American Legislative Exchange Council. A perfect marriage of corporation and state.

in #informationwar6 years ago

In an effort to classify activism as terrorism the American Legislative Exchange Council has been pushing legislation across the country which will stifle free speech.

This legislation has been framed by the cowards in the mainstream media as critical infrastructure protection legislation, when in effect this model legislation punishes people for organizing protest of pipelines.

The existing laws which relate to vandalism and property destruction have been sufficient for decades, but in the time since the Dakota Access Pipeline camps in North Dakota there has been a growing movement to halt the dangerous and environmentally destructive projects which seek to extract more fossil fuels and hasten global warming through polluting the atmosphere with an even greater load of carbon particles.



This legislation is clearly designed to stifle free speech. The idea that the infrastructure needs protection from peaceful assemblies is ridiculous. People who protest do so knowing that their rights will likely be violated. We take actions which we know to be legal precisely because we know that our activities are closely monitored by law enforcement. The fact that these laws are being framed as protecting infrastructure from terrorist attack lets you know how upside down the politicians and media producers are.



The use of these industry insiders to write legislation is as clear of an example of fascism as there can be, with the definition of fascism being “A perfect marriage of corporation and state”. The politicians make themselves available to special interest groups like ALEC, they invite them to their offices and go to the events sponsored by ALEC. The American Legislative Exchange Council has more influence on writing laws than citizens do.

Groups like the NRA use ALEC to push forward their agendas. The “Stand Your Ground” law was written by the NRA, and ALEC championed it across the country. The use of these non-profit groups to push forward their political agenda is a violation of the standards created for non-profit organizations. Because these groups are funded by industries with deep pockets they are able to shower money on the people who vote on laws, and those legislators are like maggots on shit where lobbyists dollars are concerned. Actually most of the politicians ARE shit. In my opinion these nonprofits are shit too.

Let that sink in for a moment. The use of nonprofit status allows industry insiders to affect legislation. This is only possible because politicians accept graft from these groups. They are willing to take the money in exchange for legislation which doesn’t serve the interests of the voting public. In fact when “We the people” catch wind of the legislation forwarded by these groups there is virtually nothing we can do to stop it. Even when the legislation violates the constitution. Why? Because it’s all legal.



Between the Chamber of Commerce, ALEC and the NRA you get a sense of the type of country we currently live in. However these groups represent only the tip of the iceberg. There are other more entrenched groups of fascists affecting legislation under the auspice of nonprofit organizations. The Heritage foundation, the Foundation for a new america, and the Council on foreign relations, are all special interest groups which pretend to be acting in the interest of the citizens, they create legislation, they lobby legislators, they even get access to the president and military leadership. These groups of wealthy people are one of the most glaring examples of the fascist state. The public does not elect these power players, and they exist outside of oversight and regulation. They are in effect above the law.

I believe we are well past the point of pretending we live in a free country. We live under authoritarian rule with the guise of capitalism. The ongoing use of for profit prisons has lead to a legal landscape shaped by nonprofits like the prison guards union. These unions have caused people to be detained without trial or charge. The use of three strike laws and mandatory minimum sentencing has taken away much of the judges ability to affect sentencing. These legal standards for judgement were created by for profit prisons and were implemented by legislators who are sellouts.



We consistently render our goodwill to a corrupt system which has abandoned it’s checks and balances in the interest of creating more profits for their corporate handlers. The state capitals and legislative bodies are not accessible to the average citizen where influencing legislation is concerned People are further disenfranchised by gerrymandering and election fraud carried out by Diebold and Seneca voting machines, again in a strictly legal sense they are obeying the law.



The question for the citizens of the USA is how far does our society have to drift from the moral high ground before we acknowledge that there is a need for dramatic change. Is the current situation with migrant children being given over to human traffickers enough of stain on our nation’s reputation for the “We the people” to stand up and halt the criminal behaviors of these immoral and profit driven institutions? Or will we continue to stand by?

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You want to know how government works in America... it doesn't, at least not on the federal level. The feds abuse their power constantly, as they are above the law, and hold no accountability whatsoever. Whenever you hear one our our "leaders" in the federal government speaking about something that sounds good, it usually isn't in our best interest at all. They twist the facts to sound in our favor using dirty rhetoric discovered through MK Ultra, effectively brainwashing our citizens into believing in things that are just plain wrong most of the time. They are wrong for us as a populous, wrong for the other non-American citizens they are usually also affecting, and wrong for the Earth. This is why many people think geo-engineering (chem-trails) are a good idea, when we should be focusing on limiting the use of fossil fuels, as we now posses the alternative energy technology to not have to use them any longer.

