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RE: Eye on the sky - 29 Dec 2018

in #informationwar6 years ago

Howdy and happy new year to you and yours. The trails vary. Some disappear quickly and others last much longer. I've seen them spraying black trails over here and also seen thick black trails from inside a plane being sprayed by another plane that passed by. They do also spray over the sea. This can be seen on some weather charts. They spray wherever is needed to achieve the desired weather change. It's shocking that they do this over our heads whilst saying it's not happening. Here's an example of just one of the weather modification patents. Check out the nasty contents


Howdy again sir steemonkey! well that's amazing, black trails? dang, I've never heard of those, that sounds really bad. They aren't really able to affect the weather much are they? They're just messing the atmosphere up right?

They've been keeping California dry for years by spraying over the pacific causing weather fronts to draw the rain further north. They're owning and using the weather. It is the ultimate weapon. Wet, dry, hurricane you name it. The weather seems to have been controlled for 9/11. Lots of evidence for this in Dr Judy Wood's book 'Where did the towers go?' and on It's a deep rabbit hole and it goes back a long way.

Howdy tonight sir steemonkey! well it's probably not night time there though but anyway I'm thankful that we can still get some information online, I've heard her referrenced quite a few times and that book.. amazing. but scary at the same time!

It is indeed quite scary. But the old saying about evil men prospering when good men do nothing rings true here. They rely on public ignorance to do what they do so I will always try to be informed and help inform others when necessary. We all need to know what's happening for the sake of future generations. Have you read the Georgia Guidestones?

Howdy today sir steemonkey! yes sir, the Georgia Guidestones lays it out pretty clearly on what their intentions are don't they? I forget what number they want to reduce the world's population to but it's something like a half billion or is is a half million? It's genocide to get there, which ever number it is. Why they put that out for everyone to see is what I don't understand. Do you know why they did that?

It is half a billion. They hide in plain sight and leave their messages everywhere. Revelation is important to them as it unburdens them of responsibility. These people are dark occultists. Make no mistake, we are ruled over by a very dark priest class. Did you know that rats fed on GM corn became infertile at the third generation?