Dodging A Bullet

in #informationwar7 years ago

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[I hope this is coherent- I'm so freaked out over court tomorrow I can barely focus. I've been up since 1:30 AM and this is the 4th or 5th thing I've tried to put together... ]

I've written many times that if you want to know what the future may hold in store, study the past... from an historical perspective. By now it's no secret that the election of Donald Trump threw a monkey wrench into the plot of the global elites... Hillary Clinton's corruption was so evident she couldn't even win an election that was, for all intents and purposes, rigged. The plan of the elites was that Hillary take over for Obama in what would amount to a 16 year presidency- both of them puppets for globalists seeking to impose global hegemony... one that would prove disastrous not only for America, but for humanity as a whole. Hillary and Obama's obvious corruption notwithstanding, this was a part of something much bigger and far more sinister than mere corruption... Something which the "death panels" of Obamacare was just the beginning.

Obama appointed a man named John Holdren as Science Czar- a man whose beliefs go back in history to the statist pessimism of Thomas Hobbes, the paranoia of Thomas Malthus and the elitist eugenics of Charles Darwin. Holdren, a radical environmental Luddite and hater of humanity is in favor of such practices as infanticide, forced abortions and forced sterilizations as part of population control... all buried in the over 2500 pages of the "Affordable Care Act." Holdren believes that human beings are the biggest threat to the environment and that trees deserve more rights than human beings. Instead of overseeing advancements in science and technology, Holdren wants to use them to "cull the herd," by cutting off aid to developing nations and allowing the "useless eaters" in third world countries die of starvation.

Dr. Webster Tarpley is an historian who, among other things, has debunked the Population Bomb, the 1968 book that takes an alarmist view of population growth... in actuality a thinly veiled racist screed much akin to Darwin's work. In effect all of the elitist plans, outlined on the Georgia Guidestones, are just the same Eugenicist plan that began with Darwin's work... remembering the end of the title "The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life"- and continued through Hitler and now Planned Parenthood If Hillary had become elected and continued with the plan, by the time all was said and done, the combined efforts of Hitler, Stalin and Mao would pale in comparison. If you want to see what the outcome and cost in terms of human life of a Hillary presidency would have been, I thoroughly suggest you watch Dr. Tarpley's video... it will give you an appreciation for President Trump's efforts.

GIF by @papa-pepper



It absolutely terrified me when at the DNC convention Hillary literally called for the first amendment to be repealed and the fools there cheered, can you imagine if she was the one appointing three supreme court justices instead of Donald Trump?
Liberty as we know it would quickly cease to exist, gun rights, free speech, due process, democrats were openly calling to do away with all three when they choose to sit in protest against civil rights on the floor of the house of reps in 2016. I've never seen anything like it.

civil war comes to mind.

Indeed, one wonders why people consider Lincoln a good president when he caused the civil war.

I did a post on him a couple days ago.

I read it too.
in which you validate what I've said for a long time.
'history is a lie'.

If she was elected you might as well tear up the entire Bill of Rights! We really did dodge a bullet

All of these atheist SJW snowflakes miss how hypocritical they are being.

Supporting darwin as the founder of science.
And yelling about hate speech and cries of racism.

While, their path is that of euthanasia and eugenics.

What really gets me is that they're too stupid to understand that they'll be among the first of the "useless eaters" to go!!!

Hilary is one of the most evil beings to walk the face of this earth. I like to think of her as a less charismatic, female version of Hitler.

The leftists' plan often reminds me of the Lord of the Rings, and sometimes we all feel like Frodo. Like what can one small person do against such evil and power? But just like in that story, one person can indeed make a difference.

You have only to look at the few who have banded together to fight this epic battle such as our own Donald Trump, Tom Fitton of Judical Watch, Nigel Farage of Bre-Exit, Maraine LaPenn of France, and so many others. The rest of us should come to their aid like the knights of Rohan did instead of sitting on the sidelines watching the movie and eating popcorn.

I try with my writings and if the SHTF I have an assload of guns!!!

Word are mightier than the sword, but guns are a really good backup choice!

Forced abortions and forced sterilizations ...oh my....what kind of world you. we live in? I am glad I am not young. Good luck with court my friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you

Yeah, Dr. Webster Tarpley, one of the men who stand up for what's right.

What the... are you having to go to court for?

A hearing at family court... My POS son in law got busted for pills and now CPS wants to take my two little grandkids!

Jeez!!! Prayers have been spoken!

I spent $500 on a lawyer... I hope they send him away for 20 years- that way he isn't around the babies. What worries me is that if Rachel has to choose between him and the kids, she'll pick him. They've been together since they were 14 or 15.

Thanks for the prayers... I need them. I'll say a Rosary tonight and if it's God's will, everything will be OK!

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i love to read this type politics post besuse its really knowlageble many information in their politician head its not visible but very interrested it......

Creation is the issue of everything, just go with justin's thought that finish of time should happen occurs and life discreated out of presence so nothing exists will solve everything.

i like politics because i was a members of of our union... thanks for new updates and it is interesting .. best of luck...

I'm relieved to see this post here on Steemit. Following.