And like you said, the average citizen has no power over legislation in this country. Only if you are in a family with old money/political influence can you affect policy. If we the people object to legislation, it always falls on deaf ears, unless our objections somehow benefit another major political influence.

If we go the route of a full scale revolution, I believe it will come to another civil war, which will share some similarities to our first one. There would once again be siblings fighting each other on both sides of the line. The police force and military would split in two, as not every police officer/military member is so obedient that they would imprison or kill their own family for unjust causes.

I hope that we can somehow remove our federal government peacefully, and give more power back to the state and local governments to customize law more specific to the needs of its people in any particular region. We can still work together without a federal government oppressively regulating our community interactions. I hope it does not come to another civil war, but realistically, that is what the American government is best at, so it most likely will at some point. Only we the people, can decide when enough is enough together, and likely fight the war to end all wars, as Nostradamus and Edgar Casey have predicted. I am not however looking forward to this scenario, and we must exhaust every last option first before using this last resort. Blessings.

And like you said, the average citizen has no power over legislation in this country. Only if you are in a family with old money/political influence can you affect policy. If we the people object to legislation, it always falls on deaf ears, unless our objections somehow benefit another major political influence.

I agree with you. Isn't it the government supposed to be a govt. of, by and for the people? I believe most of big corporations have the power over legislation in the country, not only here in the US, but it does happen to a lot of countries as well, like in my home country.

This organization has perverted that through bribing elected officials and writing laws for the politicians to pass which benefits the corporate owners of the legislatures and screw over the people they are supposed to represent.

The corporations have complete control over governments now, major corps are above government on the power chain at this point. So in essence, the governments are now corporations.

Haha right! And citizens are now like 👻

Citizens are like sheep and cattle for slaughter, unless you are of other use as a farm animal.

From education (private schools, corporate owned ones... to Social Security privatization... it's all about getting their corporate hands on PUBLIC MONEY! grrrrrrrrrrrr!

...its the illusion of public money.

Unfortunately, intertwined into their plans is a fear programming protocol that creates further isolation and lack of conflict resolution but thats just a very watered down observation.

I will say this...if you take a look at the global powers and how long they last...the time is up...unless we can stop it somehow


where did you find this graph?

I first saw it a couple years ago posted by @zerohedge on twitter, I just recently found it with a quick google search. There are a couple...this one was here...

There are a few, just search "global reserve currency timeline"

Those are really interesting stats, thank you for sharing. It looks like the U.S. is almost SOL, I already knew that but this graph confirms it.

Wow @heyimsnuffles with the solid analysis as always!

@tawasi Thank you for this piece. Am not an American and can't really say clearly what's happening in your country but from what you just wrote, I can say it's a common trend all over the world. But let me be more precise about my country Nigeria.

  • The people in Government use the media to water down matters and make it appear so light to the people who are not within the country.
    Like in my country, the killings in various states is just excess but the media make it appear so light. The recent visit my country's president to the white house, the media team from Nigeria were strictly given warning not to ask the US president too many questions that will make him question the our own president. So the use of the media is a general issue.
  • Talking about the Laws being made. The politicians tend to create laws that look as though it's for the interest of the people but when you consider the laws critically, they are made with for political gains and ambitions. If that trend must be corrected, it will need the joint effort of the masses to say no to it. Else, that circle will continue and what is crying will keep crying. And if the Federal Government holds more then nothing might never change as well.

This is my view about this. @dynamicshine and @dynamicgreentk

In the Philippines, it's so obvious that the media favour a particular political party. For example, in the current administration, reports of extrajudicial killing have penetrated the local and international news, because the media sensationalised all these murders and they blame it on President Duterte. Whereas, during previous term under a different president, how rampant the industry of illegal drugs was unheard of. We have only been finding out about this report when Duterte succeeded the presidency. He is the only one who is brave enough to fight against corruption in the government and to have this war against drugs.

I know that it's out of topic of @tawasi's post, but I am just sharing my views based on your comment @inspiredgideon1 with regard to media trying to making things light in your country.

It's all about selfish reasons that such things are allowed and no one is able to say anything about it. Even the judiciary have being bought over and there seem no one is standing for the truth any longer.

