The Politics Of Consumerism: The Cult Of Celebrity

in #informationwar7 years ago

Courtesy: Google Image

"Washington is Hollywood for ugly people." Unknown

When I went to college in the early 90's I wanted to become a writer... actually a journalist writing political editorials. The first thing I learned is that they don't want writers with opinions, they want typists. I wound up taking one journalism course in which I did learn one thing... In the future information would become almost like a type of currency- what would decide success in many cases would be information... a two-tiered system of information-rich vs. information-poor juxtaposed against one another; something that proved true but not in the way I thought. What we have is an extension of Edward Bernays' use of propaganda at a rapidly accelerated pace.

At that time the internet was still more or less in its infancy- it was up and running but lacked the sophistication and speed of what we have now. As technology advanced it allowed a number of sources to stream a constant bombardment of information- and the MSM was at the forefront... Propaganda now has the ability to travel at the speed of light.

Nothing is more important in establishing a cult of celebrity than propaganda- i doubt that it would be any exaggeration to say that propaganda is the foundation of any cult.... Particularly when the "product" is a cadre of people who pretend to be other people for a living... empty, attractive (for the most part) shells driven by self-love and hedonism giving political advice to shallow adoring sycophants. They have another purpose, however... Bernays saw the potential of "star power" as a marketing tool to sell products and as far as consumerism goes they accomplish it admirably. Now the product range has expanded into the realm of politics... or perhaps it's always been there but it's the pitchmen who have changed. It's this socio-political propaganda that makes them truly dangerous.

Consumerism/Hedonism as a model for political/social organization, both driven by a hierarchy of artificially engendered needs (actually wants) driven by the constant barrage of a 24/7 media cycle puts consumers in a constant state of trying to "keep up with the "DiCaprio's," or any other of the social icons. Actors, musicians, sports figures, set the pace... overpaid hedonists with an almost unending supply of money make it impossible to keep up materially, so the material is replaced by an attempt to emulate the lifestyles of these egotistical, immoral self-promoters... people without any moral compass- moral relativists and hedonists... driven by a warped sense of self- both as an individual and as a member of a larger society.

It's this warped version of individualism that is most troubling as it gives rise to movements driven by irrational self-interest. As Eric Hoffer so amply put it: "There is a fundamental difference between the appeal of a mass movement and the appeal of a practical organization. The practical organization offers opportunities for self-advancement, and its appeal is mainly to self-interest." This seems particularly apropos as it relates to the artificiality of consumerism and consumeristic politics and the hedonistic moral relativism that it embraces. The character (there's that nasty word) of these social icons has evolved (devolved?) over time. For example during WWII many of the male stars enlisted and served their country. The women opened the Hollywood Canteen to entertain the troops and also sold bonds to support the effort. Could you imaging any of today's self-aggrandizing "tough guys" actually putting themselves in harms way?

There's always been a measure of hedonism in the entertainment industry- but it used to be a hedonism tempered by some measure of morality- a moral compass of sorts. Now things have spiraled out of control... "as long as it feels good, it's ok." Actresses such as Miley Cyrus indulge in antics on stage that would have made prostitutes of 100 years ago turn away in shame... and these are the people kids look up to- and more problematic, get political advice from. Is it any wonder it seems like the country is falling apart?

As consumerism focuses on satisfying the ego materially, the same dynamic applies to other facets of life... more and better cars- more and better clothes etc. morphs into more and more-depraved sex. The MSM propaganda machine pushes aberrant lifestyles 24/7. The Bernays propaganda machine fueled consumerism massaging the ego through the acquisition of material goods... the propaganda machine of today massages the libido churning out a message of constant sexual stimulation- one focused on self-love and self-gratification... If it feels good, it must be right- morality be damned! Morality is relative to the individual after all- isn't it???

The individualistic liberty envisioned by the Founders has given way to licentiousness- self-gratification and self-absorption. The "new individual" in all of his multi-gendered splendor is replacing the family as the fundamental unit of society. This illusion of self as a social unit is the antithesis of the concept of the individual envisioned by the Founders. The notion of the individual is predicated upon responsibility and morality. Conversely, the notion of self is based on ego- a member of a mass of similar egos driven by hedonistic impulses. This phenomenon is evinced in the rampant skewed "individualism" beginning with Generation X, if not before... A group that dresses identically, uses all of the same mannerisms and language- a social homogeneity with a common mantra: "I want to be different, just like everybody else."

