Europe A Tale Of Two Cities: How The Left/Right Good Cop/Bad Cop Routine Is Stealing Free Speech


A Tale Of Two Cities

I hope everyone is well! Regular readers will know that I'm in the middle of a pretty big house renovation project (which is why I've been a bit quiet). Unfortunately I now have a major issue with my telephone line and the phone company are going to have to apply to the council planning office to block and dig up the road! I don't know when I'm going to be back on the network so I'm going to have to explore some other options. In the meantime, I've written this post using the wi-fi at a local pub, but as soon as it's loaded I have to leave. I don't know when I will be able to get back online so I may take a while to answer any comments, but as per every post I write all comments will be replied to as soon as is physically possible. Take care my friends and speak soon.

A few months back I wrote a lengthy article (which can be found here) that detailed my belief that the architects behind the engineered European migrant crisis were using the migrants as a pretext to justify their takedown of western freedom. I displayed how the crisis is being manipulated to destroy freedom of speech, to justify an increasing police state and spy grid, to ferment societal unrest (order out of chaos) and in the march towards a globalist controlled one world government, destroy the nation-state and redefine it as a fascist ideology.

Within my post I also highlighted how they were utilising the left/right mind control paradigm to fracture ever greater splinters of division. As with everything I write there were zero propagandic images, no pictures of invading migrant hordes or of displaced children clutching teddy bears. In a world of division and polarised positions I wanted to at least attempt to offer an unbiased, objective and balanced perspective.

In an age of a million shades of grey; where people are being systematically and algorithmically nudged towards simplistic black and white answers, I refuse to fan these flames of division. That said I’m also a realist with a deep sense of justice and so as I also highlighted, I’m not afraid to tackle the big issues and call out the idealistic mindset. In short, I refuse to be enslaved to either the fear porn control mechanisms of the right, or the guilt, political correctness and identity politics of the left.


“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
― Vladimir Lenin

Throughout my work I have taken the time to highlight how left/right mind control paradigm is being utilised as a tool to ferment societal unrest. Indeed since my migrant post it’s important to note the recent far right demonstrations in Chemnitz (east Germany) and the numerous images of Merkel and other E.U leaders holding their heads in dismay, seemingly unable to comprehend or understand the rise of the right and the right wing populism that appears to gaining a foothold.

Of course this is bullshit of the highest order, for at its most simplistic this is a tale of cause and effect, of action and reaction. Do you seriously expect me to believe that these left wing masters of deception and guilt attachment compassion leaches weren’t aware of these most basic aspects of human psychology? Indeed, do people think right-wing populism wasn’t an anticipated outcome to the engineered migrant crisis? Shouldn’t those aligned with the right at least remain open to the prospect that many western E.U right-wing bogeymen are little more than controlled opposition? This battle of the ages is playing out in a world of illusion and is far more complex than left vs right, so perhaps we should ponder why people are being increasingly pushed towards this simplistic analogy?


The World Is A Stage

Once you begin to understand that the world is a stage and the vast majority narratives are both controlled and contrived; you can take a step back and look at it from a wider perspective, the puppet masters perspective. When you step away from the “he said” “she said” theatrics of modern politics you can begin to glimpse the wood from the trees. Order out of chaos, that is what they seek and division is how they achieve it. As division increases, the left/right pendulum becomes akin to a giant wrecking ball that is being used to destroy the decaying vestiges of a free society.

If you play the left/right paradigm, during this process there may be times when you feel your side is winning, that you’re sticking it to the man! But again if chaos and division is their intent, whichever way you cut it that is exactly what we are getting. There are no easy answers in all this; Brexit was (for many) a triumph against the globalist and collectivist mindset; but however much it can be perceived as a kick in the teeth for this agenda, let’s not kid ourselves that the ensuing splinters of division haven’t been and won't continue to be capitalised upon.


The Cases In Point

So this brings me to the point of my post, the tale of two cities, the smoke and mirror tools of division. In one part of the EU we have the Republic of Ireland unanimously voting to decriminalise blasphemy, with the left wing cheerleaders (the Guardian newspaper) labeling it as “medieval”. I have zero problems with this ruling as I don’t believe any religious body or belief system should be protected by law, so yes medieval could be an apt description. Hence I have a big problem with the European human rights court backing a Sharia-style blasphemy law!

The case in point relates to the prosecution of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff who was convicted of “denigrating religious beliefs”. During a speaking tour, Wolff alluded to her belief that the prophet Mohammed was a pedophile because he married his wife Aisha when she was six years old. Her actual words stated: "A 56-year-old and a six-year-old? What do we call it, if it is not pedophilia?". This statement was termed as hate speech and the prosecution was recently upheld by the aforementioned human rights court.