They don't say anything or stand up for the truth because they're afraid they will lose their influence or favour from their political party, higher ups, etc.

everything is just because of the root cause: Money, Power and Fame.

I'm thinking to myself sometimes, the more I get older, the less I value of the things that don't really matter when I leave this earth, and I'm only 32 years young lol... don't they think about that too at some point in their life? i just couldn't fathom how desperate these greedy people are in order to get what they want.

Yea, the use of power and fame seem more important to them. The president of my country is over 80 years old, i just sit to wonder what a man of 80 years is still looking for in power even at his age.

many are in offices, abusing the power they have but forgetting that there is time for death or even before death, they will leave that power and another takes over it.

When people really understand they will not be in power forever then I think many things will start going the right way.

I don't really know anything about American Legislative Exchange Council or what agenda they are trying to push or advocate. I need to dedicate a time just to read something about this so I will be able to make a comprehensive comment. But I'd like to share my thoughts about some of the statements in your post, @tawasi.

In an effort to classify activism as terrorism the American Legislative Exchange Council has been pushing legislation across the country which will stifle free speech.

Problem with politicians is that they're always trying to push their agenda to benefit themselves from the change in policies, laws or legislations. They will label an particular action as "terrorism", e.g. protest, so that whether it is nonviolent or otherwise, people will not be encouraged to engage in such protests for fear that they will violate the law which renders extreme punishment when committed.

Then, what happens now to the "Land of the free"? People won't even have the liberty or freedom to express their opinion even through peaceful assemblies they voice their opinion, for example, their objection to building new infrastructure, that will be labelled as a form of terrorism. Please correct me if I am heading towards the wrong train of thought.

We take actions which we know to be legal precisely because we know that our activities are closely monitored by law enforcement. The fact that these laws are being framed as protecting infrastructure from terrorist attack lets you know how upside down the politicians and media producers are.

Politicians are way too paranoid! They need to cover their bases, I guess, and protect their future projects from any obstruction.

Even when the legislation violates the constitution. Why? Because it’s all legal.

Legislators will even push forward amending and changing the constitution, if they find loopholes. But even if there weren't any loophole, they'll create one so they can change the constitution which the forefathers of the American Constitution meticulously designed and passed for all the present and future citizens of your "democratic country."

I believe we are well past the point of pretending we live in a free country. We live under authoritarian rule with the guise of capitalism.

Freedom is not absolute, unfortunately. Freedom of speech and even freedom of religion suddenly becomes compromised when it is contradicting the views of the majority.

& I am fully aware of how unjust the private prison system is. I was wrongfully imprisoned for 36 days, extradited through 6 different facilities spanning across 4 states, including the federal prison transfer center in Oklahoma. I started in Florida, then was chained head to tow, purposely sleep deprived, and thrown on a rickety plane to Oklahoma confiscated from international drug smugglers with serious felons, some of which had life sentences for murder, child molestation, and rape. After spending two weeks in that PRISON, I was sent back on the plane again, chained up and sleep dep'd to Pennsylvania, where I eventually was transported by van to DC jail in Washington, DC. All of this for a misdemeanor drug charge that I wasn't even guilty of. When I finally got to court in DC I explained that the charge was supposed to have been dropped 4 years ago, and they only recently put out a warrant for me, which made no sense. They said my previous pre-trial probation officer made a mistake on my community service paperwork that made it look like it was incomplete. Apparently my old P.O. had been FIRED! They would not tell me why, but they immediately dropped my charge and violation, and is not on my record. However to this day there is still arrest photos and online articles about my case, making it look like I was found guilty, and those sites make you pay to remove the info. It would cost me thousands of dollars, as there are several web sights like this, which I am sure are all attached to the prison system itself. Just another way for them to make money I guess, how it is not libel though is beyond me. Suing the feds would be a scary ordeal to get reparations, and although I have considered it, I probably will not unless I find one hell of a lawyer to protect me. I was also in one of the worst jails in Florida, Marion County Jail, that has a reputation for its overweight guards raping the inmates. I am so grateful I made it out of all that safely.

Umm why wouldnt you sue? With @adamkokesh on yourside anything should be possible!

