Living in a Post-Truth World... The Myth of Radical Islam- It Isn't What You Think
When you hear the term "Radical Islam" visions of ISIS warriors with covered faces holding AK-47's and RPG's come to mind. But what they are in reality isn't a group of radicals as much as an army of mercenaries paid by international bankers... this is not to say that there aren't a few radicals and zealots sprinkled in amongst them, but for the most part they are, and have been since their inception, mercenaries.
To fully understand the development of what we now call "Radical Islam" we have to view Islam itself from within the proper contextual framework. As it is with Christianity, Islam is not a monolithic entity- it has divisions and subdivisions. Christianity, for example, has Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, etc., all believing in the teachings of Jesus, but taking different approaches. Within these groups are subdivisions, or sects. The same is true of Islam. What we typically view as "Radical Islam" is a group of Shi'ites dates back to the Hashishins, a group of assassins from the Middle Ages, the descendants of Hasan ibn al-Sabbah. But even dating back to the Crusades, these "radicals" were nothing more than mercenaries, killing for whoever paid the most- at that time it was the Christian knights, the Templars more specifically.
Fueled by hashish and promises of 72 virgins in Paradise this sect developed from the Shi'ite sect around 1090 in Persia. Another view, however, is that they were not hashish users at all, but their name comes from Hashasheen, the Egyptian word for "troublemakers" or as literally translated "noisy ones." During the Crusades they were said to have joined with the Christian knights to fight the Seljuk Sunni's. They fought for money, not for religion or ideology... the same is true today, their "jihad" is only a pretext to hide the fact that they're a mercenary army run by western Intelligence agencies. The same is true of the "White Helmets," the alleged do-gooders who in reality are responsible for many of the staged attacks on civilians.
Behind the troubles in the Middle East are the British Intelligence Services. Going back to Roman times, Britain, a very small a country comparatively speaking, has been invaded by numerous entities. After Rome came the Angles and Saxons, then Vikings and finally the Normans. What they came to learn that in a fair fight they were no match- so they developed their skills in deceit and skullduggery. This is how a comparatively small nation was able to develop into the massive British Empire of the 17th, 18th & 19th centuries... an idea they still haven't given up on. They may not control the world's land masses as they once did, but through their London banking houses they control much of it financially... and as Mayer Amschel Rothschild famously once said: "Give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws."
Starting with the Napoleonic Wars when the Rothschild diaspora- Warburgs, Oppenheimers, (and later Rockefellers, Morgans in America)- got control of a large portion of the British Treasury, not to mention the economy, by buying up government securities for pennies on the pound... no one knows for certain how much. What we can surmise is that this banking cartel got access to and control over a significant portion of British policy making as well. Anyone foolish enough to believe that Parliament has, or ever had, any real authority is fooling themselves. The Prime Minister and other government officials are chosen and serve at the pleasure of the Crown along with the Rothschild bankers. The story of how the Rothschilds got the information necessary to pull their coup de grace during the Napoleonic Wars illustrates the importance of intelligence services, something they control on both sides of the Atlantic today... what we now call the Deep State- a consortium of central bankers and intel services.
During WWI, the British needed the aid of a reluctant America to win the day. In exchange for America's cooperation, the Rothschilds demanded Israel- then known as Palestine. They exercised their control over the Federal Reserve along with the mass media of the day (which they also control) to sway public opinion and the Balfour Declaration- a written guarantee between the British government and Lord Rothschild was validated and "ownership" of Israel was ceded to the Rothschilds as a home for European Jews. Today Israel is a Rothschild protectorate as much as an independent state and any entity threatening their sovereignty is harshly dealt with... and as it has been since their entry into world power, the Rothschilds depend on a constant state of war (in which they fund both sides) to make their ill begotten gains as well as implement their globalist agenda. Like Gen. Smedley Butler warned us with the title of his book: "War is a Racket," a racket owned and operated by the Rothschild diaspora.