In a strange turn of events this is the same court that recently awarded a theatre production company $20,000 Euro’s compensation after their play was banned in Malta. The play had previously been performed at Edinburgh festival where it prompted mass walkouts. The theatre company (Unifaun) was denied a license to stage the play by Malta’s Board for Film and Stage Classification.

The board defended the ban, saying the play was blasphemous, showed contempt for the victims of the Holocaust, portrayed dangerous sexual perversions and referred to the sexual assault of children.

Just for the record, I'm not religious and I have called out both the abuses and the hidden hand that hides behind the upper echelons of the Catholic heirarchy on many occasions. That said I have both met and know many good Christians (people who extol the true intent and virtues of Christ and Christianity) and so again I refuse to fall victim to the left or right generalisations that plague and divide our society.


The Road To Nowhere

It’s important to note that the European court’s rulings are legally binding to all member states of the European union and that we now have them (selectively) legislating against free speech. This is happening against the backdrop of the wholesale and mainstream denigration of Christianity, a denigration that is cheered on by progressives that in the face of this ruling have largely (not all) either capitulated or grown silent? Is it because somehow the societal engineers have seemingly managed to subconsciously attach the Christian belief system to the far right, and Islam to the left? Do you see how they are using an increasingly generalized left/right mind control paradigm as a control mechanism that is insidiously creeping into every avenue of life? Do you see how they are using the left/right, good cop/bad cop routine to steal your freedom of speech?

This is the issue I have with many within the progressive movement, they fail to be accountable to their own standards! You can't have it both ways and if you think you can then you are part of the problem and not the solution. You have a movement that is supposed to be fighting against the moronic generalised mindset of the racist, and yet you do this by generalising against anybody that disagrees with you.

This is an extremely dangerous precedent and if you think this ruling is an isolated incident or that (whether left or right) it's not part of a wider agenda that's fixated in stealing the words from all our mouths, then I'm sorry but you are very naive. I have written extensively about how the first stage of this game of divide and conquer was to carve up our society with identitarian politics and externally created labels. As we approach the second phase I will leave you with some words I wrote in an article I posted on #steemit about eighteen months ago for I feel they clarify the direction the societal engineers are attempting to take us in.



As we allow our world to be splintered and ourselves be ceremoniously handed an exponentially increasing array of labels and identities, there carries within these identities individual interpretations of both free and hate speech. If you take this to its logical conclusion then a time is fast approaching where you will literally be unable to say anything for fear of offending someone. Personally, I believe the avalanche of new identities/beliefs is how they will attempt to take our freedom of speech away.

There are now 72 gender choices here offered as part of the facebook signing up process, again each with their own perception of hate speech. Put all the identities together and you literally have a potential impenetrable wall of political correctness and free speech definitions. Those that choose to wear an externally created badge of identity will be the architects of their own enslavement, the problem is that we’re all in this together.

Anyone that disagrees with the tactics of those that hold the self-perceived moral high ground are quickly denigrated with negative labels and then mocked and dehumanised. The question nobody seems to be asking is where this multitude of labels and divisions are coming from? For example, I don't believe the advent of 72 genders has grown organically, it has been created as a tool of division. Perhaps the cruelest twist of fate is that in an age where the words diversity and inclusivity have become so interwoven with politics and society, the world has never been more divided! I believe this to be deliberate.


Written by perceptualflaws
Gifs courtesy of
Banner Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth



The constant divide and conquer tactics are becoming farcical particularly to those who are aware of the plan.
The recent nonsense with gender politics is particularly insidious as it literally confuses young minds who otherwise would no doubt have a happy childhood and adolescence.
Being confused about individual sexuality is one thing but this is another thing all together, it’s dangerous and needs to be stopped ASAP.
This is how I feel regarding the subject.......


Don’t get me started on the corrupted European court system!
Just like all of the EU’s institutions it comprises of a disgusting gang of degenerate morons, empowered and mandated by a group of deviant, unelected inbred elites.
Those who wish to stay affiliated with the EU are either fucking retarded SJW’s or criminals profiting from its existence....
And politicians who normally tick both boxes!
Great post dude.

Hey my friend .. I'm back! Still a little slow (the net not me lol) but other than that its all good!! :D The local open reach engineer worked overnight to get around the council planning office.

Yes, its certainly becoming farcical and people are awakening to see beyond the smoke and mirrors, but many seem to focus on disjointed aspects as opposed to joining the dots and seeing the bigger picture. I often step away from my own echo chamber and monitor the general consensus and there is still a surprisingly sizeable majority that are fighting over their externally handed divisions, equally I'm also reminded that a cornered rat is at its most dangerous.

