The Reckoning: The Pendulum Swings In America's Weimar Culture

in #informationwar6 years ago

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I've written several times describing America's "liberal" culture to the decadence of Germany's post-WWI Weimar Republic, where in a cultural sense anything goes... or more precisely, a culture of "if it feels good, do it." The reason I like this analogy is that the decadent, often depraved club scene that was popularized in the US as the "Roaring 20's" did not represent the sentiments of the overall culture, only a small number of elites and their sycophants- "the useful idiots"- or elite wannabes. Hitler, before the National Socialists took control, reflected the values of the vast majority of Germans who were for the most part social conservatives that attended church regularly and had strong families.

The licentiousness of the Weimar culture almost mirrors the liberal scene today in America today. Drugs and alcohol were everywhere. Homosexuality was the norm among the cultural elites. "Homosexuality, nudity, prostitutes, and orgies were easy to come by, as were drugs and alcohol. Think coked up sex binges mixed with Cabaret and you'll start to get there." The Weimar was described as "omnisexual erotomania," not so far removed from the LGBT culture in America today where a person's sexual proclivities becomes their defining characteristic. No society can survive for long under these circumstances and it looks as though America's time has come.

This culture began in earnest in America during the 1960's with the "sexual revolution." It lasted in Germany for only ten or so years before the pendulum swung back in the opposite direction. However, in America it has had over 50 years to fester turning the country into a socio-political cesspool, as was evinced during the Kavanaugh hearings. For the protestors there was only one issue- abortion. There is no moral justification for abortion... it is taking the life of an innocent child. The real issue is that if Roe v. Wade is repealed, people may have to start behaving responsibly... what is threatened is a licentious lifestyle.

When the pendulum swung back in Germany, it was at a time when Jews had reached their apex of power. They held many important posts in academia and in the arts- the two bastions of liberal thought. In contemporary America it's the "liberals," the "left," "progressives," "social justice warriors," or whatever name you wish to attach to them... I think we all know who we're talking about. Americans- by that I mean the 80% silent majority- are getting fed up with the antics of these individuals, and their political mentors the Democrats. This is why Donald Trump was elected, by what I suspect was a much larger margin than the statistics showed. This is not in any way an attempt to portray President Trump as a Hitler-like figure; I'm merely comparing situations, not personalities. During the Kavanaugh hearings the illiberal left took off their masks and showed America their true faces. Their behavior is driving people away from their cause in droves.

"In a recent article for American Thinker, Brian Joondeph stated: America is due for a reckoning. It’s one of the main reasons Donald Trump was elected president. Ronald Reagan was an early attempt at a reckoning, after the excesses of the 60s – Great Society, Vietnam, and Woodstock. Following Reagan's course correction, we had “Bu-Bama-Ton”, 28 years of Bushes, Obama, and Clinton, tilting the scales toward the elites, the globalists, the deep state, with no regard for honesty, justice, and the needs of average Americans."

"Although the reckoning goes beyond simply President Trump being elected, he is the right man at the right time to deliver the message, to restore balance to the Constitution and to human decency, both in desperate need of a course correction. But where is the actual reckoning?"

The American people are beginning to realize that they've been lied to- for decades by people they voted for... people they thought they could trust with their futures and the futures of the children and grandchildren. This deception is not limited to government officials, but to those who are tasked with delivering the news.

"The media cannot be left out given their role in all of the above, reporting only the news helpful to the left-wing or deep state narrative, ignoring anything to the contrary. While not illegal in most cases, short of outright libel, it is dangerous and bordering on sedition. Most recently, virtually every media organization gave voice and analysis to each and every Kavanaugh accusation, no matter how silly or trivial. At the same time, they deliberately did not report any news of non-corroboration or contradiction to the endless parade of accusations that Kavanaugh is a rapist, murderer, pedophile, and fall down drunk. Sure, their ratings are down, with CNN having fewer viewers than Nickelodeon, but that’s hardly a reckoning."