This egoistic self-image is what drove the National Socialism in Germany in the 1920's and 30's. The concept of the ego as part of a larger social unit... propaganda is the tool employed to ensure success. Just as the cult of celebrity today drives America's youth, the same dynamic was used by the Nazi propagandists... the only real difference is technological. As it was in Germany, American politicians have become political celebrities- empty suits, making empty promises- empty unattractive shells driven by hedonism and self-aggrandizement. A symbiotic relationship has emerged between Hollywood and Washington to a point where the lines between the two have become blurred... "Hollywood for ugly people" indeed. Thanks Mr. Bernays!

GIF by @papa-pepper



"Washington is Hollywood for ugly people." - this article tries to get to the original source of that quote:

In my opinion, something like this can only come out of the dirty mouth of a politician.

"Could you imaging any of today's self-aggrandizing "tough guys" actually putting themselves in harms way?"

You mean like this guy:

I read that when I looked for the source. Jay Leno says it isn't his, he only uses it. Paul Begala says he overheard it in a bar somewhere.

in the information age.
ignorance is a choice.

Or maybe even a religion!

religion defined the term 'cognitive dissonance'

Damn good post: you spelled out the issue clearly.

Your discussion of hedonism dovetails well with Sam Francis' writings. In his Leviathan and its Enemies, he said U.S.-style managerialism - "soft managerialism" - promotes five interlocking values:

  • Scientism, the belief that social sciences can be used to manipulate people into desired behavior with the same reliability as physical-science manipulation of matter;
  • Meliorism, the belief that government intervention can solve any social problem;
  • Utopianism, a secularized Heaven as a guiding star for meliorism;


  • Cosmopolitanism, the belief that human being are at heart the same - i.e., interchangeable;

And of course....

  • Hedonism

These five values, constituting the canons of a secularized civic religion, provide the ideological support for soft managerialism.

No wonder we complain so much about gaslighting. Gaslighting is a technique of manipulation, which the ruling class has a real talent for.

Ah scientism... the dream of Auguste Comte- he foresaw a day when the social sciences would eclipse the hard sciences in importance. "Climate Science" tells me that day may be upon us!

Yeah! That's the name to drop, all right. Funny: after chewing over the theory of the managerial revolution, it struck me that the first ideologist for it was none other than August Comte. Odd that he 'saw' managerialism before the railroad industry, the industry that kicked off the managerial revolution.

I'm not saying that he was wrong in everything... just mostly.

I'm not saying he's right in anything! Tbh, I think he just got lucky. When I encountered his thought, through secondary sources, I was well-primed to reject it. :)

It's the old "blind squirrel" scenario!

Yeah, plus I prolly was unclear. Compte was a straight Utopian; he had no idea that the technique of modern management even existed.

Blind squirrel.

Then it was the blind squirrel effect! I never spent too much time on him... when I discern that somebody is "out there" in a utopian or otherwise nonsensical way- I move on to more reasonable stuff.

Ugly people inside - no matter what mask they put on - discernment paramount.

It is comical to see how some politicians, actors, singers put themselves on a stair to hell, thinking they're up there... AN upside-down world. Sad.



Thank you for a more then accurate post, if people want to easily see the manipulation just look at government regulations in the media.... The government decides who gets on tv.

Actually, it almost seems that the media decides who gets into politics!

Yes, the people - conspirators - behind the media:
With money the Rockefellers gained control of the media. With the media the family gained control over public opinion. With control over public opinion they gained control of politics. And with control of politics, they are taking control of the nation.
The elites infiltrated and took over many instutions of our society and deliberately debased it and pushed socialism, so to weaken the U.S., our morals, Constitution, etc, to drive the U.S. into a one-world socialist government that they control.

Excellent article, cult-of-celebrity/personality and propaganda reminds me of empty shell/shill Presidential candidate Adam Kokesh and his followers - with Adam's cukoo, extremely inadequate - only fixing the Federal Reserve - and dangerous platform (dissolving the Federal government, Constitution, instead of restoring it). Very intelligent, relevant and thought-provoking article.

hmm I think your right so the media gets people in politics and to return the favor government makes sure these media companies stay on top.

That's how the game is played. Think about it... who chooses who runs in elections- we don't. If the media doesn't like a candidate, they get no exposure (unless they're Trump and can buy it)

Yep, again, I would just preface the word "media" in your post, with "conspirators, New World Order, secret societies that control the mass media/world, like the Council On Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, big, liberal, tax-exept foundations and the Skull & Bones secret society."

