Coming Soon To A City Near You... We Are The Water Police

in #informationwar7 years ago


Most Americans, along with people in the "civilized" world tend to view the United Nations as a benevolent institution devoted to world peace and harmony through their myriad organizations such as UNESCO, UNICEF, the WHO, etc.. They, according to their own propaganda attempt to improve the quality of life, especially in the 3rd world. It's mostly in those countries where they've interfered directly are their nefarious intentions evident... And now they claim control of the world's potable water supply. It's pretty much axiomatic that nobody deliberately wants the earth's environment degraded, or our water supply polluted (except the major corporations that benefit from the UN). Nor do we want our water supply seized by the Global Water Police... yet that's what's happening.

Employing their usual sneaky way of gaining control, the UN- using noble sounding rhetoric- is gaining power over perhaps (with the exception of air) the most vital commodity for life. The UN is positioning itself to seize the world's water by appointing five organizations to accomplish this goal. What better way to exert control over nations than by controlling their water. As a part of Agenda 21 and their Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) the Un has established a "global partnership" with these five entities: ".The World Bank Water Global Practice, 2030 Water Resources Group, Global Water Partnership, World Water Council, and UN Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate announced their commitment to coordinate a set of actions toward increased water security. Water security underpins economic growth, social development and environmental sustainability."

Claiming a "40% shortfall in water availability by 2030" by the prestigious High Level Panel on Water (HLPW) "The five partnerships, which represent business, governments, intergovernmental organizations, academia, and civil society organizations, plan to convene a series of discussions between their leaders, with a view to accelerating progress on the international water agenda. They will organize their discussions starting August 2018." One salient fact needs to me made clear at this juncture... there is exactly the same amount of water on earth today as there was on day #1- no more, no less. Yet the UN and their team of "experts" are attempting to use their typical scare tactics to seize control. So let's take a look at who some of these groups are...

Perhaps most important is the 2030 Water Resources Group, because they are mostly multinational corporations such as Coca Cola and Nestle, to name two. Both of these companies have come under fire in the not too distant past for attempting to declare monopolies on water rights here in America and elsewhere. If this is how the UN "partnership" does business, we all have cause for concern- if not alarm. For example, not long ago in Georgia, while residents were prohibited from "excessive water consumption" (washing cars, lawn watering etc.) Coca Cola was sucking the reservoir dry, bottling the water and selling it.

Similarly in Chiapas, Mexico where they have the highest per capita renewable water supply in the country, Coca Cola has been draining off 1,08 million liters a day leaving the residents with almost no potable water. Nestle has also recently come under criticism for the same tactic- taking over heretofore public water supplies for profit. If this is how the rest of the 2030 Water Resources Group does business, we're in big trouble... and that's only one of the members of "the five." (see links)

The World Bank (and we all know how honest they are) has also gotten into the act. They will likely act as the enforcement mechanism- the iron fist in the velvet glove. What we know from their past history is that if any nation doesn't submit, they use the IMF to withhold funds causing untold economic turmoil. The same is likely to happen here, working through USAID. According to their Globalwaters report they are, " establishing systems-based approaches to strengthen service delivery; and conducting rigorous monitoring, evaluation, and learning to ensure the sustainability of its investments." We can assume what "rigorous monitoring" and "sustaining their investments" means... these will be the Water Police.

The UN Global Compact- CEO Water Mandate: The word mandate tells us all we need to know. This "voluntary" program is the UN's way of informing corporations around the world that it is they who are in charge of global resources- in this case water. Only in the world of the UN are mandates "voluntary." While their "global partners" ( Nestle, Coca Cola, use all of the water they want, there will be a rigorous "accounting system" that judges the judicious use of water for everyone else.

The Global Water Partnership is just another consortium of intergovernmental organizations that work toward implementing the SDG's geared toward the acquisition of a natural commodity that should be unencumbered and free for all of the citizens of the world, not controlled by the most corrupt organization on earth. What we can expect to see from this is the United Nations using water to "blackmail" the nations of the world into recognizing their hegemony.

The only other group not mentioned is the World Water Council... these are the activists- the ANTIFA of the push to seize the water. Their intention is made clear in their literature: "The World Water Council is an international multistakeholder platform organization whose mission is to mobilize action on critical water issues at all levels, including the highest decision-making level, by engaging people in debate and challenging conventional thinking. The Council focuses on the political dimensions of water security, adaptation and sustainability." Although their language is benign, rest assured their intentions are not. Words like "mobilize," "engage" and "challenging" give them away... these are the UN's radicals and like ANTIFA they will take to the streets.

