Wait... There ARE covid Remedies and YOU HADN'T TOLD US?

A lot is being said...


...but it's mosly noise. (source)

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The biggest problem when people lie is that they have to keep their stories straight, all the time… (It's a lot easier to tell the truth because there's only the real story to remember) but does that hold true when we think of how easy people’s memories can be changed through repetition?

The one who controls the flow of information, controls the people's thoughts.

There has been so many lies, it’s hard to sift through it all to find the truth, not because they have their shit together and can coordinate the same narrative, but because they can change the publicly available information.

Do you think they have our best interest in mind?

So, conspiracy theories… Let’s break down what that means.

Essential Meaning of conspiracy:
1: a secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal.
2: the act of secretly planning to do something that is harmful or illegal.

Essential Meaning of theory:
1: an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events
2: an idea that is suggested or presented as possibly true but that is not known or proven to be true
3: the general principles or ideas that relate to a particular subject

According to these definitions, a conspiracy theory is an idea that suggests but doesn’t prove, that a plan to do something harmful or illegal was made in secrecy. So, in other words, we’re looking at what most “BIG” industry out there do on the regular.

  • The oil industry is terrible for the health of the planet, and yet it is not stopped the extraction of crude oil to create what society demands.

  • Let’s take a look at big-pharma, they’re in the business of making money by creating drugs to sustain medical ailments to a minimum. They’re well known for reaping profits while hurting their clientèle. We’ve all seen the commercials for drugs that are supposed to help… they all come with a giant list of side effects, sometimes a lot worst than the original problem. I don’t want to talk about “made -up” problems, that’s a topic that warrants its own post! But so far, between Pfizer and who know who else, the drugs they have created to help with COVID-19 works exactly the same way as ivermectin! Would it be surprising if that had been done for profits?

  • The food industry is knowingly creating harmful products because it sells. Addictive chemicals are injected into our food supply, produce is being grown with dangerous chemicals to create quantity not quality.

Perhaps they’re not conspiring in secret to harm people to amass wealth, but they have positioned themselves in such a way that they don’t have to take responsibility for their actions. When an industry becomes so large that governments lean to favor such industry, we must understand that, in the end deals behind closed doors are being made all the time, even when it is known to harm others.

Definition of conspiracy theory
1: a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators
2: a theory asserting that a secret of great importance is being kept from the public
We pretty much have the same definition from Webster.

I ask you this again: Do you think they have our best interest in mind? Let me know what you think in the comments, we need to have a conversation started on this.




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If you want to know what really is inside this Coconut, take a look at my Humans Of Steemit.

And don't forget… Dreams Come True!


These liars no longer have to keep their story straight because they've gotten the zombies used to constantly conflicting information. Zombies just go with the flow of any info coming in on a certain signal. Doesn't matter what was said the day before. It's bizarre to see my own family members and friends do this. People I looked up to, now cannot think at all.

I know exactly what you mean... the same goes here. A lot of people I respect aropund me are falling for a lot of craziness too