The gender politics is indeed insidious and damaging to young minds, in Australia there is a four year old boy that is well into the transition process .. in my mind that is abuse of the highest degree and there is nobody on this earth that could ever convince me otherwise! Although I don't like pinning labels against myself I guess you could say that I'm a liberal in the classic sense, (not the bullshit that masquerades in it's place) and hence believe consenting adults should have the freedom to be whoever they are .. but with children being drawn into the narrative and idiots attempting to police speech, my line in the sand has been crossed and I refuse to hold my tongue on these issues.

In terms of the European court I think you've pretty well encapsulated my thoughts lol Always great to see you on my comment section dude .. and thanks for such a great comment, we will have to catch up soon my friend!

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Amazing article, and all of the above is why I left, and will never go back.
I am free here, free from all that.

It is like a breath of fresh air, and some days I find it hard to believe that what I left behind, was once like here, and only within my lifetime!.

Top work my friend and eloquently written as always, hope you get the net sorted soon.

Thank you my friend .. I can certainly appreciate why you left, in fact a friend has just brought an old mountain house in Poland .. can't remember the mountain range, think it began with a T, on the borders? Love the look of the country so you never know :)

Glad you enjoyed the post .. net is back on! A local engineer carried the work out at the weekend and overnight, that way he managed to get around council planning by not shutting the road (we're in the sticks). The only downside is that I have a mountain of emails to catch up on! lol

LOL bin them emails bro, and the mountains could be to the Belarus border, or to the Slovakian border, both equally as beautiful.
I know you are in the sticks, me too, though not the same sticks as you. :-) 16c here today, bloody lovely I say.


The problem with it remaining so warm though is the plants are confused.


Hey my friend, yeah it was Slovakia .. looks beautiful .. and sun in November? I'm sold! :D

I believe this to be deliberate.

You're probably right. I've often wondered if those pushing the liberal agenda are counting on a backlash that at some point would throw the Western world back to a very conservative stage!? People like me can no longer be liberal when this is now synonym to madness so I feel pushed to a right I'm not always comfortable with... Excellent post!

You're probably right. I've often wondered if those pushing the liberal agenda are counting on a backlash that at some point would throw the Western world back to a very conservative stage!?

Hey @ladyrebecca thanks for stopping by. And yes the left/right pendulum of totalitarianism will definitely utilise both polarities to achieve its objective .. but ultimately whether left or right at its extremes its all about control. The net is the perfect tool to monitor the general consensus and I feel that they can adapt accordingly. Although at this moment in time, there is certainly a reason that they have attempted to train an entire generation to fear and look only to the right. There are many components of this new world technocratic feudal society that require a faux left leaning control system, equally there are other aspects that will require authoritarianism to quell the invitable voices of dissent. Perhaps we could think from the perspective that the left is where the trap will be spun and the right is where it will snap shut.

Yeah, I'm a classical liberal (live and let live), trouble is (and like you allude to) the identity has been stolen .. and nobody seems to understand what true liberalism is any more! Thanks again for the great comment my friend.

The division of us sheep is indeed painful to watch. It is also painful to avoid getting drawn into it as well. I try not to play that as humans who think they are better than other humans are really fooling themselves.

The one I get drawn into is the huge division they are fostering between men and women. I have always had the ultimate respect for women like I do for every other human. I second guess my contribution to their plight constantly to make sure I am progressing and improving though it always seems I am being painted by a broad brush and judged/accused of crimes I am not committing.

My solution is just to treat that with a sympathetic and patient ear but have little time for separatists and those trying to plant a flag on my chest as if they are just people I will choose to spend less time associated with.

I know enough good folks and am learning from constructive individuals and that is better for my soul.

Great food for thought!

Hey my friend, thank you for stopping by .. hope you're well. It is indeed painful to watch people dancing on the puppet masters strings .. voicing implanted and divisive talking points. I often hear people talk and realise that their words and opinions are not theirs, but are akin to subconsciously placed talking points. In my eyes we are all equal (until our actions dictate otherwise) and so I refuse to play these childish and moronic games of superiority and division.

Yes, the increasingly manipulated division between the men and women is of great frustration to me. Indeed the system appears infatuated with adversarial talking points, black vs white, the battle of the sexes .. I could go on. There can be no unity within this dynamic and I refuse to be tarred with the same broad-stroked feathered brush as the minority of my sex that commit crimes against the divine feminine. They even had a programme on the BBC recently that was titled "The problem with men" .. I have no problem thank you very much! Then look at Hollywood, their idea of female empowerment is not about embracing feminity but rather watching women blowing shit up instead of men and thus attaching the worst aspects of masculinity onto the feminine ... what a joke.

Who on earth would ever want to piss off 2-billion Christians and 1.5 billion Muslims? Who would have the motivation to do such a thing? And why?

Hey hope you're well my friend! Hmmm yes I wonder .. I have some potential historical slight of hands I'm saving for later in my bloodlines series, a sleight of hand that has enabled them to both hide and accumulate immense power.