It is the intention of the UN to use water to control people and nations, forcing them to submit to their whims. If we don't do something, it will be too late. This won't be about having money to buy water- this is about the UN and their attendant corporations, NGO's and governments using one of our most precious commodities to push their globalist agenda.




It seems that some people might have a vested interest in polluting public water supplies so that no one will drink tap water anymore and will only buy their water in little plastic bottles.

And the weird part of it is that most of the bottled water is tap water. I bought a bottle and read the label... it was tap water from Dallas!

I appreciate you are keeping track of these bastards, and that you bring it to our attention. Thanks.

Thank you... They are the "Evil Empire."

I'm going to write a piece soon about the global elite and where they want to take us. this is valuable info you've introduced here. I'll make sure I look you up when it's ready. I used to work professionally to expose these scum but that was quite a few years ago. But do have some background in the matter. Blessings.

Glad to help in any way I can... when you write it post it with the #informationwar tag and we'll try to get you some more exposure.

I am getting physically ill when I think about UNESCO, UNICEF and the other unlawful UN usurpers.

Water doesn't belong to any one person. It's a natural resource that ought not to be controlled by anyone, especially not the fascist thugs of the UN and their satanic handlers.

Blood boiling even more.

It's all a part of the Technocracy... They're sneaking in their agenda under the guise of resource management. Water doesn't go anywhere, all they need to do is keep their "corporate sponsors" from grabbing or polluting it!

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: UN Trying To Regular World

I've seen dozens of technological innovations about water. Everything from desalinization and filtering to methods for condensing from the air. Just yesterday I saw one which could extract water from air that was only 20% humidity

The point is...what's it gonna do to their plans when anyone can provide their own water with no help from anyone else?

Buddy I don't know... You know how the UN is- it's all about power and they seldom think about anything in terms of anything but personal gain. I wish somebody would blow the fucking place up!

I'd settle for just deporting the whole lot to some other country.

You just don't want me to have any fun... The building would make nice condos come to think of it!

It will be illegal to collect rain water for use in the near future. In Ecuador, the government declared nonsanctioned collection and use of water illegal resulting in popular uprising and expulsion of a US water service company. In the West, because subjects have disposable resources, such law may not be so readily opposed. Our masters will likely declare rain water to be too polluted for human use and declare such collection illegal for the safety of the "children."

The entire propaganda edifice has been pumping out lunacy regarding "guilt" of first world nations towards the less developed countries. The water scheme may be another tactic to rob resources from first world nations in guise of "helping" the less fortunate, much like the "carbon" tax scheme of the so-calles Paris Accord. The UN is discovering that they have reached the limits of robbing the less developes world; they seem to be targeting the first world now.

Not long ago a farmer in the US was arrested and then fined for collecting rainwater!

I was going to ask about rain water, too. Collecting rainwater is one thing... what about watering your crops with God's rain, instead of paying for the service?
All jokes aside, this is not a good thing at all. Why are those big corporations even involved with this? Seems like an obvious conflict of interests to me.

The UN is backed by the huge corporations who want to sell our resources back to us for profit. There was a guy in Kentucky I think who was arrested for collecting railwater. Believe me, if they can figure out a way to either tax or control rain... they will!

I have been aware of agenda 21 for several years. Nothing makes me more angry than reading more crap like this. I hate these elitist bastards.

While I appreciate your good post and the attention it may bring to a real situation.

My argument is with the corporations telling we the people how to run our lives, while they take advantage of the situation. 🐓🐓

It's only going to get worse... I have a whole series I'm doing on this. They want to micromanage every aspect of people's lives!

A couple more generations of people to fight back. Then when we are gone everything will just fall into line for them. 🐓🐓

That's why I keep writing! The good thing about the blockchain is that stuff never goes away... maybe in 20 years after I'm dead somebody will find it and wake up

Yep, that's what they do.
Try to take something that is free, make it costly.
Then they up the cost by making it scarce.
Then they go to completely control it.

Fortunately for humanity, we will just route around it.

This i insane. There will be no shortage or water. But there will be a shortage of true freedom if this continues. We need an international march/ demonstration outside of the UN headquarter to voice our protest against their evil work. i do not know if that has ever been done but it is worth looking into. Thanks @richq11 PS How is our friend Bruno

That's the whole idea... There will always be the exact same amount of water there has always been (matter can neither be created or destroyed)... This is about power and coercion! Bruno is doing OK... we're enjoying a handful of chips right now! Thanks!!!

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