using Partiko iOS

What about Fair Use Law and also Safe Harbor Law?

Safe harbor deals with data & vulgarity. @joeyarnoldvn
Fair use references copyright © work.

In my opinion, I do not see any copyright or vulgarity involved in your posts.
However, repetition can be interpreted as spam.
Keep in mind that on the #Steem #blockchain:
• Beauty is in of the beholder
• Voting, 🗳 whether upward or downward is stake-weighted.
• What the voter thinks or believes or decides to take action on matters. Unfortunately, not your intention, sir.

Trust that this helps, @joeyarnoldvn

YouTube denied my Fair Use claims and terminated my channels.

That’s unfortunate. @joeyarnoldvn
The platform owner can choose what content to permit. @joeyarnoldvn
@DTube & @Appics could be a #Steem alternative.

Posted using Partiko iOS

You are not aware of liability protection? You are not familiar with U.S. laws? So, you don't know about how government money, which came from tax payers, funded Google, YouTube, Facebook, etc? So, you don't realize how Google and Apple refused to work with the Pentagon and begun handing over keys, passwords, to users, to the Chinese government, right? You don't realize the differences between a platform and publisher? You don't remember when AT&T had to go to court in the 1970's or Microsoft in the 1990's? These big companies were in court for many years. Nigel, you are basically telling me that you don't know what happened during those trials.