I've made memes, videos, art, different things, for many years at times. But some things can take a lot of time, energy, and especially RAM. It can be tough on my computer when I try to edit videos. I guess I prefer being in the videos more than the editing process. I guess we should all focus on whatever we do best for each individual as we are all different in good ways. Here is an upvote. Oatmeal.
Every now and then I have been known to create memes, mostly about liberty and crypto
I've made memes, videos, art, different things, for many years at times. But some things can take a lot of time, energy, and especially RAM. It can be tough on my computer when I try to edit videos. I guess I prefer being in the videos more than the editing process. I guess we should all focus on whatever we do best for each individual as we are all different in good ways. Here is an upvote. Oatmeal.
Check this one out. I can't stop sharing it on social media with the NPCs and watch them implode haha

That is a good gab at NPC Logic. Good to bring up.
Stuff made by Socialists haha! #maga #MAGABomber #BombScare #FalseFlag #Trump #DemocratBombHoax