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RE: How long has the Left controlled the FBI? Let's start looking for evidence.

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

Hoover dies in the middle of the Watergate nonsense, or pretty close to it. Everybody was covering their asses LOL.

I'd put it at the beginning at the Church Committee ( which cought out COINTELPRO and the CIA shenanigans at the same time)... a lot of the old guard were put out to pasture

The FBI was definitely anti-leftist, and loud about it up until then. I'll add more to this in the next install


I'd put it at the beginning at the Church Committee... a lot of the old guard were put out to pasture

And on the defensive.

The FBI was definitely anti-leftist, and loud about it up until then. I'll add more to this in the next install

Okay. Going into this I pegged them as anti-extremist but I'll see what you say.

they were anti-extremist (the first COINTELPRO kill was of a young woman that was an accomplice to a Klan bomber), but Hoover started out hunting Reds, and he hated them.

You could say with some accuracy that the FBI was a reflection of Hoover until his death....middle class oriented and proper. Hoover was an excellent burrocrat even past the blackmail files, and an excellent media manipulator. He was so tight assed about the appearance of the Bureau that (IIRC) he fired a guy for having a sweaty handshake! Either that, or something similarly outrageous

To your point...

A disease afflicts America today-the disease of extremism. We see extremism of several varieties: left wing extremism (Old Left and New Left); right wing extremism (Minutemen); black extremism(Black Panther Party); white extremism (Ku Klux Klan and antiNegro hate groups)." The mass media each day is filled with charges and countercharges, with accusations and counteraccusations, with one group bitterly assailing and denouncing another group. All too frequently these verbal assaults are reinforced with violent acts: murder,assault, arson, bombings.

Extremism poses a dangerous threat to the integrity of democratic institutions. Every American should be concerned. When individuals or organizations take the law into their own hands, they render a grave disservice to the concepts of civility and legality which hold our society together...

Hoover, J. E. (1969). Study in Marxist Revolutionary Violence: Students for a Democratic Society, 1962-1969, A. Fordham L. Rev., 38, 289.

I doubt he wrote that himself, but he did put those thoughts in his own name