IMO, no one should presume an answer to that as it might not be obvious...
Ah, here comes the northern cold! Yikes!lol...I'm too old for this shite:)

It is, I agree, deliberate and it is chilling in it's ruthless execution. Yet I think too, that the puppet masters are increasingly exposed in their desperation. Our awareness grows, lifting the vibration as the criminal cabal diminish. Neil Sanders recently blogged research on SCL and associated elite families worth a mention here. Discussed in podcast interview with Richie Allen a couple of days ago. Thank goodness for the local pub ;)

Nope it's not on the computer, so lets give this another go :) Yes I very much agree that they are increasingly exposed .. but there is a part of me that ponders whether aspects of this exposure (there are also things they don't want out there) are deliberate. I have written fairly extensively about the occultic belief system of the EL ites and indeed displayed how this knowledge is hidden in plain sight. You see from an occult perspective, there is a fine line between awareness and acquiescence.

From a different perspective, the vast majority of people are still tied into the left/right paradigm, and so .. if both sides are owned there exists the possibility of one side riding in as a future saviour. Equally, I feel as though much of what we see playing out around us (the things that get everyone jumping up and down) are to a degree a smokescreen to hide the true agenda .. I believe that agenda to be the implementation of technological control grid and altering the definition of humanity, this appears to be both continuing unabated and equally gathering pace.

I very much believe that the future resides in all of our hands and that in the long term, humanity will rise above this control mechanism and soar to heights that lay beyond the comprehension of our current understanding. That said, if I follow my instincts I don't believe that time is quite yet .. it feels too easy and I believe that before the dawn breaks its going to get darker. This system and many of the human components within it are going to come crashing down under the weight of hatred, greed and narcisism .. the promise resides in what we build from its ashes. I feel it has woven itself too deeply into both the system and the psyche of humanity .. and through my understanding of natural law we need to undergo a cleansing process.

It's really frustrating for me as I have so much that I want to right about at the moment, that said .. the one bonus about all this solitary renovation work is that I've had some great insights that I'm really looking forward to sharing .. plus I have a great idea for a book. :) Once I'm back up to speed then rest assured, by far my best work has yet to come. Thanks again for you eternal support @ricia and I'm really sorry for the late reply!

No worries my friend. Just sorry to put you to all this trouble. I'm sure you've loads to do. I'm just watching reggae on bbc4. So pretty laid back about the incoming grid. For sure it is going to be a lot worse before it gets better. It is also true that the vast majority of people remain pretty clueless about what is really going on in the world, but I find there is a greater readiness to listen to alternative information and to question mainstream explanations.
It is good to hear that you are feeling inspired to get writing, cause we need minds like yours sharpening our wits and shining your light in the dark places.
Hope all your internal renovations will soon be completed and that you find time to relax and regroup. I'll look in again every now and then to read your work, but won't always comment. Just know I'm reading and learning.

And the pressure is on to pick a side. If you don't pick one, then you will be assigned one. The lefts will label you as right and the rights will label you as left.

Hey my friend, sorry but I missed your message! Yes they certainly want to draw us into this left/right cul-de-sac for the mind .. I have no problem in pointing out the failings within each mindset :)

Thankfully, I believe that the majority of people are to neither extreme still. Let's hope it stays that way.

Am I shadow banned? :(

Hi @ricia .. most certainly not :) You know me my friend, I usually make 100% sure every comment gets a decent reply .. I wrote out a reply for you at the same time, so I'm not sure why it didn't go through .. I'll check my other computer as if it didn't load it should be on there. Really sorry, but with work and this renovation, I've been flat out for 18 hours a day (I'll load some pictures in the next few days to show what I've been up against).. so I must have taken my eye off the ball last night .. I'm on a tight schedule to get everything finished in time, but once this is finished its going to be so much better .. my writing is really going to benefit as my office should be ready in the next couple of weeks!! :D Just going to check my other computer .. reply to follow :)

Just a wee treat to take your mind off all the renovations .

Hey @ricia it's always a pleasure to hear from you my friend! And what a stunningly beautiful video .. I know many of these places! It makes me yearn for my previous homeland, and in an age where the world is becoming increasingly claustrophobic, a return to the simple life. Did I ever tell you that I lived up in the far north of Scotland? I wrote a post when I first joined ..

Thank you for the video .. just what the doctor ordered :)

Yes my friend, I knew this, had already seen the link you shared ( I had a friend at Uni from Bettyhill). That's why i sent Mo's latest video. He is a phenomenal photographer and makes wonderful videos too. Take a look at the house on Harris where he recently honeymooned Oran na Mara (I think) - see here -
p.s. don't be adding anymore occult trappings there;)