Additionally, if a Presidential candidate - like Barry Goldwater, 1964 - doesn't play the New World Order/Illuminati's ball game, they might get negative media attention and I think it could be quite significant since the elites control virtually all public opinion and every major institution in the world.

As Lord Acton said,
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."*

One of my favorite quotes. There was a guy who ran in 1980 as an independent- John Anderson. He made the mistake of telling the truth and was marginalized for it.

ron paul ran as an idependent in the 80s and 2008 and 2012 after trying to run as republican exempt in the 80s he ran for straight libertarian

I like Ron Paul- he's fundamentally an honest guy. I like Ralph Nader. I was on a panel with him at an academic conference and we had lunch afterward. I disagree with almost everything he says, but I respect him.

John Andersen was also a member of the CFR and Trilateral Commission (Establishment/elites/Rockefeller).
The Council on Foreign Relations And the Trilateral Commission
The two organizations that run the United States
by Melvin Sickler
1980 James Carter = CFR, founding Trilateral; Reagan = United World Federalists; G.H.W. Bush = CFR, Trilateral, CIA; Anderson = CFR, Trilateral.
Anderson wasn't so independent, after all. A CFR, Trilateral telling the truth is almost historical.

The Insiders, by John F. McManus
In New Hampshire, for instance, where the first presidential primary is held every fourth
February, most of the candidates for the Republican nomination were happily responding to
voters that they were "not now and never have been" members of Davld Rockefeller's
Trilateral Commission or his Council on Foreign Relations. But Republican candidates
George Bush and John Anderson could not join in such a response because each had
connections to both of these elitist organizations.

If you come across somebody who's perfect let me know.

One of my favorite quotes. There was a guy who ran in 1980 as an independent- John Anderson. He made the mistake of telling the truth and was marginalized for it.

correct but technically we still elect them I mean its just the people who decide to watch fox and cnn who are picking the people who they see instead of who they actually research.

But the Elites/New World Order always plays both or several sides, so the choice of candidates are often associated with the Establishment. They win, often no matter what. We basically have a one party system with 2 or several names - what Gary Allen called the Rockepubs and Rockedems.
In the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, said all major party candidates were Establishment and the Constitution Party - likely controlled opposition - said all Republican candidates, including Rand Paul, were associated with the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR, the Establishment).

And it doesn't get any better with the Libertarian Party: I don't know much about them, but in 2016 their Vice Presidential candidate, Governor William Weld was a member of the CFR. And of course this year, with their kooky candidate and platform...I made a small post about Adam Kokesh and Cliff Kincaid of wrote about him

Ron Paul was legit and rand paul is his son so i dont think rand is for the establishment check his voting record, but i agree everyone else besides rand is for bigger government

and Trump had a large media footprint of his own long before politics

Actresses such as Miley Cyrus indulge in antics on stage that would have made prostitutes of 100 years ago turn away in shame...

A group that dresses identically, uses all of the same mannerisms and language- a social homogeneity with a common mantra: "I want to be different, just like everybody else."

Excellent, truly excellent!

I got lucky... even a blind squirrel stumbles across a nut every once in awhile! Believe it or not, this isn't what the post was going to be about when I started writing it. It was supposed to be about how a minority always gets a movement started!

Cool - does that mean we can look forward to that minority post too?

Yes and this time I won't get off on a tangent (or at least I'll try)

Highly rEsteemed.
A great one as alway Amigo.


Thanks my friend!

Totally nailed it!

Could you also share an opinion particularly about the relation between Facebook/Instagram and consumerism?

The tech corp groups including social media companies seems to be completely neutral to the show. Or rather say...they benefit the most.

I see anything but neutrality when it comes to social media... For example if you look on YouTube at what's trending- it's always mindless pablum from some insipid Millennial. That's because that's what they push in the name of "neutrality" It's neutral in the sense that it's banal, but content that has meaning is demonitarized and often hidden.

I stopped checking what's featured on their home page long time ago, but I would agree. Well, now we have the responsibility not to repeat the YouTube and other big fishes' bad patterns with dTube for example.

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Thanks for this. It is a whole different ball game out there now. One of the areas it can most clearly be seen is in love and dating. The perfect woman is now a ultra skinny instragram barbie doll.

With over-inflated lips lol! Media has set the bar so high (or low) it's ridiculous! I look on Pinterest and its giant boobs, giant asses, huge lips... It's as if these women are caricatures... only not of real women!