In WWII, the Rothschild backed foreign Intelligence Services expanded to include MI-5, MI-6, SIS (Secret Intelligence Services) and the OSS (now CIA) in America. With the advent of more sophisticated computers and the instantaneous dissemination of information, they now include GCHQ in the UK, the NSA, DNI and other intel agencies in the US including the FBI, the US equivalent of MI-5. This aggregate of intel agencies has morphed into FVEY (Five Eyes), the combined intel agencies of the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, all sharing data from around the world. The list may as well include Israel, whatever the UK has is shared with them. This, along with the Rothschild controlled central banks around the world, including the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, BIS (Bank of International Settlements), the World Bank and IMF are the Deep State... the "Radical Islamists" along with the UN get their marching orders from them.
When Libya and Iraq refused to implement a Rothschild controlled central bank, they were attacked. Iraq by the US under the pretext of "weapons of mass destruction," and Libya more subtly by the paid Deep State army comprised of these radical fundamentalists, mercenaries from outside Libya posing as Libyan "patriots" wanting the ouster of Gaddafi. The truth is that Gaddafi has all but eliminated poverty in his country, implemented government funded health care and was on the verge of a gold-backed currency... something the Rothschild bankers could never allow- hence: "We came, we saw, he died." Gaddafi was murdered by the Deep State as was Saddam Hussein. The reason that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the Obama administration refused to declare Boko Haram of Nigeria a terrorist organization is because they're a part of the Deep State army, whose job it is is to disrupt Nigerian society- a country that was once the showcase of post-colonial Africa.
Iran is a Deep State proxy. The pallets of cash sent by the Obama administration (a Deep State puppet regime) was dispersed throughout Rothschild controlled banks with some laundered and sent back to the US while some went to Iran as payment. The Iran "nuclear deal" was a sham designed to get both money and uranium (mined in the US and sent out through the Uranium One deal) to be turned into small nuclear devices in Iran by Saddam's former head nuclear scientist, Dr. Dhia Jafar, creator of "the Goofball" a device small enough to be placed inside a medium range rocket such as the "Club K," (See link below) then brought back to the US.
ISIS, Boko Haram, al Qaeda, al Nusra, Hamas, Hezbollah and the rest are all working for and funded by the international Deep State bankers to destabilize the Middle East. Israel is the lynchpin... "Israel must be protected at all costs." Israel is in fact behind most of the hostility. The bankers, as they always have, play one off against the other using Israel either as the aggressor or the purported victim of "Radical Islamic violence." "Seven countries in five years," was the plan directly following 9/11. Russia's intervention on behalf of Syria threw a monkey wrench into the works. Now Iran is being blamed for "torpedoing" two oil tankers in the Straits of Hormuz despite the eye witness accounts of crewmen that the attacks came from the air... not to mention the Iranian Navy rescued many of the sailors.
It's all theater, designed to perpetuate an endless state of war in which the bankers profit along with the Military-Industrial Complex. War has always been good for the economy. The impetus behind "Radical Islam" is and always has been the unholy alliance of the Rothschild bankers and British/American intel services... the Deep State. Trump is a threat- he wants to end the war in Afghanistan, then the Taliban takes over and burns the poppy fields. There's big money in that white powder. Trump wants to pull the troops out of the Middle East, but Israel and the Deep State depend on war... Islam is caught in the middle.
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Yup both sides in every war going back to Napoleon have been funded by international bankers, the most evil people.
Posted using Partiko iOS
yes. that is a myth. and in my opinion the first thing to blame is the media. the media has always said that Islamic terrorists, radical Islam, Islam demean women, and many others.
I always say to many non-Muslim friends, and Muslims, if they get any information. both from the media and from other people, check the information before delivering it to others.
and I also say to many people, if they want to know a religion, don't look at followers of that religion. but look at the book of religion. hopefully the myth can be lost and hopefully there will be no more people who believe that.
Posted using Partiko Android
The media work for the same people that start the wars. We don't have many Muslims where I live, but the ones I know are very nice people.