Because fighting the feds is like getting in a boxing ring with Evander Holyfield, and they will put every detail of my life on blast. It sounds great until reality hits, the courts are their turf, judicial and executive are the same these days, there are no checks and balances anymore. Don't forget that supreme court justices are appointed by the President.

oh wow..I appreciate you sharing this chapter of your life and I'm sorry to hear you had to go through this ordeal. Do you know the reality tv show 60 Days In? believe me or not @dynamicgreentk and @elamental, I have watched the whole season 1 and 2. I just got curious of how people in jail live their life there. It's terrible! When you're a new mate, everybody is looking at you to death. They will intimidate you..they have to know your character if you're an easy guy or not. You should earn their respect and trust that you're not an "asset". If you're weak, you're dead! I mean, not literally as to what I've watched on tv. But damn! you have to witness the catfights/brawling each day. It's traumatizing. And the food - there's this what they do.. they exchange foods? or they use their food as payment to what ever favor they'd do for someone. Then you have to share everything in one room. i don't know it's too much for me. But I finished everything up to the confrontation or open forums of the 60 Days In actors.

I'm really glad you made it out of all that safely @elamental. I believe not everyone got jailed deserved to be there and this is something that the government needs to carefully look into. They should protect each individual's right. Or else, somebody has to suffer for false imprisonment.

I don't know if i'm making sense but that's just what I've observed from that reality tv show. But I'm definitely sure not everything what's happening inside was captured.

Some of this is correct, but I would not base my view of being imprisoned from a reality show on tv. The fighting, brawling, and power struggle thing you mentioned only really applies to maximum security prisons, unless you act like a complete idiot in the jails or min. security. Jail is not completely like they make it out to be on tv, although some of it is. The food is not real food, that part is true. If you don't have money for commissary on your books, you are forced to eat the low quality fake meat tofu and microwaved frozen beans they provide you. Also, the meals provided on trays 3 times a day is technically less calories than is required by the human body daily, so you pretty much have to get commissary eventually. But even when you do, commissary is mostly junk food, candy, and Raman noodles, so not really any better than the trays, just more calories (but not the right kind). It is also true that food is used as a bartering tools, but that mostly applies to commissary items unless it is during meal time, and people trade meal items on their trays... just like back in grade school. The way my high school was set up reminded me of a prison, especially since it had very few windows and florescent lighting that never seemed to turn off.

I can imagine you were shaking most of the time due to less calories your body was taking in. That was a horrible experience that one could ever deal with..eating food that isnt even considered a food... yikkeees!

More like fuzzy brain syndrome, while feeling more passive and docile all the time. They make the food like that on purpose to better control the inmates. When the low quality food actually causes more issues than it prevents.

Remember that reality tv is about as real as our government says they are (for the people by the people, mmmhmm).

Reality tv isnt real after all smh.. XD my husband caught me watching that reality tv show and he's like "why are you watching these stuff??" HAHAHAHA! Because to him, it's very unusual for ladies to watch stuff like that. I should be watching Pretty Little Liars, Mean girls, Once upon a time.. LOL ok im waaaayy too off to topic but I enjoyed talking to you, @elamental. Have a great day!

You as well, bless.

What reality tv were you watching, @dynamicshine? Haha!!! You should quickly switch to Bloomberg or any documentary channel when there's a chance that your husband walks past and sees you. Haha!!! Just kidding!!!

I totally agree with him, though. Don't watch them. They're just a bunch of garbage.

@elamental, news programs are reality TV. Too much drama and too much hypocrisy. But I'm giving the benefit of the doubt that most of them actually report the truth of what really goes on behind closed doors of those seated in the government, and not just trying to ruin someone's credibility and reputation.

Hubby is always watching Bloomberg A LOT! to the point i got jealous one time because I thought he just wants to see that Korean news anchor! ahahaha

I was watching "60 Days In" last year. I just got curious lol. I wanted to compare the jail system between the US and in the Ph. I got hooked up watching whahah.. i dont know why.. just one of the craziness in me i guess! XD

This legislation has been framed by the cowards in the mainstream media as critical infrastructure protection legislation, when in effect this model legislation punishes people for organizing protest of pipelines.

Read this this morning (not even faint dawn shows yet on the eastern horizon) ... and laughed bitterly, because it is so unbelievably true. Bless you for your clear and courageous voice.

