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RE: The Death of Free Speech in UK.(Free Tommy Robinson)

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

For those who want world governance..The NWO if you like.
Yes, the book by Douglas Murray..Another speaker of the truth. he used to be a regular commentator in our media. He said "less Islam is advisable" and he was hounded and then dropped from commentary. He is director of a think tank called "The Henry Jackson Society".
It's probably too late for most of western Europe. The maths make it a certainty...
Thanks your input.....

We Are The Resistance!


So, I don't understand, is the common man asleep in the UK or what. I guess we are no different here. We've had something like 28 million Hispanics flood into the country and still most people are oblivious. We are witnessing the fall of the West and we do nothing. Amazing.

You are right in your assessment. The "common man" as you described it have been dumbed down with the cult of celebrity and the internet and games. They have been given cheap alcohol and the OK to use it. Our universities have been taken over by liberals from the radical left and our children taught nonsense.
And like you said, this isn't just in Britain, the same is happening in the US. You have the advantage of being larger and easier to go off grid.
There are some of us trying to educate people but we are being silenced.
The liberal left try to just denounce us as racist as they are in league with the Islamists. They all have the same goal, the downfall of capitalism.
We will fight when we need to.

Isn't it obvious to you? They are replacing the working class with muslims. They can be controlled they think by controlling the mosques..

You should be worried by the example of Europe. When DJT is gone they will carry on their agenda in the US.

Thanks for your honest comment..

I don't know what the percentages are of those in the US that are "awake" but not enough yet to fend off the tide of liberal BS. Most people, like everywhere else in the "West" just simply go about their lives, working, watching football, eating too much, etc. Which is fine. It is what it is.

I think if I were a Christian i'd be going to church and looking forward to the second coming of Christ when all the evil ones get toasted. But, alas, I'm not. But this reminds me of the old movie Fiddler on the Roof. Remember when all the Jewish villagers were packing up getting ready to leave? Here is the conversation I was thinking of: Motel: Rabbi, we've been waiting for the Messiah all our lives wouldn't now be a good time for him to come? Rabbi: I guess we'll have to wait someplace else.

The problem is... where? the evil spreads like a cancer. I know one of your former compatriots @deliberator has moved to Poland to get away from the UK. Who would ever have thought of such a thing 10 or 20 years ago? And now here in the States there is a growing number of people moving to South America. But they have $$ and are generally more mature folks with no young children. Me? I can't afford to move across the street. And, I'm probably going to stay and fight the fuckers... if I can. Blessings.

Well, god bless. Keep up the fight.

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