What is the Occult Meaning Behind Bank Suckers??

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)


And why are they called dum dums?
Funny epiphany came to me today while I was riding with a co-worker to his bank so that he could deposit his paycheck. As landscapers, we ride from jobsite to jobsite and his bank happened to be on the way to the next job.

On the way, we had a 15 minute conversation about the banking system, the way the public thinks it works, versus the way it actually works. I don't want to put my coworker down, but like most of the gen pop, he was clueless about fractional reserve banking and the whole nine yards. As we went through the drive-thru window, the syrupy sweet teller gave each of us a Dum Dum sucker at the conclusion of his deposit transaction. Neither of us asked for one, but the revelation I had while she was passing out those suckers hit me like a ton of bricks.

Qui vult decipi, decipiatur...
Roman proverb
My Latin is a bit rusty but that saying translates to something akin to this-
Whoever wants to be deceived, let him be deceived

"There's a sucker born every minute."
-P.T. Barnum

For the benefit of the doubt, I am going to present this post as if you readers are in the same standpoint as my co-worker and have no clue as to the inner workings of the monetary system. Most of the people that I have talked to over the years are under the impression that banks lend money based on what their customers deposit. This is true, but it is only a half truth. The customer is the one that both creates the money as well as the debt. The system works through duality, just like everything else in this world. The customer is both the creditor AND the debtor, BUT the banks always fool the customer into assuming the position of the debtor. In fractional reserve banking, there is only 10% of actual physical currency on hand to cover all the deposits on the bank's books.

I'll try to explain through a simple analogy. If you are the customer and you have a $10000 check that you deposit at XYZ Bank, they then take that check and turn it into a negotiable instrument. It is added to the bank's ledger system as an asset. They only have to keep 10% of it on hand as physical cash($1000). They can then make new loans on the remaining $9000.
Now suppose ten different customers come into XYZ Bank and each borrow $9000 each. The bank has just created $90,000 in new money (9,000x10 new loans) off of that original $10000 check! Right out of thin air! They only have to increase their physical reserves to the amount of $10000 (the original 10%/1000$ plus 10% of the new loans made /$9000 for the $90,000 that was borrowed from the ten new customers...

Do you follow what's going on here? The bank uses double ledger accounting following the Hermetic law of duality. They create one column for assets (positive) and another column for liabilities (negative), but they never actually loan you anything, the money is created by you and the bank keeps 100% of the profits that YOU created! This scenario is only able to be understood if each of the 11 customers all use the same bank. The process repeats all over again if one or more of those ten loan customers takes their shiny new loan check for $9000 and takes it to a different bank for depositing. And this is just at the local level, as the loan issuing banks have to submit their paperwork up the chain to the Federal Reserve System for "clearing." The central bank acts as the central hub where each bank can get their own accounts credited and debited when tbey receive checks from other banks.

Yes, I know all this is absolutely mind boggling to grasp at first but it's all straight out of the horse's mouth. The Chicago Federal Reserve Bank put out a publication called Modern Money Mechanics which I'll link to below. It is available for free download and an absolute must for overcoming debt slavery.


Americans have been very foolish, racking up exorbitant mortgage debt, auto loan debt, and billions of dollars of credit card debt, thinking that the more currency they have or the higher the digits are in "their" bank accounts, the wealthier they are. The neighbors have a new ford explorer so we must go out and get a new escalade, plus an in-ground pool to show off.
Every mortgage is a death pledge, you'll pay back three times what your house is worth and the bank will always hold the deed. You will never hold alloidial title to your house and land. The king's bankers and his lawyers have stolen all your assets from you, all property is held in trust. Most Americans have chosen to operate in the capacity of a debtor instead of the creditor, and because of that, each man and woman stands in bond and surety...

Get off your knees America and get your heads in the game. The dominoes are being set up just to be knocked down...

And to top it off, the only thing your bank ever gave you is a lousy sucker...sucker for a sucker.
Eat them up, you paid for a lifetime's supply
Pissed off yet?


You have been resteemed by @resteemy, courtesy of @mindszai!
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Thank you. Not enough people understand how the banking system is cheating them with the help of the lawyers.

Banking system is under threat after the arrival of Blockchain technology!!! I believe Block Chain has lot of potential to influence the people:)

Occult is something which has magical power!! the banks are backed by governments

The word 'occult' simply means "hidden", "unseen", or "shrouded in secrecy", @amarjeetsingh. What you are thinking of is the popular, public misconception that 'occult' denotes something that is magickal, evil, demonic,etc.While it is true that the above examples ARE things that are occult, when I unveil the occult in my posts, I am speaking and writing of things that are subtle and that have a deeper, underlying meaning. Our reality is provided with duality, and there are always multiple meanings or interpretations to things, especially when it comes to words, language, symbols, and purpose. Occult science has been weaponized and used against the masses for thousands of years, as the public always accepts the primary objective or explanation given to them by their institutions.
The reason I write posts on this important subject matter it's to get people thinking on a deeper level about why things are the way they are, how they came to be about, and why they continue to exist. if we always accept what we are given at face value, then we can never penetrate into our adversaries agenda. For instance, in your comment you stated
'the banks are backed by governments.'
It is true that government always passes legislation that benefit the banks such as bailouts, however, behind every throne, it is always the financial powers that shape the destiny of princes, kings, and nations.
If you enjoyed reading my article, I encourage you to follow my blog and read more of what I have written. In my work, I seek to uncover and expose how these institutions operate and how they have defrauded and enslaved humanity. Thank you for commenting and your feedback is always welcome.