It is amazing isn't it? How most of the public is treated like pawns in a big chess game. Crypto has a very good chance at giving the power back to the people if the cards, or pieces are played right :)

I just read an article yesterday about the impending global crypto coin. How it will be used to squeeze out the other coins.

global crypto coin...who is going to run that...which government entity? lol They can't even agree on trade tariffs

I think governments in most countries operate at the behest of big business and corporate interests. I like your tag "kleptocracy" because that's exactly what it is.
I am also deeply concerned about private prisons, which are also operating in the UK. It's a racket where prisoners provide cheap labour for big business. And unless things change, I think an increasing number of those prisoners will be peaceful political activists.

The for profit prison industry is behind the migrant crackdown we see here in the usa. Their finger prints are directly on the legislation which criminalized undocumented immigration.

The people who use nonprofit status to create political change are violating the law and some have even had lawsuits filed against them for their political bias. Our kelptocracy has been built into the fabric of the legal landscape. It is going to be difficult to affect change here. But we will continue to stand up.

Totally agree with you about the criminalisation of migrants - that definitely happens in the UK too, and I believe it allows migrants to be exploited. As for nonprofit status, we don't have that exact classification in the UK, but I looked into it a while ago, as I was curious about how some "charitable foundations" operated regarding taxation. It certainly is a murky area.

I wish i new more about these issue really regarding taxing and “non profit” and other organizations...and the bottom line is that since I don’t know it is likely the average person doesn’t know which in turn shows there are way too many loopholes and issues in this complicated system.

The press is meant to investigate these issues and report on them for people who are not expert in these matters and who don't have time to look into them. But these days the mainstream media is the mouthpiece of big business, so it's left to the independents to look into these things.
When I was a child growing up in the UK, the news was about things like the Poulson bribery scandal, the Jeremy Thorpe case etc - the mainstream media was far from perfect then, but they were actually doing some important investigative work. Now it's just full of propaganda nonsense with massive corruption going unnoticed or occasionally mentioned in local newspapers.

The media pushes their own agenda instead of investigative journalism. I completely agree. It’s irritating and one of the reason we cut the cord and don’t watch tv anymore is because i get more news from twitter and steem than i do from media stations.

Me too - I stopped watching TV in 2012, and I've never missed it. Occasionally I take a look at BBC Online. It's funny - when I wrote that reply, I'd just had a quick look at BBC Online and there was a story about a murdered Russian dissident journalist. I thought "Here we go - more anti-Putin propaganda".
I had another look at BBC Online this evening, and the latest headline is that the "murdered journalist" walked into a press conference, and Ukraine admitted that they had staged the "murder"! The mainstream news is becoming increasingly bizarre. It's almost like a Monty Python comedy.

HAHAHA I read that storyline as well. Kinda freaky! I "read" they didn't even tell his wife which is brutal! I am going to start looking at BBC online then...if you gav eup the cord 4 years before me it must still be "alright" hehe

@natubat, What tv news channel can you recommend me to watch that you think is reliable and no bias at all? Or, are all media the same?

At the top of that food chain are the 5 or 6 family dynasties that own nearly every single Central Bank in the entire world. They have convinced the world that debt is money and have successfully acquired more power and wealth than the other 99.99999% of the population.


The same 6 corporations that edited the bible some 1000+ years ago.

The 1% controlling 99% of the world's wealth, Skull and Bones. Now Trump is proposing that all currencies should be formed into one world currency, and hold equal value, but of course will not give an equal amount of them to everyone. More of the same if they push that through, I hope to God they do not.

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That would be neat to insert people or rather "steemians" into the train image!

That would be awesome! Make it happen @thesteemengine!

We can disagree on a few points, but still totally agree on the big picture you have laid out, if it's OK with you...

  • I personally don't believe in man-made global warming mainly because that term came from the same kleptocracy you tell about in the post. I knew in the 90's they were going to bring out this mantra to put a tax on CO2 as just another way to line their pockets with our money. But that's OK if you've fallen for the propaganda because they are very good at what they do...
    • "They" have spun a web of deceit that encompasses the entire world. They own all the "mainstream" media outlets, the school book publishers, all the major corporations of the world, and even the fiat money in your pocket. They hire disinfo specialists to control discussions on social media (yes, even here on Steemit) and pretend to be experts on what is #fakenews or not (Ex. They have infiltrated every organization. A perfect example is Libertarian Party presidential candidate Bill Weld. Really? He thinks statist puppet Hillary would make an excellent POTUS. For him to have been VP candidate last time and POTUS candidate this time is proof the LP has been infiltrated...
      • They have several strategies to use against us. One of their most effective is divide and conquer. Left vs. right. Rich vs. poor. 1 race vs another race. and on and on and on. That's why I care not if we disagree on 1 piece of the puzzle, when we can both look at the big picture and realize we are on the same page.