Joondeph goes on to make a very good point about if the reckoning doesn't come soon... "God help Trump’s next court nominee. Facing no reckoning, Democrats will regroup, learn from their mistakes, and plan a better attack for next time. The deep state will continue to conspire against President Trump, undermining his presidency. Why should they stop?"

"The reckoning must be so severe that this type of behavior ends, that no one dare try it again. Public humiliation or shaming isn’t enough, else Hillary Clinton and James Comey would quietly retire into obscurity. Perjury, conspiracy, and obstruction of justice are all punishable by law. This is the type of reckoning that may give Democrats pause when gearing up for the next round of attacks, seeing some of their co-conspirators behind bars."

Personally, I believe that the reckoning may well be upon us. America is waking up and many are beginning to realize that the stakes are too high not to become active. One thing they need to be made aware of is that the Democratic Party no longer represents America... they are Communists that have sold out to the Chinese long ago. Forget about Russia-Russia-Russia... it's China-China-China. In the 1990's Bill Clinton sold rocket guidance technology to the Chinese. He also gave them full access to the Los Alamos nuclear facility. Hillary, as Secretary of State, opened up her private servers (where she kept all her secure files) to the Chinese- they didn't have to hack her, she sold them everything. Diane Feinstein had a Chinese spy in her employ for over 20 years... does anyone seriously believe she didn't know.

It's time for a reckoning... the bill had come due. Maybe I'm overoptimistic, but I think that enough of America has woken up to make it happen. With another Constitutionalist in the Supreme Court, there's a pretty good chance we'll be seeing the FISA documents and military tribunals before the end of the year.





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Cultures evolve with the development of peoples
Really a very great article well published

Thank you!

You nailed it, the parallels between the national socialists, and the modern day socialists here; are stunning! Compare the brown shirts in 1930s Germany, to the current liberal violence ( Kavanaugh hearings through BLM ); identical!

They tried use this deliberate violence, targeting police, to justify a national police force. The national socialist in Germany, were successful making their national police force; they called them the Gestapo! Obama called for this same police force several times that I heard.

The only thing that prevented a total takeover is the US Constitution, and armed Patriots!


Obama is still at it, or at least he thinks he is.

High Treason takes many forms, and Evil people use it as a tool! He is one such...Evil person!


Hopefully he's one of the sealed indictments

That would be a good step to return the Rule of Law to this Republic! Putting Killary in prison too, for murder, would restore a lot of confidence in DC! That could keep things from exploding in our faces soon.

Arrest the Anti fascists, fascists riots, and we would make some real progress!


I good spray with an M-134 and Antifa would disappear!

One round per target, save ammo, ROFLOL!

But I worry that they will push until we are forces into a defending ourselves, and that will reduce their numbers significantly!

They need some clean up in Portland right now, SMH!


I don't know if the cops there are gutless, or willing accomplices!

howdy sir richq11! Oh man, I sure hope you're right and I think the mid-term elections will give us a good idea if you are. It can be a new age for America if we win in November, thank you sir for another great post!

Thank you my friend! We just need to keep up the heat... it would be a huge mistake to think we've won just because Judge K is on the court. The left has too much at stake to give up... I look for the fight to intensify!!!

howdy again sir richq11! yes sir, their fury and hatred and desperation is nothing like I've ever seen before and they were always totally relentless before so now they really will be!
But I'm thankful that we got guys like you keeping us informed!

I appreciate that my friend... Remember in the Bible, the good guys win in the end!

I welcome the reckoning. It is about time. Yes there is a definite parallel between Germany and America. I hope it turns out better though. Thanks @richq11

There's a book called The Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff. It's about 700 pages that traces the similarities between us and the rise of Nazism in Germany, culturally, politically, etc. using cultural indicators like art, music... it's amazing and frightening at the same time.

you're really pushing the limit on how many times one should use the phrase, "the reckoning" in one article.