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RE: Agenda 2030 Culture Wars Part Two Conclusion: Mass Mind Kontrol & Engineering The Breakdown Of The Social Order

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Thank you my friend, I'm really glad you appreciated my efforts.

I can't help but wonder if the people collectively have a chance to fight this level of scientific-conditioning.

Yes, it is very difficult .. people have literally been entrained to exist within an inverted state of being, that is the nature of the illusion for we are manipulated to do this to ourselves. The masses revel in their division, labels and inverted perceptions of power .. for as long as your side is winning that's good, right?

They are dividing the world in order that they can socially glue it back together..a false/inverted unity, before that happens we've got to find a way to speak that traverses the divisions that have been placed upon us. Instead of handing it away to those that seek to externally manufacture our worldview, we desperately need to rediscover the power within and the validity of our intuition and the internal perspective. The way we currently are is not who we are, it is a manipulation, it is not human nature .. I care not if people disagree with that statement, because most won't comprehend the level of work I've put in to make it. It's certainly a disturbing subject matter; I have a couple more conspiracy posts to write, then my future work is going to be much more upbeat .. I want to find a way to show people how important they are, and the magic/beauty of the world around them .. for that is equally (if not more) important than illuminating the web that is being woven around us, it's all a matter of balance. Thanks again @thoughts-in-time