Down the Vaccine Rabbit Hole, Episode 1: "The Government Would Never Do That!"
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View this post on Hive: Down the Vaccine Rabbit Hole, Episode 1: "The Government Would Never Do That!"
These studies were amoral and it is hard to believe that any government could do things this Evil! That said, it is obvious that you have nailed it here, and they are likely worse than Either of us know!
What really concerns me is that we all Know that this government is worse today than when those studies were done! SO, They are less trustworthy now, than they were when they were simply Evil...SMH!
They certainly were & are immoral (lots still happening)... though as an anarchist I find it quite easy to believe that this is what every government does. Violent organized crime is violent organized crime.
Right, the government has been consistently spreading its tentacles, expanding its ability to control, strengthening its brainwashing... who knows wtf they're doing now.
Think of the worst things you can imagine, multiply that by 10, we are still Way too short of how bad they actually are!
"as an anarchist I find it quite easy to believe that this is what every government does."
AB-SO-LUTELY. The various governments (within the phony boundary lines they drew up long ago to keep us all separated and believing each other are evil so we never notice what THEY'RE doing to us) are all in absolute collusion with one another, and have basically always been. Just like politicians who pretend to be from differing parties (they're NOT), they may and do squabble aplenty, but in the end they all answer to the same masters, the results are the same regardless of who gets (s)elected.
Any and all apparent differences between political parties and indeed governments, is THEATER.
Oh, there's always a temporary exception or two, I mean maybe elements of Iran's government actually do care somewhat about Iranians, and maybe they're not fully 'playing ball' with the rest of the world (Read: No Central Bank As Yet), so they get nominated to play the role of 'current evil in the world', and (likely at some point) get bombed into oblivion. Then suddenly they'll have a central bank, and maybe suddenly even 'most favored nation' status with USEmpire. What a surprise! "But hold that thought till we're done bombing the shit out of a half dozen other mid east countries, then we'll get right with ya."
Yeah Kenny, @smithlabs has it right. Multiply by 10 and you'll likely be closer to real numbers. It's worldwide, and it's been going on for a very long time now.
All that said, don't get depressed about it. (WHAT?) Seriously, remember to accept all. Accept all, just as it is. We make every positive change we can, and allow what we can't. Remember: the moment enough people on this planet, in coordinated fashion, decide to no longer participate (as you already don't!), it's over for them. Money drives it all, which is why they've got such a lock on it. But hey, it's showing signs of slipping. When we collectively cut off the supply, what will they do? How will 0.0001% of the population jail and/or murder the rest?
Sorry about the rant, this stuff just gets my blood bubbling. Blessings!!!
This really is such a deep and dark hole to go down, but yes get all this information out here. Really great that you started by talking about informed consent, so many people just signing their lives away with out any information. And all those experiments, heavy heavy reading but so important, thanks for this @kennyskitchen xxx
So dark & deep, I've been in quite a funk the last few days. A mix of depression, feeling compassion for the many humans who have suffered from these things, and an absolute rage at the continued existence of the very institutions that have been doing this (along with multiple genocides)... and people still actively fighting FOR that system, trying to argue for the need to vote & pay taxes. Absolutely disgusting.
Just started diving in the other day on this one!!! I hardly talk about it and my friends think of me as a nutter already, lol!!!
It is rwally wild how all of it could be true and if ot is.... what the hell is wrong with this humanity. All those tests and experimemts you mentioned here in this first dive are completely crazy. It's hard to believe we did such things.... well I guess it's still going on.
The testing of vaccines seemsnto be going on right now as we vacvinate ourselves!!! Scary world for real.
It's all coming to the surface. Even the MK ultra and god knows what else they have been doing will come up eventually. The rabbit hole is deep, dirty and heavy. Keep your sanity Kenny, keep your focus. Go spend some time away from this stuff, with friends or in nature.
Heavy shit indeed, excellent write up and epic post! The sad
part is how easily they prey on our collective lack of memory.
Ya, it's pretty ridiculous how quickly the mass consciousness forgets history. Even for myself, before diving into this research I only knew of a couple of these experiments.
Oh yeah, I only knew of Tuskegee and Guatemala myself. You covered a lot of new ground that I was unfamiliar with. After a while though, the landscape starts to develop rapidly kind of like a Polaroid. You begin to see a picture and when you see that picture you realize that worshiping the men and women in white coats can end up being one of the worst mistakes of your life. Iatrogenic disease is rampant and it's almost like with each new vaccine or pharmaceutical they have to name several new diseases all while masking the fact that they were brought about by the very treatments they provided. Yet, that's an entirely different topic of conversation I suppose. It all becomes interrelated and connected after a while. The dots connect themselves with lines and two seemingly unrelated topics are linked or connected in such a way that people who have not been exposed to enough information may not be able to see how they relate.
Exactly, and my brain is extremely good at finding the patterns, so I only dipped my toes into a lot of this stuff before I felt that I had a pretty good sense of what was going on. Going back now and diving in fully is wildly disturbing, to say the least.
I find myself walking people through the various pieces so often! A conversation will start off about something like frakking or blacks being killed by police, and I'm quite quickly bringing up political history, the inherent violence of the system, etc.
In all your reading how many times did you encounter the phrase “you can’t argue with science”? It’s usually a dead giveaway that someone
a) doesn’t understand how science advances, and
b) is just parroting what some “authority figure” told them because they haven’t actually looked at the science (and they wouldn't know where to start because they haven't got a clue what “the scientific method” is).
Too many, that's for sure. It is amazing how often people who don't seem to understand what the word science means use that word as some all-powerful defense for the BS they've been tricked into believing. Sounds a lot like religion huh?
I remember my first conversation with my mother about some conspiracy theories about 9/11, where she said "They would never do that." Not the same topic but still the same mindset. Great intro to your series. Take your time, this is some of the nasty stuff.
Not the same topic, but certainly the same dogmatic, religious brainwashing about the State. The programming itself is definitely the most insidious piece. Everyone knows right & wrong, but so many of them have this little virus in their moral programming.
This is gonna sound lame maybe, but I only just now opened the steemit account. I don't have any crypto... how do I buy some steem to up vote this?
I upvoted your post.
Keep steeming for a better tomorrow.
@Acknowledgement - God Bless
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