Impeachment Finale

In his final argument in favor of impeachment, Adam Schiff, a proven congenital liar, gave another lengthy diatribe

The theme of this diatribe was “It is midnight in Washington.” I can only imagine that senators forced to again listen to another of Adam’s long-winded harangues were thinking that Adam would drone on until midnight once again.

Later in Adam’s seemingly endless monologue, Adam dramatically said that brave senators should rise and say:” Enough.”

I imagine that most senators agreed, and wanted to rise from their seats and scream “Enough!”

“Shut up, Adam!”

As the senate reaches its final decision, the senators should keep in mind the famous comment of Johnny Cochrane (another former prosecutor from L.A.) (Adam began his career as a prosecutor in L.A.)

Because senators should think that, if the charges against President Trump are as most Americans believe, total Schiff lies and nothing more than a crock of sh.., “You must acquit.”

Following the acquittal vote, Mitch McConnell, The senate majority leader, should stand before the senate and tear up the impeachment documents ceremoniously signed by sourpuss, Nancy Pelosi, and delinquently (but dramatically) marched across the hall between the 2 chambers.