Global warming exists. We can agree on that correct? And man has escalated and sped up the issue correct? There is no way that looking atthe facts you can believe that the earth is not heating up faster due to advancement and energy usage by humanity.

Just dropping by to say HI and "You're doing great!" I'm just reading here.. I can't comment anything about the topic but I am learning from you guys! :) thanks

If you compare the earth's global climate change to that of mars, it will be very similar. Perhaps, the biggest common denominator between the 2 is the sun and not "man-made."

  • I'm all for clean energy and such. But the global warming mantra hasn't been about bringing that out so much as it was an opportunity tried by the elite to institute carbon credits which would have made them even richer by taxing people who "pollute" CO2, like every human who breathes...

My generation was supposed the indigo children and crystal children. We were being led down the path of saving the earth with shows like captain planet and yes for how violent of a show it was power rangers. Shows with themes of saving Earth. Than bam, I think it was the 99' or '00 super bowl when we were force feed hummers and SUVs and gas. Then magically we are devastating middle east countries and draining their oil resources... It's sad as I see more autism than ever. 90 vaccines the CDC wants my kids to have by 6 years old??? I was required to have 5 growing up. I'm 33. It's sad seeing the dumbing down happening at a rapid rate amongst our society.


Much truth there @dynamicgreentk!

  • The web of deceit is everywhere you look with open eyes. "They" do seem able to lead the public around by the nose in any direction they want to take us. If you follow the money in the medical industry as we currently know it, you find it was a scam started by the Rockefellers. A prime example is making natural CBD oil from an herb illegal, but granting patents to their lab created CBD look-alike drugs. All those vaccines and we are not healthier than ever? We are told not to pay attention to centuries of successfully using herbs and natural medicine, in fact, we are told that is "alternative" medicine. What? No, this new a-drug-for-every-ailment (but don't pay attention to the side effects) medicine is the alternative. Back in the day, parents would take their kids around sickness such as chicken pox, so they could catch it and let their body naturally build an immunity.
  • It seems Idiocracy wasn't fiction, but actually a documentary of where we are headed! haha Kids are not taught how to learn, they are taught to pass tests. They are taught not to question authority. It is refreshing to run into a group of critical thinkers such as the Dynamic Steemians! Gotta love the Internet!

I appreciate your kind words! I actually knew a cannabis grower who would use Gatorade for the salts in it and of course the electrolytes. I never understood it. Are there salts in Gatorade? He would also proclaim 'im coco cranking!' Making reference to his coco substrate he used for growing with chemicals. #notillarmy for life holmes...

Kids are not taught how to learn, they are taught to pass tests. They are taught not to question authority.

I'm glad I work in a school where we encourage children to ask questions, and not focusing entirely on passing standardised tests. Social and emotional aspects of learning are also important for any child to succeed and grow up to be critical thinkers.

But Roundup and the eccentric kids go hand in hand with growth... Blame the chemical companies yea? Now stop using weed products because laziness... Oh wait.. laziness.. let the problem continue (;

regarding that vaccine @dynamicgreentk, you know what, the US embassy in the Philippines requires everyone to get immunized regardless if your child had some of them before.. so, my two kids received 6 shots each before we got here in the US. My son got really sick few days before our flight and suffered terribly the whole time on the plane. But, of course I had to abide the law, it's just scary seeing your kid get those 6 shots all at the same time! :'(

Its crazy, im glad your kids are ok!

Yea i was glad we survived that flight and son had recovered quickly..

Sometimes I can start to agree with other parents that refuse to have their children immunised, they're totally against immunisations. However, for them to receive the Centrelink privileges and benefits, one of the requirements is that their children are immunised.

Those that are against it blame autism on these vaccines. Is there really a high statistics of children with autism because they receive these 90 vaccines compared to the ones that did not get immunised?

Stratospheric Aerosol Injections are killing us and the ozone rapidly.

It is ironic isn't it...killing what keeps us alive?

Hey man you are amazing! Who are you! I'm always blown away by your intelligence! @wizardave


Just a guy who has spent a few decades peeking down the rabbit hole... haha

Follow the White Rabbit! hehe

If the cat talks to you don't listen to him!

I second the motion XD

Being a US citizen, I couldnt agree more! The recent news of the government "losing" children that were ripped away from their parents is a breaking point. Its truly sad how many people just turn a blind eye to it. Its sickening what the government did to the protesters of the pipeline. And what happened just months after??.... the pipeline leaked, just like what was said would happen. And again, people turn a blind eye. What is it going to take for Americans to realize we are ruining our world? At this point I dont know. But I will continue to fight for what I believe, I will continue to show up at every election to make my small voice heard. And Ill upvote and resteem this post... your straight up and blunt voice should be that of every single person who lives here. Thanks for the great post!

The oil tycoons have much wealth and power by being some of the most corrupt scammers ever. Their first scam was calling it fossil fuel. The next biggest was the fake shortages of the 70s. And the oil for USD deals they made with OPEC. If you've never heard of Lindsey Williams, you might like the info from my post about the oil industry among other things... America has an abundance of petroleum and natural gas, yet here it is summer when people want to travel and up go the gas prices due to fake shortages again.

  • Dirty rotten scoundrels...

Exactly! Its funny how we always end up with a shortage right around the time people want to travel... Dirty rotten scoundrels indeed!

It is funny that you bring up the tycoons and OPEC. The price of oil is the biggest manipulated commodity I have ever seen in trading. It is crazy how they hide supply and demand to the rest of the world

They are milking us dry...

You mean supply and demand? Increase price when everyone travels. Everyone is doing it, to capitalism!!

Are you saying the price of oil barrels should correlate to the price of gas at the pump?

Oil should go away. Same for coal.

Well lets not forget the American medical lobbists and how they influence our government way more than oil with 2x more funding to our politicians than the oil industry.

Yes, that's true. Isn't it amazing we allowed the "government" to take over 1/6 of our economy by pushing through ObamaCare?

  • The energy sector is only about 1/2 the size of the health care industry...
    So your 2x more is probably right on target.

I as well continue to show up at every election, the people will win and it has already been seen in America the movement that can be made if people begin to “rise up” and actually get off their ass and have a voice.

Yes! This new movement involving the younger generations is just what we need. Its a beautiful thing! Makes me a little more optimistic about the future... All the old money just needs to die out. Them assholes live for ever!

A little under 60% of Americans voted last federal election which is impressive. However,


#'s are essentially the same for young voters. The voters 62 and older did drop by 1%
But I found this pretty interesting! Off topic, I know...


True... THey have realized they have a voice and it can be heard if they scream loud enough. Now they just need to realize they can make an actual difference if they show up and vote! A lot of them are reaching the age where they can, hopefully they do! As for the white women... Ill gladly label myself Puerto Rican (which I am, even though my Polish side shows more) with that stat! Freakin white women....... LOL

Puerto Rico is a beautiful place like your family!

Why thank you! One day Im going to visit my home land! One day...

Most Americans were put into submission with debt and fear after 9/11. We now have the peak stage of millennials emerging as adults. A generation is 30 years. Millennials are circa 1980-2010. This current group of 'peak' millennials who are now adults knows nothing of liberty, freedom, and rights. In the post 9/11 world, they care more about oppressing others, taking away rights, and having entitlements(thanks Obama...i had to!🤑).


Haha! Welllll... I was born in 1985... Im what you call a Millennial. I was brought up in more of a "damn the man" family! lol Youre right though, so many of my peers dont give a single shit about anything political. And when they try to act like they do, they get it ALL wrong. I dont really understand why... maybe its that they were taught to just accept what is thrown at them, whether its right or wrong. Its pretty sad really, they just bend over and take it. The last election was proof of this in my town. Although I live in a town of 24,000 people, we have a lot of the Millennial crowd but also loads of old money, the ones that just wont die that I was talking about yesterday! We have a community college so we get a lot of the younger crowd coming into the town. The numbers of the younger generations that showed up was disgusting. The voting station was ON CAMPUS!!! And they still didnt show up!

We are considered 'old' millienials. '80-'89: old millennial

Actually, no, no I dont have to fit into any line! Ill make my own damn line! LOL

I love to walk the line!

Oh shit, Ive never been called "old"! LOL It had to come at some point! ;)
I had NEVER considered myself a Millennial, I guess thats why but I have to fit in line somewhere!

Wow. That's some serious money talking to shut down all opposition.... Thanks for sharing these issues.

Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment.

Looking at the people behind these companies you find billionaires and multinational banking companies.

The same 6 corporations that have been controlling the world for thousands of years...supposedly.